#smooches ur face




how do I tell the dbh fandom to send me art request without telling the dbh fandom to send me art requests?

Oh I have a request for you if you’re interested!

I’d love to see something from A Way Out Of Loneliness in your style. Dealer’s choice, doesn’t have to be smutty but of course it can be

I just had such a visual experience writing that thing so I’d actually die if I could see it, and I will of course accept diversions from canon if you wanna throw Sixty in there

face against the window

wondering why he wasn’t invited

GASPS of course I would love to draw something from AWOL tbh!! I think i’ve had it in the back of my head to do it eventually but i’ve just?? Been caught up in other stuff ❤️❤️❤️

Lmfao oh the Sixty punchline is always just as funny Sorry six!
