#snow mafia madness





CW/TW: blood, knife, killing, death. For @amonthofwhump Mafia Madness: Assassination.

“You thought you could steal from me, Maxim?”

“You thought you could spy on the whole damn organization, Aleksandr! Or was that your so clever husband’s idea?”

“It hardly matters now.” He shrugs, displaying more calm than he feels. “You stole from me, you damaged my property, you tried to blackmail us.”

He moves closer as he speaks, the words mostly meant to distract the other man. People trying to verbally riposte often forget to guard themselves physically. And Maxim’s used to relying on his Guard Dog.

He’d already dealt with the Guard Dog, knocking it out with a tranquilizer dose before it raised an alarm.

“Youupset my so clever husband, Maxim.” With that his arm lashes out, too quick to block, slashing Maxim’s throat open, carotid to jugular, deep red blood pulsing out the other man’s life in seconds.

He scrubs away all signs of his presence before he leaves, as he always does.
