#snv poseidon


Things you might not have known about Bivalve (Ch.7)

Chapter 7. As mentioned in many times in the story, Bivalve is currently located in Atlantis under the water. Of course, Author forgets this a lot and has to go back to edit a lot to make sure she remembers. Originally the “Bioluminescence fish scene” was a bunch of stars that reader could see due to it being far from human civilization. Of course, stars don’t exist under the sea so Author had to pull a fast one. It turned out good in the end though.

For some reason people were sad about the jellyfish being killed, Author was confused. Author lives near the sea and has been stung by jellyfishes more than enough times. Author hates jellyfishes. Author had to wrap her head around the fact some people find jellyfishes cute. It’s the same as going up to a person in new York and saying rats are cute. It mind boggles you.

Originally after killing the Jellyfish, Poseidon was going to take you back to his manor because he believes you couldn’t be left alone. Reader would have stayed in his room (nothing would happen) and this would have made Amphitrite jealous. Of course, this didn’t make sense in Poseidon’s character as he currently is still only physical attracted to reader and would never show he cares. So, Author changed it last minute.

Ch.7 was a lot of last minute editing, a lotttt. Author was surprised it turned out so popular in the end.

Things you might not have known about Bivalve (Ch 3-6)

Chapter 3-6 have a bunch of mini gags sprinkled in (none really major ones). So rapid fire round:

- Ch ¾: The giant turtle is named Alexander The Great. This is a gag to the Greek hero/king Alexander the Great. Author thought she was a genius at the time for coming up with the idea.

- Ch.3: The dress/toga scene is another reference to Zeus being attracted to reader. Hence “the dog in heat” reference.

- Ch.4: When Triton thinks that he will never mention that his mother is more beautiful than Aphrodite. References Greek mythology on how Aphrodite will kill anyone more beautiful to her.

- Ch.5: Bryce tries to stop and protect reader. This was a subtle hint (as well as in chapter 2) that he had feelings for her.

- Ch.5: While many might think Poseidon is the voice calling out to the reader or possibly an inner instinct, it’s actually Zeus. Its another reference to greek mythology.

- Ch.6: At the start of the chapter when Poseidon says “my brother must be losing his mind”. This references not only the fact that Zeus is trying to set Poseidon up with reader but also Poseidon thinks Zeus is crazy for finding the reader attractive.

- Ch.6: Reader tries to hold Triton’s head over the water even though she knows that he is the son of Poseidon. Not her best moment.

- Ch.6: This is once again obvious and seen throughout the book but reader is written to be the total opposite of Amphitrite. This is first seen in the fact the reader is much weaker compared to Amphitrite. For some reason, even author doesn’t know, this attracts Poseidon.

- Ch.6: Before snapping himself out of the kiss (or giving his blessing), Poseidon was actually enjoying the kiss with the reader. He pulls away because he feels it defines him as weak.

- Ch.6: Marine is actually a tribute to the precious Beta Fish of “glitching-art” that passed away. Glitching art is one of the first loyal fans of Bivalve and motivated me a lot to continue writing the series.

Things you might not have known about Bivalve (Pt.2)

1st fact: Triton calling reader “Mother” early on is supposed to show Triton has trauma and clings onto the first source of love/attention he gets. Of course this backfired on Author as not many people understood the reference and previous sign shown in his personality, many were just caught off guard and thought it didn’t make sense. Author was very depressed after as she thought she was smart for including it.

2nd Fact: In chapter 2, The scene where reader is analyze the Greek mythology books is a secret joke/reference to the earlier rough drafts of Bivalve.



In the first rough drafts of Bivalve, reader would be taking in Poseidon’s 10 children one by one over the span of her life in college. This idea was quickly scrapped as it felt like the reader was collecting Pokémon and didn’t fit with Snv Poseidon’s personality.

Extra fun fact: Triton in the Bivalve draft was originally going to be an angsty 16 year old that constantly got everyone in trouble. The personality and description you know for the final draft Triton is actually what I wrote for Chrysaor, twin brother of Pegasus.

Extraextra fun fact: Poseidon in the rough draft was much more of an asshole than now. How surprising.

