#snape smut


‘Decades after his death, Severus Snape is resurrected and forced to rejoin a world which knows his every shameful secret, where he endeavors to make the most of his unexpected New Life in the spotlight. Privacy and decorum become things of the past as a new colleague shakes his desire for shadow by indulging her fantasy of getting caught.’

Hola~ I bring you my work from project @snapebang

I’ve joined with author BerylliumTryllium to create art for their piece 'Seen’

c: you can find their story below~

Thirteen Times You Comfort Snape (and One Time Your Pleasure Comforts him Enough)

Chapter 2/14 - When Harry Sees Fluffy’s Bite

On AO3 here-chapter 1 on tumblr here

Summary: You find Snape and take him back to his rooms to patch him up and, of course, offer some comfort and healing in the best way you know how.

Notes: This is a bit of a lighter chapter for you. Enjoy!

Warnings/content:NSFW, oral sex (M receiving), teasing, blood/injury/wound mentions, hurt/comfort

As you approach the staffroom at a run, you see Filch scurrying away, Mrs Norris hopping down from a nearby gargoyle to follow him.

Pushing the door open, you’re relieved to find Snape sitting in a low armchair by the fire - but as you move closer you see he’s hunched over his leg looking uneasy. He snaps his head up to see who entered, softening immediately when he his eyes fall on you.

‘Sev? What’s the matter?’ You drop to his feet, inspecting his leg to find a tear in the shin of his trousers, the fabric and his skin stained with blood.

'My leg will be fine,’ he snaps, 'it’s Potter.’

Unconvinced, you begin to unfasten the buttons at his ankle to get a better look at the injury. 'What’s he done, now?’

'He barged in here not five minutes ago, saw my leg - he saw Filch trying to help me with it. What if he starts spreading rumours? I’m supposed to be keeping the stone safe and now Potter of all people, has seen that something unfortunate happened to me while a troll was lose in the castle. I think he knows about the stone, and it won’t take much more for him to start thinking he’s on to something with me.’

'Sev,’ you said calmly, removing his shoe to check for swelling, 'this injury could have been from anything at all as far as Harry’s concerned. It’s very unlikely he’ll link it to the stone, even if he does know about it.’

'But I need to keep him safe!’ Snape protests, shrinking back immediately  when he hears himself, surprised at having said those words out loud.

You watch as a number of emotions dance across his eyes, deciding not to push the topic.

'Let’s get you back to your rooms where I can clean this up properly.’

He stands, albeit unsteadily, with your help. 'Merlin,’ he hisses as a sharp stab of pain shoots up his leg, 'if only we could apparate.’

You pull his arm up and around your shoulders, sliding your own around his lithe waist to steady him. 'Come on, it’s not far. Lean on me,’ you encourage, helping him limp through the corridors, taking a route you know will be mostly deserted.

Reaching his door, you ask, 'How did you get this? Fluffy?’

'Of course,’ he says, wincing as he hobbles over to his bed and flops down.

'Lay back,’ you command, propping his leg up on a plump cushion and moving up to stroke his hair.

He looks up at you with such exasperated eyes you can’t help but sigh on his behalf.

'It’ll be alright, Sev. Let’s focus on getting you healed tonight, ok?’

He nods, chewing his lips into a grimace of reluctance.

You disappear into the bathroom to gather a wet flannel, reemerging to  search the contents of his sideboard.

'Do you still have some essence of dittany in here?’

'It’s on my desk. I had a paper cut earlier and couldn’t stand the stinging from some ingredients I was using,’ he mumbles, eyes closed, and actually beginning to relax - or as close to relaxing as Snape can get.

You grab the dittany and perch at the foot of the bed, pushing his trouser leg further up to cradle his calm in the palm of your hand. Snape squirms slightly at the pressure of the flannel dabbing away the dried blood. 

'The bleeding seems to have stopped,’ you mutter, 'and although the wound is fairly deep, it doesn’t look infected… the dittany should be enough.’

'We’ll make a healer out of you yet,’ he quips, hissing as you apply the earthy-scented essence to the deep gash twisting over his shin, which begins to close up almost immediately.

'I’m so sorry, Sev,’ you whisper watching his eyes screw shut in discomfort. 

'No - don’t be - thank you,’ he mumbles through gritted teeth as the stinging dissipates.

'There must be something else I can do to help make it better?’ You ask, fingers lightly kneading the flesh of his calf. 'To take your mind off the pain?’

Snape’s eyes snap open and lock on yours; he knows that voice. He wonders how on earth you’re finding him sexy right now; pathetic and injured, practically unable to handle the application of some simple dittany…

Before he has much more time to wonder though, your hand slides further up his leg, and you lean forward, lips inches from the edge of the wound - you close the gap momentarily before looking up at him through lust-filled eyes.

'Perhaps I could… kiss it better?’ You utter seductively, and all the breath seems to leave his body at once.

Carefully, you crawl further up to place your fingers delicately at the buttons of his fly and settle yourself between his legs.

'Is this ok?’

'Oh- yes it’s- it’s ok,’ he starts, breathless already and almost unable to find those words, let alone any others.

Your fingers make quick work of unbuttoning his trousers, and you slide your hand inside to free his cock, already hard by the time your fingers wrap around it to pump lazily as you watch his pupils dilate and his face relax into the pleasure.

'Ohfuck,’ he whispers, closing his eyes in bliss as the sweet taste of release already edges close, the sting of pain in his leg subsiding with every delicious flick of your wrist.

'Let me take care of you, just relax,’ you whisper and he hums in agreement.

'Is this helping, baby?’ You move your hand to the base of his cock, freeing it up to lick a firm stripe up to the tip and swallow up a thick bead of precome that’s formed there.

He nods desperately, humming at the warm, wet slide of your tongue against his hot flesh, hips bucking involuntarily for more.

He needn’t beg for it though; you flick your tongue over the tip once again (he whimpers needily), and wrap your lips around him, bobbing your head in time with the pumping of your hand where your mouth can’t quite reach.

Ah… oh- fuck!’ Snape calls, fingers gripping onto the duvet for dear life as you speed up your ministrations. 'I’m- mmhhh - I’m going to-’

One of his hands leaves the duvet to push into your hair, pulling gently at the strands around his fingers, and you moan, sending a tingle through his length that tips him over the edge.

He calls your name in a strangled cry, mouth remaining open and back arching off the bed as he empties his hot seed into your throat.

When he relaxes back against the bed, you remove your mouth from his length with a pop, wiping away any excess come from your lips with the back of your hand, and tuck him back into his trousers.

Fuck,’ he grumbles, panting as you move up to lay on his chest, face to face with him. 'I wouldn’t have got that in the hospital wing.’

'Oh I don’t know,’ you smirk, tracing patterns over his clothed chest with one gentle finger, 'I always thought Poppy had thing for you, you know.’

'She’s old enough to be my mother!’ Snape protests, and you laugh, pressing the tip of your nose to his.

'If she didn’t give you a blow job, I would have.’

'In the hospital wing?’

'Anywhere,’ you answer, and you mean it.

'You really are insatiable, you know.’

'Only when it comes to you, my love.’ You press your lips to his. 'Now, where’s that paper cut you were telling me about?’

He holds up his left index finger. 'Here, but it’s- ohh-

You take his finger into your mouth and suck hungrily, swirling your tongue around the digit and moaning wantonly.

'Better?’ You tease, cocking an eyebrow.

'Perhaps the paper cut was worse than I first thought,’ he smirks, eyes glittering.

'Oh, well, we’ll just have to find a few more ways to get you better then, won’t we?' 
