#small ensemble



…and thank you to our performers and editors<3

- mod Alphys

 "I shall tell you the tragic tale of our strings…“

Newest small ensemble! Thank you to our performers and editors~

And our newest member remix, thank you to our performers and editors <3

-mod Alphys

“You can say goodbye to all of your wonderful mallets. Do as you wish. We will all wait for you here.”

Thank you to all over our performers and editors<3

- mod Alphys

“There’s so little to report that we just fill it with flutes and french horns.”

thank you to our performers and editors<3

- mod Alphys

“The elevator music is in use.“

Our newest song, Hotel~ Thank you to our recorders and editors!

- mod Alphys

newest small ensemble, thank you to all of our performers and editors~

snail ensemble?

Our newest small ensemble, the Home Amella remix!<3

- mod Alphys
