#sloth moth

SLOTH MOTH (Cryptoses choloepi) ©artour_a A variegated three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegates) comple

SLOTH MOTH (Cryptoses choloepi) ©artour_a

A variegated three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegates) complete with a sloth moth (Cryptoses choloepi), an insect which lives almost its entire adult life in the fur of a sloth.

Sloth moth is a generic term used to refer to coprophagous moths which have evolved to exclusively inhabit the fur of sloths and to use sloth dung as a substrate for the early stages of reproduction.

Sloth moths are considered to get nutrients from the secretions of the sloths’ skin and/or the algae present on the fur as well as protection from avian predators.

Some three-toed sloths have been recorded carrying more than 120 moths in the fur of an individual sloth. Two-toed sloths are recorded as harbouring lower populations. Several different moth species may coexist on the same animal.

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