

Credit to @hiddencosmos for the edit

Gilmore Girls Story Pairing

       Parker Marlowe is 18 and a new mother, after her own kicks her out calling her a “Disgrace to the family” She ends up in the small town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut. Where her father had secretly bought the girl a house, just so she wasn’t out in the cold. Having been in the girls shoes before Lorelai Gilmore offers her help just as Mia had done for her 16 years ago when she arrived with baby Rory. Parker and Baby Amelia gain support from the tight-nit community they will call home. These people are not just her neighbors, they’re a family she can count on.

      Andrew Mitchell is a hard working 19 year old and had grown up in Stars Hollow his whole life. His father is a friend of Luke Danes, which helped the boy get a job at the diner as his first job. Having worked there for years Luke will leave him in charge of the dinner when he’s away. Andy also helps out Gyspy in the shop in his down time if she’s particularly busy.
