#skyrim anniversary edition


Weirdly specific skyrim question- when leaving dragonsreach do you?

A) use the steps on the way down

B) jump across the waterfall rocks down

C) dive into the pool of water

D) fast travel

E) another way I can’t think of

Building a farm, starting to fish, raising a family. Noctur really is beginning to settle down, sorry skyrim the dragonborn is currently giving up the life of the adventurer.

Yeah for all the hours I have in this savefile, I got up to diplomatic immunity and just stopped the main quest.

I didn’t realise until after I took this screenshot that teldryn just looks like a bored teenager waiting for his parent to stop talking to someone.

Or in this case waiting for me to just take the screenshot already, i didn’t even realise he was in the screenshot when taking it, I spent all my time trying to make the Ash pile look as unannoying as possible.

I’ve been rambling about skyrim for about ten years now, there’s no hope that it will ever end.

Some people aren’t willing to accept that skyrim is a old game.

I am some people, I refuse to call skyrim a old game even if it is a decade old.

Person- “Skyrim is a terrible game”

The person’s skyrim playtime- 800 hours.

Done a quest to get the bow of shadows that makes you invisible. Not only is that useful for the dark brotherhood, its also better stat wise than my current bow.

My bizarre hybrid of spellsword with heavy armor and archer gets stronger still.

Become one with the wall.

Whiterun and the mysterious case of the dragon corpse.

This thing falls from the sky everytime I go through a door into whiterun. Skyrim is a fully functioning game, with absolutely no bugs.

I wonder how many people have stopped playing skyrim because of the giant spiders.

I can imagine that if your scared of spiders the giant one in bleak falls barrow would cause a bit of a scare.

Skyrim question- do you do the tutorial dungeon after Helgen? By that I mean the bandit mine/camp that’s between Helgen and riverwood.

I personally do, gives decent early game loot.

Second skyrim question- do you consider that to be a tutorial dungeon?

I haven’t gone fishing with noctur yet, though that’s mainly because I only just installed the anniversary upgrade in my ps4 version of the game.

One of my next goals in noctur’s savefile is to find all the wild horses.

And collect the last of the added pets.

One day I was trying to get somewhere in skyrim with fast travel disabled (survivor mode). Don’t remember where I wanted to get to, but it wasn’t dawnstar.

I ended up at dawnstar, I should have looked at the map during the journey.

Skyrim begs the question, can you have nostalgia for a game you never stopped playing?

You often get nostalgia when you play something years ago, and then go back to it years later. With skyrim while I played it years ago I never stopped playing it for more than two years.

The pain of finding a cool two handed weapon, when your character doesn’t use them.

The anniversary edition upgrade is great, also teldryn please stop photobombing my screenshots.

Trying to take good screenshots when on a horse in skyrim really shows how much this game needs a photo mode.

I love how skyrim character’s faces look more angry when enemies are nearby.

I was just seeing if the new helmet I found made him look ridiculous and then changing back to the circlet because it did in fact make him look ridiculous. And I was greeted by noctur doing this face.

In other news, I’ve decided that noctur’s circlet is part of his personality and it may never be removed.

My skyrim character now has a giant rat and spider following him plus teldryn.

Can you imagine being a shopkeeper and that wonderful group of beings enter your shop.

Two fully armored warriors with deadly weapons, and a rat and spider.
