#skyward sword



i am once again crying over skyward sword

i beat it for the first time like six years ago and have been replaying the hd version and just beat demise for the second time this playthrough because that fight was so epic i just had to do it again and every time the end credits theme starts i just break

like firstly link kills demise and then comes back and he and groose just start goofing off with each other he is SO PURE i adore him and the entire cutscene with fi and then when those great stone doors open and zelda and groose stare forward in awe and link smiles because he knows the next great adventure lies ahead and then in the credits we see zelda’s side of things and the way she skips through lanayru looking so excited because IT WAS AN ADVENTURE

sobbing in the club tonight

Hehe I got a new gellyroll white gel pen the other day and I really love how opaque the ink is, and it flows super easily!!

Here is my illustration for @thepathofthegoddesszine , done back in summer of 2020!! ^_^

This zine’s theme is to show Zelda’s journey on the surface of Hyrule, below Skyloft~ There are just a few cutscenes in Skyward Sword that showed her adventure and this collaborative project brings it to the foreground~!

I am so incredibly proud of all the artists for their creativity, support, and all round pleasantness and I’m grateful to be part of the project. Loving that Skyward Sword will be released for the switch this year!

I just. Want to talk about how people perceive Sky Link as the hero.

Everyone in Skyloft doesn’t know. They know he’s trying to save Zelda and commend him for that. Only Zelda’s dad knows how intense the situation is, and how he thinks of Link’s capability is based on whether Link says something along the lines of it’s so much… Or I’ll do. He knows Link doesn’t have a choice.

When he gets to the surface, it’s like no one believes him. Even Fi has her funny little one off maybe you aren’t the hero if you fail the silent realms enough. Impa, Faron, all the little creatures you meet… at some point they all doubt him. Old Impa is the only one that doesn’t because she knows. Link is constantly having to prove himself for the status like he’ll be replaced if he isn’t good enough. Like there’s someone else who could take on this job.

Ghirahim, however… Ghirahim knows he’s the hero. That is never in question. Link is the fly that was destined to buzz around his head while he tries to get his job done. It’s not a matter of if you aren’t good enough you aren’t the hero, but a matter of you’re the hero. There’s no one else to do this. You suck anyway. That’s worse.

And then, after all the doubt he was put through, after failing to save Zelda and Demise’s resurrection, Demise immediately acknowledges him as the hero. As better, stronger, braver than any of his kind. And he still failed. He’s given another chance as a funny little courteousy because, wow! Hylia’s only chosen hero. How he failed.I see so many write Demise as wanting to ignore that part of Link, to ignore the connection to the goddess, but it’s the fact that he is the hero and he failed, not that he was the hero and isn’t anymore (leaving hope that someone else may step up and take his place), that hurts him the most.

Which means the three people that never doubted Link’s status as the hero are Zelda, who he thinks he failed multiple times (even if he comes out on top in the end), and his enemies.

Just. I know how the fandom leans into Link hurting because people don’t believe he’s the hero, but people hurting because he is?Underused and I want more of it.

tfw you’re doing the skyloft silent realm and get careless for one (1) second and jump off a ledge and land in that secret disappearing patch of waking water and the last three tears are as far on the opposite end of the fucking island as they could possibly be so you book it in a futile effort and make the most frantic evasive dash of your video game life you fuCKING MAKE IT TO THE NEXT TEAR
