


Here’s some concept art from the beginning of planning for the season of flight. It hit me with inspiration. One thing me and my rp partners enjoy doing is expanding on the world of sky. Skyblr, do your thing, for me. If this post comes across your dash, reblog it with AS MUCH concept art as possible, ESPECIALLY environmental concept art! I want to get better at building environments in my art, so feel free to reblog with your favorite places to rest at in the live game too!

Here are some concept arts from season of Abyss!!! I wanted to add them on to this old post instead of making a whole new one lmao


me n my friend studying to be gardeners so I drew abt yesterday’s visit to ark




Sky and its growing hostility toward the disabled.

I love sky game. I adore the idea and the cosmetics and I love the friends I made in the game. Its been a wonderful experience.

But also one I struggle with a ton. Cause this game is actively hostile toward the disabled.

With the new update on the ui for friendship constellations, I find it harder and harder to turn a blind eye to this.

To start with that, the ui i find is much harder to visually navigate. I genuinely have a hard time telling who is lit and who isn’t. I cant easily tell who has lit me back either. Not only that but they recombined the buttons for both the realm ui and the friendship one. And instead added a switch. Its honestly a mess this new change that disregards people with visual issues and processing issues.

And also to continue, the idle timer is also a horrible change. I get they want to promote more interactions but they are actively excluding people with this change who are too busy or just unable to actively play sky for long. Having the idle timer makes these new idle spots they keep adding useless!

Many of my friends have burnout from sky from having to actively play. I have burnout too. And I know I and some of my other friends also struggle too due to mental illness preventing us from trying. These idle spots would be amazing for us if we didn’t have the idle timer.

Another issue is graphical options! There’s barely any! No one can adjust how much bloom they want. No one can adjust the brightness. Some areas are so horrifically dark I have to turn my brightness up only to turn it back down in others cause the bloom and light is searingly painful. Not to mention the issues with flashing in dark areas with firework staff and spells and certain emotes. (And worse yet from hackers spamming bright effects)

As a side issue to tack onto this: there is no way to report unlit people either so we have no way to report hackers who are smart enough not to let people light them which is a legitimate danger when one of them decides to spam bright effects.

I could list more issues like the unavoidable camera spin toward a spirit when you unfortunately get stuck into the memory process you didn’t initiate, the inability to adjust the ui in anyway to accommodate for that specific person, that fact they don’t even have a proper feedback center and urge to to dump whatever you have to them on their socials where it could very easily be ignored or drowned out due to the nature of socials.

On one hand sky is such a wonderfully lovely game where you can make life long friendships and can bridge the gap between distances, but the other is that this game is growing more and more harsh toward people with disabilities. There is nothing in this game that is accommodating EXCEPT like the audio sliders they added which should have been a thing from the start.

So again dont get me wrong I love sky game. I made such wonderful friends in the game and the seasons are fun. But im tired of i and other disableds being thrown under the bus with these updates. Literally all of these (aside from the hacker issue) could be fixed if they allowed people multiple options of adjustments that they can use to better their own experience with the game. And also removing the idle timer altogether.

So there is that! Pardon is some parts dont make sense or dont seem right or seem disconnected. Im trying my best to put my thoughts together for this.

Ok to reblog but ableds dont fucking clown on this post. And I mean both physically and mentally abled cause disabled accounts for both.

Finally someone talked about this. Thought I was the only one struggling because of how there’s a lack of people talking about it.

I genuinely love sky with all my heart but with how much they’re messing up with lightning I’m playing it less and less.

I honestly hate the idle timer. I found ways to walk around it but it took me days to found out how each one works. I do understand that it breaks the whole friendship thing, but when a limited time item costs over 100 candles to buy and you have to wait until next year to buy it and the only way I could get candles while focusing on my studies is jeopardize, I genuinely start to considee hacking tools just to keep up.

And I loved the idea of the abyss but I hated how much bloom and blur was in the ocean and how bright it gets when I go up to the surface. So much so that I just didn’t even try to find the winged light in the sea because of how much it strains my eyes.

Not to mention how much we’ve all been urging TGC to have an option for fireworks because of how much flashing lights it can cause when multiple fireworks are fired at the same time. Which is also a problem when days of fortune arrives and when you’re in a dark area. I remembered desperately trying to emote to some skykids to stop firing fireworks at the ancestoe table because it was causing heavy strain on my eyes.

I genuinely hoped that when the option to lower music and sound effects were made available we can find something that turned off the bloom and fireworks settings.

