#smut angst fluff


Title: Sex Tape - Chapter 7

Ship: Steve Rogers / Reader

Rating: Mature (18+)

Word Count: ~1.8k

Tags: confession of feelings, rocky relationship start, internet bullies, gossip columns, heart-to-heart, angst followed by comfort

AO3 Link

Summary:When a sex tape of Captain America himself gets released, [Y/N] is responsible for fixing his public relations.

A/N: Are you wondering how this can be the second-to-last chapter?

*Previous Chapter*


Once the doors closed, there was a thick tension in the air, and [Y/N] nervously tried to hide her face. It seemed abundantly clear to her at this point that he wasn’t serious about her– why would he be?

He cleared his throat, and suddenly the silence was overwhelming. “[Y/N],” he started, hoping she’d look up at him. After a sigh and a pause of hesitation she did. “I haven’t been… completely honest with you about how I think of you…” He finally admitted. 

Ugh, here it comes, she told herself, wanting to hide away again. 

It seemed like he could tell what she was thinking. “I really care about you… And I’ve been made aware of the fact that you don’t think I could care about you, but you’re wrong. You couldn’t be more wrong.”

“I…” She tried to process his words, but to no avail. “Wait, what are you saying?”

He rolled his eyes but still couldn’t help but smile. “I’m saying I’d love to date you. We could even take sex off the table, if you want.” He wanted to make it clear that his feelings weren’t about that. 

“I…” she stuttered. “Steve, I…” She was just now realizing that everything Bucky had said about Steve being into her hadn’t been an exaggeration, and she didn’t quite know what to do with the information. 

Steve stepped closer to her and hoped that his next gesture might clear things up for her, taking her face in his hands and pulling her in for a tender kiss. When she pulled back to breathe, he told her, “I know I don’t deserve someone like you…” She snickered at his words. “But I’d really like a chance at sharing something real with you…”

The truth was that she’d probably never wanted anything more than a shot with Steve Rogers, but there was too much going on for her to just say yes. “I’d like that too, Steve,” she said, and he let out a sigh of relief. “But… I just don’t think I can right now… I mean… The whole world knows…what…you did…to me…and it’s just…too messy.”

The Captain shook his head in a desperate attempt to convince her otherwise. “I’ll handle all that.”

Now she was shaking her head. “You can’t handle anything. What’s done is done. Nothing can change that,” she said again. “I just don’t see how we could make it work with everything that’s happened… happening.”

“Well, the way I see it… We’ll both be stuck here for a while… Plenty of time to get to know each other– like, actually get to know each other. You could stay with me at my place,” he suggested. 

The woman shrugged. “What do you want to know about me?”

Steve smiled and hit the button for the next closest floor, taking her by the hand and leading her out when it stopped, waiting for the next elevator to go back up. “I want to know everything there is to know.”

“And what if I want to know about you?” she countered with a playful glare. “I’m sure there’s more than what’s in the museums and Avengers files.”

Chuckling, he replied, “Oh, there is. But you have the advantage right now, so I’m not telling you anymore until we’re on common ground.” An elevator up arrived and he stepped back in, holding a hand out for her to take. 

“Fine,” she said with a grin she was failing to hide as she took his hand and joined him in the small space. “What do you want to start with?”

They spent the entire rest of the day together just talking and learning about each other, only pausing when it got dark out and Steve decided it was time to cook dinner, impressing her with his kitchen skills.

“How long have you cooked?” she wondered. 

“Ma taught me when I was younger, before the war,” he replied, serving up the plates. “Nothing fancy, though.”

“This is fancy to me. I grew up on cereal, bologna sandwiches, and ramen,” [Y/N] told him, eagerly taking the plate and digging in. The anxiety she was experiencing over everything was causing her to eat her feelings. 

“I didn’t realize things were so hard for your family,” Steve said, barely poking at his food. 

She shook her head. “It wasn’t hard. We just had certain priorities. Getting fed was more important than flavor,” she explained.

“So what about now? What do you cook for yourself now?”

She chuckled shamefully. “Mostly the same thing. I mean, you’ve seen my apartment.”

“What? Come on, I know Tony has to pay you more than that,” the Captain argued. 

“Yeah, he does… I mean, I could afford more than I have… I guess with the food it’s just something I do out of habit now.”

“Well, we’ll have to change that habit,” he told her with a wink. They spent the rest of the night getting to know each other until [Y/N]’s first yawn. “Tired?” Steve asked her. “You can sleep in my room. I can take the couch,” he offered. 

