#small simblr


ok so. i don’t know how many people will engage or even care about this but i’ve been thinking about making a discord for smaller cc creators to communicate and help each other out, along with just vibing. i’ve seen a lot of talk about discords with lots of popular creators and i think it would be a cool idea to make one with smaller creators/blogs to support each other and show some solidarity. being a smaller creator can be tough and in my experience it can feel like there’s not much of a community for those who are smaller or haven’t been on simblr for like forever and a year. there’s also been a lot of talk lately about how small and free creators are often sidelined for bigger, sometimes exclusive, content creators and i think it would be really great to have a place where us little guys could talk about our experiences both in and out of the sims world and share our content to use in builds or on sims as opposed to always gravitating towards the large creators because they’re the most visible. so yeah. if you want to join, you can just message me and i’ll write your name down and if enough people are interested then i’ll make it happen! there won’t be any restrictions about size or how often you post you can have like 2 followers and post cc once every 6 months it doesn’t matter this isn’t a place to compare or judge people, just to talk, share tips, and help each other out! larger creators are also welcome as long as you’re willing to throw away any superiority complex you might have and just talk like normal people and support each other. let me know if you’re interested!

The first snow came! The kids ran out to go see it and I just love their cold weather outfits

It’s the next day and Quinn is so close to maxing our the logic skill! But looks like Jessie wants to play too

Random guy at moms party broke Ruby’s dollhouse can you believe this guy?