Things you might not have known about Bivalve (Pt.1)

1st Fact: This mentioned throughout the book but I often refer to the gods as perfect, cold, hard, marble-like beings. This is a gag at Twilight as when I first read Poseidon in the manga, he reminded me of Edward Cullen.

2nd Fact: In Chapter 1, Author has created a watercolor of the scene where Triton is floating on the bubble because she loved the scene so much.



It will never see the light of day.

Things you might not have known about Bivalve (Pt.0)

This first fact is likely pretty obvious but I wanted to start off easy. The story is called Bivalve because a Bivalve is the most common seashell in the sea and the reader is based on the average person (this is pretty obvious but some might have forgotten).

2nd fact: In the prologue, Zeus doesn’t come up to the reader because he thinks she would be a good wife for his brother or that he finds her interesting. It’s actually because he wants to seduce her. Yep . Its mentioned very very discreetly but if you know Greek mythology and you analyze the text closely you can see it.


The more you know ‍♀️.

Things you might not know about Bivalve (Ch.12)

A/N: Once again, Minors do not read. Explicit content you have been warned.

Chapter 12; another fun chapter. Get ready Folks.

Fact 1: Vol. 3 is called Kiss the Girl. Messed up in many ways as it’s a Disney reference (and Amphitrite ironically looks like Ariel) and it is right after they hit 3rd base.

Fact 2: Reader casually wishes she had google to help search up what to do if you have sex with a god. Just normal things.

Fact 3: Poseidon is the type to read a book then fall asleep after sex. Then again he probably has more stamina than the reader so he isn’t likely that tired.

Fact 4: His bedroom also secretly reveals a similarity between him and Triton. Poseidon bed is a circle bed in the center of his room, Triton build a nest like bed out of pillows. Poseidon is laying on a pile of soft and silk pillows to keep himself upright, Triton likes soft and comfy things. Coincidence? I think not.

Fact 5: Reader casually insults Poseidon by saying she doesn’t see him as the type to read. Poseidon is also reading a book about Penguins btw. There was going to be a scene where the reader snatched the book away but that got replaced by the pillow scene.

Fact 6: The fact that Poseidon wrinkles his nose up at the term “wife” when referring to reader, once again shows that Poseidon and Reader are physical attracted to each other. They aren’t emotionally nor do they like each other like that yet.

Fact 7: However when the servant knocks on the door and both of them think it’s Amphitrite, Poseidon acts very defensive and suspicious. This shows that he is instinctively acting protecting over the reader, not feeling yet but he’s ahead of the reader a little.

Fact 8: Poseidon casually gives reader a vitamin/birth control pill. This reveals Poseidon didn’t wear a condom. Poseidon is an asshole.

Fact 9: Reader casually thinks it’s a good idea to throw a pillow to Poseidon. Poseidon also didn’t catch it. This shows his guard was down, either because he didn’t care since the reader is human or that he felt relaxed with her. I’ll let you guys decide which one is correct.

Fact 10: When Poseidon says “You aren’t going anywhere, Human.” Was this sexual? Yes.

Does that mean Author wrote another smu— Shush. Yes. Just take the answer as always yes. Once again, it’s locked in the deepest dungeons of my abyssal docs.

Fact 11: Amphitrite casually wondering where it all went wrong when Poseidon is currently having sex with reader. How convenient.

Fact 12: Amphitrite wears a dark veil to hide herself from the eyes of the gorgon sisters. This reveals that gods are affected by the powers of the gorgon sisters.

Fact 13: In Bivalve, Medusa is not pregnant with Poseidon’s kids (Pegasus and Chrysaor). This means Medusa is not raped by Poseidon. And before you all come for my head about that, I have my reasons. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that version of the Medusa story. I just felt that it didn’t fit with the fact that a. Amphitrite scares off any female near Poseidon and b. Snv Poseidon in Bivalve doesn’t really fit Mythology Poseidon. I made him much colder than a gross player.

Fact 14: So, this begs the question, SPOILERS IF YOU AREN’T CAUGHT UP TO CHAPTER 19, how did Euryale get pregnant with Orion. Well, that will be mentioned in chapter 20. It’s not through the usual way I assure you. Could this mean Medusa could secretly have Pegasus and Chrysaor when her head is cut off, perhaps? It’s going to be a little weird writing it though.