You know what? I’ll add to this. TW for eye surgery\pain mention

A few days ago, I went through eye surgery. Naturally, my eyesight was horrible after it, moreover, looking at anything that is just a tiny bit brighter than the lowest brightness setting on my phone would bring me indescribable pain (that is also the reason I didn’t add to this post earlier despite seeing it before).
My GOD. TO say that even opening Sky was a painful experience is not to say anything.
The new UI of the friendship constellation was absolute hell to navigate through. Because of the new, “modern” (aka minimalistic as fuck), it was impossible to differentiate between the friends I lit and the ones I didn’t, so I ended up having to go through each friend to make sure I lit everyone, while constantly rubbing my tearing eyes from all the shininess of the UI.
Considering how much pain just lighting my friends was, playing the game and participating in the event was simply a huge no.

As my eyes healed and my eyesight became better, I was able to finally navigate the UI, but even then I still struggled. I was able to play the game again, but even though it wasn’t painful anymore, my eyes would constantly tear up still from the insane amount of particles and light. People didn’t even need to set off fireworks - just by running on the grass, resulting in parts of it lighting up and shiny particles getting kicked up, the game created a “blast” of painful light causing a very hard strain on my eyes.

In a few more days, my eyes will go back to normal completely. I will probably play this game as I used to without any pain or discomfort. But I can’t stop thinking about those whose eyesight won’t get better. The ones who suffer from chronic eye problems and pain. For them, things won’t get better, and unless TGC makes the game more accessible for people with such disabilities, they won’t be able to enjoy the game without constant pain and discomfort. And it’s really sad that a game that was created to be enjoyed by everyone gatekeeps people with disabilities simply because the team behind it would rather implement ways that prevent players from gathering wax without grinding for hours on candle runs.

Beta players abhorred the new constellation system. The only person who I have heard genuinely like it was my dad (which I have no idea why he’s blind as a bat) I have hated the idle timer from the very beginning too, it’s genuinely the most pointless thing they added to the game. They don’t want people to make a large amount of candles from the idle spots because they’re a greedy company who wants to make cash off of people who will cave in and buy candle packs because of how hard it is to make a good amount of candles consistently. Candle running every day is exhausting and boring…but the thing is…it’s the only enviornmental interaction in the game that really gives the player any benefit.

Like…wow, I can carry crabs around! Why? What purpose does it serve me as a player? I can’t tame them and keep them as pets, they don’t deterr krill or other crabs, I can’t even carry them to the next area with me, or feed them, or anything! There’s literally no purpose to half the games functions, which makes it extremely frustrating.

Sky is a game where you farm for in game currency to buy in game fashion. Also, if you miss a season! Tough shit. There’s literally no way for you to ever get anything from it guaranteed. The ts system is not randomized, no matter how much they say it is. Highly sought after cosmetics always appear before, during, or immediately after large in game events (again, this is to encourage people to give in and spend real world money on candle packs)

A game that was once enriching and fun during a time where the world was largely isolated (during the deep throes of the covid pandemic where everybody had to remain home unless absolutely necessary) has failed to adjust to changes in the playerbases schedules and changes in the world overall, in addition to their lack of awareness for those who struggle with disabilities that negatively impact their experience with the game because the company refuses to listen to the playerbase in a meaningful way.

People are at work and school now, and cannot dedicate the time necessary to the extremely grueling economy the game has set up. Between the chevron system, the idle timer, the shitty and downright impossible to navigate ui systems, the lack of down time between seasons, and the lack of environmental interactions in game…Sky: Children of the Light has not only become hostile towards disabled people, but has also become hostile towards those who are not so well off financially, and to those who do not have much time to dedicate to the game.

All this, on top of just being very boring whenever there is not something going on or to grind for. If was no TS, Seasons, or Events…what would there be to do? Nothing. There is nothing to do but walk around. It would become a shitty chatroom with 3d avatars that you could dress up. This is a prime example of a B A D G A M E.

As much as I understand not wanting a competitive or survival aspect in a lowkey, and relaxed game…there has to be SOMETHING to keep your playerbase interested, otherwise you’re going to lose them fairly quickly (even without your poor business practices that shun people with disabilities from playing and enjoying your game.)

Also, apologies if this was rambly or took away from the main point. I think myself and much of the rest of the sky community has been frustrated with all the issues combined. Whether you struggle with disability or not, the game is downright unplayable in its current condition, and personally most of my enjoyment of sky comes from fan content rather than the actual game. That really stinks.
