
Dogs in repose…visited my cousin near Houston on Sunday. Did I take selfies of us on the visi

Dogs in repose…visited my cousin near Houston on Sunday. Did I take selfies of us on the visit? Or pictures of her gorgeous home? Pictures of the beautiful flora? Nope. But you bet I took pictures of a couple of her dogs napping.

#doberman #germanshorthairedpointer

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Dogs in repose…visited my cousin near Houston on Sunday. Did I take selfies of us on the visi

Dogs in repose…visited my cousin near Houston on Sunday. Did I take selfies of us on the visit? Or pictures of her gorgeous home? Pictures of the beautiful flora? Nope. But you bet I took pictures of a couple of her dogs napping.

#doberman #germanshorthairedpointer

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The amazing @elvenwickcandles are doing a rep search and this is a company I would LOVE to represent

The amazing @elvenwickcandles are doing a rep search and this is a company I would LOVE to represent!
Hi, I’m Abi, 24, from a little town in North Wales

My main love is reading and all things bookish, but my other passion is Science! I hold a Bsc (Hons) in Forensic Biology, and I take pride in being a woman trained in one of the STEM subjects!

I also love cats, and have a furbaby named Misty aswell as a rescue dog called Shadow .

My favourite authors are Stephen King, V.E Schwab, Sarah J Maas, J.K.Rowling (proud Ravenclaw ) and many more!

Thankyou very much for taking the time out of your day to read My entry and I hope you find me suitable to represent your wonderful candles!
#elvinwickcandlerep3 #elvinwickcandle #elvinwickcandlerepsearch #repsearch #bookish #thelostwitch #melvinburgess #stephenking #sleepingbeauties #lunalovegood #perfectheist #candle #bookishcandle #myfavouritethingismonsters #emilferris #throughthewoods #emilycarroll #crownofmidnight #sarahjmaas #shatterme #taherehmafi #booksbooksbooks #bookishcandles #bookishswag #books #lovereading #bibliophile

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