Fact 15: Now, I know people liked the gorgon sisters during this chapter but I promise from Ch 20 or 23 forward you will hate them. I will be surprised if you don’t.

Do with this information what you wish.

Is there a specific chapter of bivalve people want Easter eggs released to first? The 1st Vol secrets are pretty short from what I can see in my drafts and I feel like I should give you guys something good.

I’m relying on my more vocal audience for this one.



Thank you guys so much

Thank you to all the people who have been understanding about my last post I love you all. I love writing for this fandom so much as well, you guys are all so nice.❤️❤️❤️

Originally this wasn’t going to see the light of day ever, but I feel like I should give you guys something for being so patient. When I was writing Bivalve, there’s a couple of Easter eggs and secrets that never got revealed. And I remember because I found it so funny, I created a whole master post about ever secret in the series while I was writing it.

There’s at least 1 secret per chapter, Would you guys be interested in if I like post each chapters secret Easter eggs? Like 1 chapter per day for the next couple of weeks? It’s all written and ready, I actually was cleaning out my drafts and saw some of them ready to be posted; I guess I sort of changed my mind last minute.

Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq @sproutcorner @orophaea @anime-lover-forever-1127 @fortuna-stella @icy-spicy @sleepy-lad @cringey-otaku @tanspostsblog @diestheticu@holdyourwine

Okay, Serious Talk

Hello everyone so I decided to create a post to talk about things. For anyone who has been on this blog for a while I’m sure most of you guys are either a HxH fan or Record of Ragnarok Fan. And I’m sure most of you guys are here for my Bivalve story especially as it’s my most popular fic/story on here.

And, I’m sure you guys have notice Bivalve hasn’t updated for a while. And I’ve also been getting a lot of questions about when it’s coming back. What’s happening next, how long the series will be, if I’m working on the series at all, etc. So just to make it easier on myself and all my readers, I created this big post with all questions I’ve gotten over the last few months.

(You don’t have to read everything on here (I would suggest it though))

Why hasn’t Bivalve been update?

Okay, so this is the most asked question I’ve gotten. I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve had this asked. To put it simply Bivalve hasn’t update because I’ve simply been… Busy. I know it’s like huh? What? That’s it? But I’m sure once I go into further detail you’ll understand why I haven’t updated it.

So, I’m a college student (which I’m sure 50% of tumblr people relate to) but more specifically I’m a Film and Business (Finance mostly right now) Dual Major. And If you guys don’t know, Business major write a shit ton and film majors do a fuck ton of story/plot telling. So I’m sure you can understand once I’m done with college stuff for the day, you can kind of guess that I don’t want to do those sort of things in my free time. So I don’t really want to update Bivalve or write fanfics at all. Plus in addition to College, I have a part time job. Which is another huge time commitment.

Of course, this pans into the next questions you guys are probably asking.

Why have you been updating fics but not Bivalve?

Well,1st as I’ve stated in a previous post the only fics I’ve posted since being in college are all old rough drafts. I’ve been on tumblr for about 2 years (maybe 1.5) and so I have a bunch of old fics I never posted before because I simply didn’t like them or didn’t know how to write them.

2nd, compared to all the other stories/series I’ve written, Bivalve takes a lot more time to write. Bivalve is completely Non-canon compared to other series and takes a lot of world and character building in order to write one chapter. Think about it, things like Amphtrite, Persephone, Orion, Triton, Atlantis, structure of gods, etc. don’t exist in canon and I have to plan and write them out in chapters. I also have to read and refer to mythology since it’s an important part of Record of Ragnarok. So it can take hours in order to plan and write certain chapters. The quickest I’ve ever written a chapter for Bivalve is likely 3 hours, it’s not easy work.

Plus, take this in perspective, think about how my previous work schedule was. I used to post 2-3 times a week, that means at a minimum I would dedicate 6-9 hours (more likely 12+ hours) a week just to Bivalve. I dedicated a huge portion of my life to this series and I simply don’t have the time with how my schedule is right now.

Have you worked on Bivalve all?

Of course, it’s not like a left Bivalve high and dry. I’ve kept up with the Manga and have been planning out world building when I actually feel in the mood.

