#smut drabble


requested by anonymous: Yixing + Purple

Part of the anniversary drabbles!
Author: Admin E
Warning: Smut
Word Count: +500

‘What’s your favourite color?’

It’s a common question. A question you asked the boy you liked when you were a child, to know if you had the same one, to get to know him. One you ask yourself when you want to decorate your room, or buy clothes. One he asks you, secretly, so he knows what kind of flowers he should buy you on your first date.

You didn’t know how to answer that question back then. Because whatwas your favourite colour anyway? You had so many favourites. Black, like his shiny, soft hair? Gold, like his gorgeous, radiant skin? Brown, like those warm eyes that made your heart melt into a puddle? You couldn’t choose and you said, ‘All of them.’, so he bought you white roses.

After that, many dates and roses followed, until you were ready to give him one single flower in return. It might seem silly, giving only one flower of your own in return to dozens of his, but yours was much greater in significance.

He was gentle, but strong. The warm, dark chocolate of his eyes boring into yours as you roamed your hands through his raven black hair. His caresses were soft, light as a feather as he placed fluttering kisses across your jaw, your face, your neck. Surprised gasps and staggered breaths escaped both your lips, filling the dimly lit bedroom as you explored eachother’s bodies. You didn’t expect anything else from your gentle, loving boyfriend, rolling his hips into yours ever so slowly, making sure you didn’t go through a single second of pain. He treated you like you were a precious porcelain doll.

That was until you grew addicted to the way he moved inside of you, how he filled you up so good it sent shivers down your spine. Soon, the gentle caresses and careful touches became needier, hastier, bolder. You needed more, like every time you did a shot, you needed twice the dosis the next time.

The fluttering kisses on your jaw and neck didn’t flutter anymore. His lips latched themselves on your skin, strong wet kisses at first. Then they grew bolder, teeth got involved and lightly took the flesh between them, biting down slightly, making you gasp in delight. Yixing quickly found it was your weak spot, he also discovered he loved to abuse it. Whether it was during a quick, public makeout session or in private while his hips relentlessly snapped into you, he had to have his lips on your sensitive neck, sucking and biting until your skin changed color.

He loved nipping at the small spot beneath your ear, licking up and down your jaw, sucking constellations into the nape of your neck to the point you permanently had to carry a scarf with you at all times to be able to cover it up. He loved the way you moaned when he took your flesh between his lips, tingling sensations shooting through your nerve system as he kept on sucking and biting, the way your nails dragged over his back, the way small beads of sweat streamed down your skin so he could lick up the salty liquid, at the same time soothing the deliciously painful bruise he inflicted. And you loved the way he relished in it.

So now, when someone asks, ‘What’s your favourite color?’

Your answer is, ‘Purple.’
