


We’re nearing the end of the month now, and the end of the challenge. I tell you that as friends, but I almost achieved the last piece (which will be out on the last day, of course) yesterday night, so everything will be out in time! I can’t wait.

For the moment, here is the picture for days 25 & 26, inspired by the themes “Rainy evening” and “Don’t leave me”. Aaah I loved this pair the second I put eyes on it - it gave me so much ideas. The question was how I will draw the situation I had in my head -

I took the opportunity to draw Snape and Dumbledore, my favorite duo and favorite characters. I don’t think I ever mentionned it here, but I’m fascinated by the complexity of their relationship.

I’ve read a lot of fanfictions about how it must have felt for Snape, who never oppened to anyone else more that he did to Dumbledore, to be the only one two know the eminent death and notice the decline of the older wizard in the events of HBP. I wanted to give a take on it with my drawing - where Snape is sitting in front of the windows of Dumbledore’s office where rain is pourring, with a hot chocolate in his hands and a rather depressed expression on his face (it’s tiny, but I hope you can read a bit into it). I suppose that he feels lonely all at once, sitting in the back with Dumbledore being in the front row, warm and bright with magic as he always had (but soon will no longer). The darkened hand is in the middle, and Fawkes is here to represent, I suppose, the transient life of Dumbledore and the somehow immortality of his soul - even if it’s surely his presence that will be most missed.

Regarding the drawing - I’m happy of how it turned even if Snape is so little that it was hard to fit a lot on his face that is eventually less detailed that I initially wished. (I hope it doesn’t bother to much). Fawkes is more suggested that truly drawn, so don’t pay too much attention to how unrealistic he looks (^^’). Dumbledore’s office is a place I love but also hard to draw, here Snape and Albus are in its upper part. :-)

I hope you’ll like this one, I had a great time drawing and shading it!


So I started reading the Harry Potter books, and I can help but ship Snape and Dumbledore.

Every time anyone doubts Snape or says something bad about him Dumbledore always steps up to defend him, with the only reason being “I trust him” or when he gets asked why he trusts him after knowing his dark past he just says “Thats between Snape and I.”

And yes I know why he trusts him, all the deal about Lily blabla, buuut I like to believe he was also in love with him lol please don’t judge me

Yessss you get it. You should join the Snumbledore discord!

They have a lot in common too.

In terms of backstory (spoilers?):

Snape falls for his friend, others disapprove of their friendship (Slytherin Half-Blood/Gryffindor Muggleborn), he falls in with the Darkness, becomes a professor at Hogwarts, his actions accidentally lead to the death of a loved one, and he spends the rest of his life fighting the Dark Lord that did that to her to make up for it.

Dumbledore falls for his friend, others disapprove of their friendship (they’re gay), falls in with the Darkness, his actions accidentally lead to the death of a loved one, becomes a professor at Hogwarts, and makes up for his earlier mistakes by defeating the Dark Lord he helped create. He also becomes a Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Not only do they have a very similar backstory, but their character arcs are near identical as well. Theirs are both stories of redemption. Who better than Dumbledore to understand Severus’ plight? He’s walked the same path.

They’re also, contradictorily, aesthetic mirrors of each other:

- Old vs Young

-White hair vs Black hair

- Rainbow vs Goth

- Bubbly vs Angsty

There’s nobody in the books they trust more than each other. Dumbledore knows more about Snape than anyone in Snape’s life, and as you said, Dumbledore trusts Snape absolutely. He wouldn’t have Snape kill him and replace him otherwise.

It’s weird how both Snape and Dumbledore are hated in this fandom, I find them to be the most interesting characters in the series! So much of their story takes place in the background of the books, but the more you think about it the more you realize you could write 7 more books just about them lmao.

And as for the shipping… you can’t deny that Snape is 100% Dumbledore’s type. And honestly, I’m gonna say it, Dumbledore is Snape’s type too. If Snockhart is a ship, then Snumbledore also works!!!

Now for the meme conspiracy:

The real reason Dumbledore cried when Snape cast his patronus is because his love was Unrequited.