Over my two semesters at college, I have been slowly making documents to keep the series of Bivalve in order. Especially as I will be picking up writing it after a long hiatus. I have the whole series from Ch. 20–End planned out. I have yet to done chapter by chapter but I have a general idea of what each chapter will include.

This planning will also ensure Bivalve can easily be written and picked up when I have the time.

When will Bivalve be back?

Bivalve will be back once I’m done with my spring semester of college. For those non-college people, Bivalve will be back sometime in May. Perhaps early May? I have to see how fast it takes me to settle back in.

However once I am settled, Bivalve will be back on. I’m mostly working the summer and visiting friends so with college out of the way, Bivalve will have much much more time to be dedicated to it.

How long will the series be?

I’ve said this 100 times before, even while writing this series, and I’m honestly not sure. It says on the description on my general masterlist that Bivalve is a “Slow Burn”. And honestly I use the term slow burn with a grain of salt. This is because my “slow burn” is going quite fast for something in the slow burn genre. Most slow burns are about 30 chapters long before they even hold hands.

So,… it’s going to be a while before this series comes to a close.

Why don’t you respond to messages?

Honestly, I have a pretty good reason for not responding to peoples messages. It’s not that I want to ignore you, I appreciate your “how are you doing” and “I hope you are doing okay” but I just won’t respond.

To put it simply, I’ve had bad experiences talking to people through messages. To put it even simpler. Minors.

I can’t even count the about the amount of times I’ve gotten an explicit message talking about how hot Poseidon (or any character really) is and then I go to check their profile and I find out they are a minor. It’s just… no. I understand, I was a horny teenager at one point but just don’t go talking to me, a grown adult, about it. It makes me very, very, uncomfortable.

So, I’ve sort of stop responding to people through messages. I found that it stops people from messaging me or leading to conversations about explicit things if I am known not to talk to them.

How can I contact you if I can’t talk to you through messages?

Use my ask me or put messages on my posts. Honestly. I keep my ask me and comments on at all times. I also get a notification whenever someone sends it in.

Also please comment over sending in asks, I’m more likely to take your thoughts into considerations, I literally review and write down questions people ask when I’m writing my next chapters. Asks me’s get lost in my feed and it gets clogged in my ask me box easily.

Are you taking request? Why?

I’m not taking request. I don’t have time. Refer to question 1 for reason.

When will you be taking requests?

Probably sometime in the summer. I want to focus more on my series before I do requests. I have a love hate relationship with asks. I love the people asking them but 90% of the time it’s about writing a smut and I don’t really want to write that as much anymore.

Are you updating any other series? (HxH, Kakegurui, etc)

Yes. I’ll be trying to post updates to Helping Hands and my Rin Obami series (I can’t remember the name for the life of me right now). Just not as frequent as Bivalve.

As for the Family series I’m 50/50. It’s the first fic I have ever written on tumblr so I love, yet also hate it at the same time. It was my way of trying dark yandere writing and I’m not really that type of writer. I love my Feitan side of the story, I’m obsessed with those fics don’t worry. But if I ever continue Family, I’m going to have to rewrite Chrollo’s first part of the story. I just can’t stand how I started off that series.

Any other questions that were not answered, please put them in the comments below. If you are wondering why I’m not being my jolly self in this post, don’t take it personal; if you had to repeatedly answer these same asks for about 5 months in a row, you would be in the same position.

Bivalve: Character Sheet


Name: Orion

Gender: Male

Age: Hundreds of Years (Physically 15-17)

Species: Half-God, Half Gorgon

Parents: Poseidon (Father), Euryale (Mother)

Siblings: Triton (Younger Half-Brother)

Likes: Fooling around, Pranking, People watching, Fighting, The New Queen of Atlantis, Lazing About

Dislikes: Gods/Higher Beings, His mother, Responsibility, Being told what to do

Posting Schedule for Bivalve

Blue is definite posting days.

Yellow is possible (50/50) posting days.

Have a great holiday everyone!



an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.


The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean


Vol.4: Change in the Tides// Ch. 19

Type: Poseidon x reader

Word Count: 2,000



“Master Triton, Please sit still.” The maid tells Triton in a hushed tone as she styles the last bits of his hair and clothes. However, Triton didn’t seem to listen as he still continued to fidget in his seat.