“No,” she quickly protested, forcing him to hold back a smile. “I don’t want to sleep alone…”

“Okay,” he said gently. “You don’t have to,” he reassured her, picking her up and carrying her into the bedroom. She was asleep by the time she hit the mattress, which Steve found adorable. After tucking her in, he moved to change out of his clothes and throw on some sweatpants before crawling in next to her, relishing in the way she instinctively cuddled up to him. 

And then hating the way he was rudely woken by his alarm the next morning. She must have too, because she stirred with a groan, pulling him closer. “I gotta get up, sweetheart,” he chuckled. 

“Nooo…” she mumbled, knowing that he was getting up to leave, and she still didn’t want to be alone. She knew what she would do if she was alone– check what social media was saying about her. She’d been lucky she hadn’t felt compelled to look already. “Don’t go,” she whined. 

“I won’t be gone for long,” he tried to reassure her as he rolled onto his side to face her. “It’s my job to clean things up this time.”

“While I’m stuck here? That’s not fair.”

“I can’t help unless you let me, doll,” he defended, cupping her face in his hands. “And you don’t want to try going anywhere in public right now. We both know that.”

“But why do you have to go?” she whined, nuzzling her nose against his.

He reveled in the affection she was giving him, affection he very rarely received. “I have to answer for what happened, regardless of whether it was our fault or not,” he explained. “Can’t clean up the mess without me.”

She understood, but still didn’t want him to go, nodding and pressing her lips against his, and then he didn’t want to go either. He rolled to hover on top of her, keeping his weight off of her while keeping their bodies close, resisting the urge to push things further. She seemed to be resisting too, forcing herself to pull away. “Yeah, you should go,” she said breathlessly, making him chuckle. 

As soon as he left, she was doing the last thing she knew she should be doing– going online to see what people were saying. 

Does this mean Cap is a pornstar now? #CapsFilthyMouth #CaptainDaddy

Captain America and some rando? Are you kidding me? Loki was better than this.

Don’t worry everyone, I’m sure the third girl Cap fucks on camera will be the hottest.

Who is this girl? The Captain, sure, but she’s not even that pretty. #CaptainDaddy

Remember kids, you can’t spell porn without PR. 

“Turns out I was right,” she mumbled to herself, wanting to throw her phone across the room but unable to stop scrolling through it. “No one wants to see me with Captain America…” she said to no one in particular, coming across an article titled: Sleeping His Way Out of Trouble? Cap Caught with PR Rep! 

“No, that’s not…” she continued talking to herself. “That’s not what happened…” 

Then she got a text from Tony. *Loki in custody. Pepper running PR with Rogers. Can we talk?*

[Y/N] groaned and finally put her phone back down on the nightstand, placing it face down and choosing to ignore it for the next two hours. Eventually there was a knock on the front door of the apartment, and she dragged herself out of the bed to answer it, finding Tony. “What?” she said bitterly, already retreating back inside. 

“Wow, you’re actually here,” Tony mused sarcastically, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. “So you and Rogers are a thing now, I guess?”

“Does it really matter?” the woman countered. “I mean, I’m guessing you saw it too.”

“Now we’re even?” Tony said in an attempt to cheer her up, but it fell flat.

“Please just tell Pepper to fire me,” she begged. “I’ll go ahead and take my matched 401K now. I’m sure I’ll need it since I won’t be able to work anywhere else.”

“Look on the bright side, you could always go into the industry?” he once again joked badly. 

“Tony please,” she whined. “I just wish none of this had ever happened. It’d be so much easier that way.”

“Do you think any of us in this building got to where we were because we had it easy?” Tony sassed. 

“I get that life isn’t supposed to be easy,” she snapped back. “I just don’t think it’s supposed to be like this.”

“Well, lucky for you, I’ve got some board games up at my place to distract us. Whattaya say?” he offered, extending his hand. 

So she agreed, thinking that the distraction would help, but the longer she was around Tony, the less confident she felt that things would all blow over. Maybe they had for the Captain because he was a victim and it was his first offense, but now that there was a tape with her face on it, she felt like it was impossible. 

The moment Steve texted her that he was back in the building, she excused herself to head back to his place, where he was waiting to greet her happily until he saw how upset she seemed. He wasn’t going to ask what was wrong because he knew what was wrong, and he knew there was no way to fix it. 

“C’mere sweetheart,” he murmured with open arms, holding her tight while she sobbed into his chest. “I know.”

“I hate this!”

“I know, honey… I know…” He couldn’t tell her that it was going to be okay, because there was no way she’d ever believe him. So he’d have to make it okay by her terms.


*Next Chapter*

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