#smut maybe


Twisted Consequences-Prologue


A/N:The prologue ONLY will be in Dean’s POV. All other chapters will be from the eyes of our lovely protagonist, Y/N. 


Word Count: 386


Life after defeating God was…..boring, at first. Sure there were still some supernatural beings terrorizing towns across the nation but it was mostly simple salt and burns; nothing like Sam and I used to worry about. 

Besides with alll the hunters out there now, we worried even less. There were no more speeding away from home to rush into battle with anything. They could handle it and they were. The reports came in less and less.

It’s been 3 years since that final battle at the lakefront. 36 months since Jack absorbed God’s power and took over heaven. And what a magnificent job he was doing; of course with Cas’ help.

That’s right. Castiel, angel of the Lord, is in Heaven where he should be. I’m not even sure how, but Jack negotiated with the Empty for my best friend’s soul. 

Once we were settled into the new way of life, I decided I couldn’t just sit around and do nothing. We weren’t hurting for money, thanks to those credit cards Charlie set up for us all those years ago but I’m not one to be idle. It’s just not in me not to be doing something.

So I got a job at a mechanic’s shop, working with my hands on all types of equipment.

After a while, and a whole lot of discussion, Sam decided to finish his education. He switched majors though. Instead of becoming a lawyer he studied to become a teacher. My baby brother now molds the minds of young children. God (or would it be Jack now) help them!

Nah, I’m kidding. Sam is a great educator; calm, cool and collected. The kids adore him.

And I know this because of Y/N. Who is Y/N, you ask? Well let me tell you. She is a very good friend and an awesome baker. Her pies are spectacular, as is all the sweet treats she makes. But she knows I love her pies the most.

She is also an amazing mother. Her daughter Camilia, or Cammie for short, is in Sam’s class. Cammie tells me all the time what a great teacher my little brother is. It makes me proud. Y/N and Cammie are the best thing to ever happen to me. 

They sure made my life less mundane.

@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss@spnbaby-67@tftumblin@sea040561@delightfullykrispypeach@larajadeschmidt13@atc74@vicariouslythruspn@squirrelnotsam​ @sandlee44@blacktithe7@hoboal87@mogaruke@deanwanddamons@supraveng@deandreamernp@akshi8278@lyarr24@janicho88@deanwithscissors@kazsrm67@castiel-j-winchester