He just had to be late. On the one day it mattered the utmost to be on time. And now, now, he couldn’t greet the guests next to his parents.

Ah, he almost wanted to cry.

Normally it wouldn’t be a big deal to him. He honestly didn’t like greeting random gods and goddesses in the first place. But, it had honestly been weeks since he had enough free time to spend with his mother.

Sure, she visited his classes and had brief conversations with him when he could. But it wasn’t the same and…

…he couldn’t help but feel like something was off about her. His mother had been acting strange lately, not like herself.

He just hoped she was okay…

“Phew,” Triton is snapped out of his thoughts as the maid let out a sigh of relief, “You are finally done Master Trit—“

However, before the maid could even finish her sentence, Triton had already shot from his seat and was out the door.

“Thanks Mrs Abigail!”

“Master TRITON!” The maid shouts out desperately but as she rushes out into the hallway, the young god was already long gone. His mind too focused on getting to the ballroom than anything else. Too focused to hear the whispers of other gods and goddesses to understand what had occurred mere moments ago. It’s not even until he gets to the ballroom that it hits him that something is wrong.

Where was his father and mother? Where were the guests? The ballroom was empty . No one was in here. But why?

“Father?” Triton whispers out once he sees his father enter with Uncle Zeus in the corner of his eye. Why did his father have that expression on his face?

“Father?” Triton repeats once more, this time louder. His father and uncle turn their gaze at him but…

…Why were they looking at him like that?

“Triton…” His uncle murmurs out, his voice dripping in slight sorrow. For the first time ever, even though it was for a brief second, his father looked like he was in pain. Yet as the two go to approach the young boy, a large bang instantly stops them in their tracks.

“You two—” It was Uncle Hades and Triton… Triton had never seen him look so angry before, “You two idiots messed up big time.”

At Hades booming tone, Triton can’t help but hide behind a pillar to keep away from sight of the elder god. Triton knew his uncle would never hurt him but… something bad was about to happen. Triton could sense it.

“Now, now Hades,” Zeus calls out, trying to calm his eldest brother. “There’s no need to get so worked u—“

“Stay out of it.”

Both gods are caught off guard by Poseidon’s sudden words. Hades can hardly believe it and lets out a small painful chuckle.

“You—“ Hades was at a loss for words, “You really haven’t learned anything. Don’t you understand what you’ve done.”

“Hades, there is no need—“

“Quiet!” Hades shouts out, shutting up Zeus, “Once again… once fucking again you allowed a human to suffer… and for what…? To make a point?”

Hades’ hands ball into tight fists as anger continued to waft off of him.

“Once again Zeus. From the very moment you approached her on the beach, you planned on all of this. And you!” Hades turns his attention to Poseidon, “You allowed him to. You fucking allowed him to, if it got him to get off your back then it was perfectly fine.”

“It’s not like that.” Poseidon states, though he looked as if he was pained by Hades words.

“Then what is it?” Hades shouts out, heatedly walking over to his brother, “What is (y/n) to you because honestly, honestly, I don’t know anymore.”

“I love her.”

Silence. Pure endless silence. Triton watched as Hades’ face changed through so many emotions at once. Shock. Disbelief. Pity. Confusion. And finally furious anger.

“Youlove her?” Hades spits out at Poseidon, glaring down at him. “Then act like it!”

Poseidon scoffs at Hades words, “You know nothing—“

Triton gasps as Hades suddenly grabs the front of Poseidon’s jacket and pulls him close.

“I do know because she told me!” Finally at that Poseidon goes quiet.

“She what?”

“She told me everything,” Hades bitterly spat out, looking down at his brother in disappointment before looking at Zeus, “From the moment you set Triton to meet her until today. Every. Single. Thing.”

Triton can’t help but feel as if a wash of dread fell over himself. Uncle Zeus… Uncle Zeus set up his mother to meet him? But that would mean— No, don’t think that way Triton. Just because it was planned doesn’t mean anything. She still loves you. (Y/n) loves you.

“So?” Poseidon’s voice breaks the silence.

“Excuse me?”

“So what if she told you?”

