#snow villiersserah farron

Cinderella Night–A Snerah ComicPage 1/Page 2/Page 3/Page 4/Page 5/Page 6/ Page 7This comic has

Cinderella Night–A Snerah Comic

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This comic has been in the works for over two years. This shows in the way my art style changes progressively through the pages. T

his will also be posted on Deviant-Art just in case reading it is too difficult on Tumblr. 

Link:Cinderella Night

Post link

He felt and saw her everywhere in Yusnaan’s vast Palace. At first, the flickers of her in mirrors and water made him believe he was dreaming. Too much Chaos infusions, not enough sleep. Hallucinations. But then he overheard his men talking about the rose-haired phantom they had seen reflected in the water of the fountain whenever he had been passing it and it jarred a memory of Hope’s last warning message. Beware the rose-haired phantom. 

Snow swallowed and tightened his hand around Serah’s pendant. It wasn’t Lightning he was seeing in every reflective surface. It was Serah. Always with a face that he swore she would never wear long in life: devastatingly sad. Tears were always present on her cheeks in the time he forced himself to look at her, to confront the ghost haunting him.

But now, he wondered: was she really haunting him? If others could see her, was it a true haunting? It wasn’t as if she had risen from the grave just to torment him, right? That wasn’t Serah. 

So, he made the decision. Tonight, he would try and talk to his rose-haired phantom. Despite Hope’s warning, he would engage with her. If it was his Serah…he wanted that chance. 
