#snape and lily



took you long enough to get here.

Summary: Years after Lily’s death, Severus falls in love with you, a fellow professor at Hogwarts. You understand him and heal his broken heart. You know all about his spy role and accept him for who he is. After Minerva chases Severus away from Hogwarts he needs to see you once for the last time. 


It had been months since the death of Dumbledore, and since your husband got the tags of a murderer and traitor. Death-eaters invaded and took over the entire school. The once bright halls and corridors, were now cold and dark. It broke your heart to see the staff and students shoot disgusted glares at your husband. But you had to remain silent and endure all the pain. 

You and Severus have been married 8 years and it had been some of the best years of your life. You taught astronomy at Hogwarts for the past 11 years and the place was what you called home. Severus told you all about his double agent role and the task he was entrusted with by Dumbledore himself. He had to kill Albus. Knowing well enough of the consequences, he had to agree to do finish the task. And now a traitor and coward was what everyone called him. But for you, he was always the bravest person you’d ever met. 

Today was the day Harry Potter returned to Hogwarts. Your husband had just fled the great hall after a short duel with Minerva, only defending her spells. The war had officially begun. You were confused and scared at the same time. The last time there was a war, thousand all across the country died. You had no idea weather or not you or Severus were going to survive this. 

Without knowing where to go, you run outside and help the others set up protection charms, when a familiar looking bird lands on your shoulder. It was Severus’s owl. It held a letter in it’s beak and flew away as soon as you grabbed the letter. With clammy hands, you rip it open and read it.

My love, 

The war has begun and the Dark Lord will surely demand my presence soon. I cannot assure you weather or not we will survive this, I trust you know that too. I will wait for you in Hogsmeade. Please be careful on your way. I love you. 


The second you read the last word, you ran as fast as your legs could carry you heading to the village of Hogsmeade. Once you reached there, you looked around frantically for your husband. Hurriedly you searched all the streets. 

Suddenly, someone gripped your arm and dragged you into a narrow dark alley. Just as you were about to scream, your mouth was covered tightly by a cold hand. 

“It’s me dear.”

You stopped fighting the grip once you heard the soothing familiar voice. He let you go and you were staring at those familiar black pools of eyes. 


You fell into his safe arms as you relished the feeling of being held by your husband.   

“It’s all right y/n.we’re safe for now.”

“I missed you.”

“I know, so did I.”

He gently stroked your hair as you closed you eyes and lost yourself in the warmth. 

“What do we do now?”

You asked taking a step back so you could look at him. 

“I need to go meet the dark lord. You need to go back to Hogwarts. Help them.”

You nodded and pressed your lips to his. He kissed you passionately and held you close. After an eternity, you broke apart.

“We need to go. I love you y/n.Always.”


With that you take a last look at the man you love and started walking back to Hogwarts. 


Lost in your thoughts, you don’t notice the dark figure following you.  

“In a hurry you filthy mudblood?”

Said a high-pitched voice behind you. You look back and it’s the last person you wanted too see. 


You spat, hatred heavy in your voice. 

“What do you-”

Before you could finish, you were on the ground, squirming and whimpering, under the Cruciatus curse. Without being able to take it anymore you screamed until your throat was raw. Tears flowed down your face as the pain worsened. With a tap of the wand, the pain increased ten-fold as you screamed bloody hell. 

Severus, who was making his way to the Shrieking Shack, was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard your voice screaming. His eyes widened as he raced towards the directed from where your voice echoed.  

Once the curse stopped, the maniac witch climbed over you and pulled out her dagger. She traced your face with the tip.

“I’ve heard things about you. They say you’re beautiful. But i think not.”

She bent down to your ear and whispered. 

“Not after this.”

With that she dug the dagger on your skin above your eye brow. Dragging it down toward you cheeks. The pain was unbearable as you felt your flesh ripping. Bloody screams were torn from your throat. Your cries broke Severus’s heart as he hurried trying to locate you. 

Bellatrix’s mad cackles ceased suddenly as she looked at your now scarred face and grinned. 

“That was fun!”

You tried pushing her off but you were too weak. She raised her wand and with a wide grin, sliced your throat. This happened just as Severus found you. He saw the crazy witch slice the throat of his wife. Sprinting towards you, he shot a killing curse at Bellatrix. 

He kneeled next to you. And stared at your vandalized face in horror. He tried several healing spells on the large open wound on your neck but nothing helped. Blood oozed out and stained your robes, forming a pool beneath you. Tears rolled down your husbands cheeks as he gently pulled you into his lap trying his best not to hurt you more. 

y/n…I am so sorry. There’s nothing I can do.”

“It’s al-right Sev. I-I love yo-you…so much.”

You slowly raised a hand and placed it on his cheek. He placed his hand on top of your much smaller one and gripped it tight. 

“It’s hi-hideous is it n-not? My face.”

His heart broke when you asked him. You were always beautiful to him, no matter what. 

“No, no my love. You are beautiful. You will always be.”

He cupped your face and looked into your eyes fondly. 

“Th-thank you Severus, f-for everything.”

“No,y/n,thank you, thank you for making my life so much better, so much brighter. I love you my dear.”

You wanted to say something but you began coughing and choking. Blood trickled down your lips. You spoke faintly though the coughs. 

“I wil b-be with y-you. Al-always.”

You watched your husband nod and sob as he bent down until your lips met. Ignoring the blood that got on his lips, he placed a gentle kiss on your lips and on your scarred forehead. 

And with that your vision blurred and faded into darkness. Severus watched as the life and light from your warm eyes faded. He cried out loudly and hugged your lifeless body. 


He whispered through the cries and held you closer to his heart. 

8 years ago he fell in love with you and you changed his world forever until this day where you left him in his arms. 