Finally Hades snaps and throws his brother across the room. The sea god skidding across the floor and crashing into tables and chairs as he went.

“It matters because you are an inconsiderate asshole,” Hades shouts out, gritting his teeth as he finally catches sight of Triton in the room. Shit, he didn’t realize the boy was in here. He let his temper get the better of him.

He needs to go cool off before he does something he regrets.

However, just as Hades begins to walk away, Poseidon speaks up, “You still haven’t made your point, brother.”

“Poseidon…” Zeus warns, taking a glance at Triton still hidden behind the pillar.

“No, since he wants to know so much he should hear this. He needs it to get this through that thick skull of his,” Hades states, not even bothering to fully turn around to talk to his brother, “That woman feels something for you. I have no doubt about that. However…”

Triton feels as if he was dunked into a bath of cold ice from his uncle’s next words.

“…if you think it is love. You are gravelymistaken.”

Triton watches as his uncle turns back around and walks to the door. Just as he went to open it, he decided to say one last thing. A word of advice to his dear brother.

“I would suggest you start treating your wife like an equal before you lose her entirely.”

As the door closes with a loud thud, Zeus and Poseidon stood there. While Triton… Triton was long gone. Once again running away, like he had done many times prior, into the darkening seas of the ocean.


It had been quite some time since Persephone walked you back to your bedroom. Even though she told you it was okay to skip the party and to get some rest, you find yourself sitting by the windowsill. Looking out into the horizon of the blackened ocean. The light from the surface had long gone. The tides harshly beat against your window, causing the castle to creak, as you stare at the luminous sea creatures floating about the sky..

You wondered if this storm had something to do with him.

You couldn’t help but wonder if something was wrong.

“Stop…” You scold yourself as his face flashes in your mind. Gracefully, like the Demi goddess you had become, you lift yourself up from your seat and walk across the room. You need to get your mind off him. Yet, as you go to do so, a dark blue catches your eye and you were back to thinking about him.

Ah, you forgot about that.

Hesitantly you approach the two gifts on the glass tea table in your room. One for Triton and the other for him. You were supposed to give it to them today as part of tradition.

….You could always give it to them tomorrow.

Or perhaps have a servant deliver it to them now.

Though, even when you think that, you find your fingers tracing over the bow of his gift. The silk ribbon was the color of gold. A subtle reminder of him.

Do you return his feelings?

You snap your hand away from the gift as Persephone’s words resound out in your head. Stop it, you shouldn’t…

Persephone could be wrong. She could always be wrong.

Why… Just why was he so hard to understand…?

A loud crash resounds from out of your balcony, breaking you from your thoughts. Trembling from the overwhelming rush of emotions, you hesitantly carry yourself up and to the window to check what had caused the noise.

“Hello?” You call out, pressing a hand to the glass of the door. Your reflection reflects back at you, showing off your sickly and nervous appearance.

“Hello? You call out once again, ignoring how you look to instead open the door. As you walk outside into the blackened sea night, you are hit by the chills of the water, “Hell—“

Your words are caught in your throat as you finally gaze upon what had caused the commotion.

“It’s not what you think.” The boy from the market shouts out to you, his white hair and blue eyes shining under the glow of the sea creatures above. The same snake-like irises now pleading at you. However your eyes were too trained to the injured unconscious Triton and…

…the blood on the market boy’s spear.

“You…” You murmur, before finally gritting your teeth. Your mind not thinking correctly as another rush of emotions overtakes you. “You will pay for this.”

“Hey! I said it’s not what you—“ However before the boy from the market could finish his sentence, he is dodging a kick to the head by you.







Shit, He thinks as his spear creaks under the pressure of blocking another hit sent his way. Shouldn’t have stolen such a lousy weapon.

Just like that, the spear shatters and the teenage boy hardly has enough time to register it before the sharp heel of your shoes hits him in the gut. Sending him flying through your glass door and crashing into your room.

Damn,that hurt, the boy thinks. He had forgotten how tough the gods were; even the half ones.

Oh, fuck…

He also forgot how fast they could be. His eyes widened as in a split second you were in front of him; your heel once again coming down on him.

Yet before it can hit him, you are sent flying. Wha—

The boy’s nose crinkles up once he sees who helped him, “I didn’t need yourhelp.”

“Sure you didn’t…” The red haired goddess states as her green eyes flashed to her unconscious son on the floor and… her replacement in the cracked wall. Pathetic. “Though your mother and I did make an agreement…”


Author Note: Short chapter that I decided to post today instead of Thursdays due to the holidays. Hope you guys enjoy, especially since its a crazy chapter!




an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.


The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean


Vol.4: Change in the Tides// Ch. 18

Type: Poseidon x reader

Word Count: 4,000+



“Where is Triton?” You whisper to the maid by your side, sparing a glance out towards the entrance as the first coach arrives. A god and two goddesses you don’t recognize exiting the carriage.

Though even if you didn’t recognize the three, they were incredibly important. Incredibly important in the fact they were the first guests to arrive at the palace; Officially kicking off the start of the festival. It was your’s, Triton’s and Poseidon’s duty to greet them into your humble abode but…

…Triton was late.

“H-he’s on his way, My Lady. There was a little mishap. We are rushing—“

“It doesn’t matter.” Poseidon states interrupting the maid. You are caught off guard as he places a hand on your waist, bringing you closer to his side. You once again can’t help but wonder why he had been touching you so much as of late. “We can deal with this ourselves. Have Triton mingle with the guests when he has finished getting ready.”

“Of course, My Lord.”

As the maid scurries off down the hall, likely to tell the maids getting Triton ready, you find yourself sending a glare to Poseidon. He didn’t have to be so harsh about how he said it.

“What’s with you?” He asks, seeming to catch your subtle glare his way even though he was looking down at the ground. You wondered if he had grown to have a 6th sense from that habit of his.

“Nothing,” You answered meekly, choosing to bite your tongue as the gods begin to approach you two, “I don’t know what you are talking about,”

“Tch… Liar.”

The corner of your smiling lips twitch slightly in annoyance at Poseidon’s comment. Of course, he wouldn’t let it go.

“Ah, Lord Poseidon! It’s been quite a while.” The visiting god announces as he walks up the stairs to you two. A bubbly chuckle rising up from his throat as he shakes hands with Poseidon. You can’t help yourself from thinking that it fits the god in front of you, with his large joly looking beard and staggering build.

“It has, Ægir,” Poseidon briefly locks eyes with the god, Ægir, before looking back down at the ground, “You too Rán.”

The taller of the two goddesses with icy blonde, almost white, hair simply nods her head in acknowledgement at Poseidon.

Rán…? Ægir…? You don’t recall such names in Greek mythology. You wondered if they were from another mythology. Norse perhaps, if you had to guess by their names.

“Ah and I believe this is your beautiful soon-to-be wife and queen!” The mysterious god says as he turns to look at you. You can’t help but freeze slightly under his gaze as he looks you up and down. He chuckles to himself before leaning towards Poseidon, “Much better pick than Amphitrite.”

“Ægir,” Both Poseidon and Rán warn. The goddess pinches her husband’s ear while Poseidon’s hand on your waist tightens.

“What? She’s nice on the eyes.” The god got a harder tug on his ear from that comment.

You let out a small sigh as the couple in front of you as they argued back and forth in hushed tones. You swore these gods are just so bizarre….

“I greet the god of the roaring seas, Lord Poseidon.”

You find yourself blinking, Once, Twice, and finally a trice. The tension in the water had suddenly grown thick… almost icy in a way. It was only present for a second but you knew you had felt it. At first, you thought it was from Poseidon but he didn’t seem fazed or annoyed in the slightest, his attention instead focused on a group of jellyfish passing by. Which meant… it was coming from the immortal in front of you?

The goddess, younger than Rán and Ægir, with light periwinkle silky hair curtsies in front of you two. She was clearly of high position based on her clothing and elegance, but you couldn’t help but feel like she was lacking in some way. Not in a rude way of any sorts but, compared to the other gods and goddess next to you, the goddess in front of you felt of a lesser status. However, those thoughts of yours are cut off as she lifts her head and stands back up, her blue eyes staring back into yours.

What the hell…? At that moment, the words of Proteus—who you had come to know as Poseidon most loyal servant since he was a young being—came to mind. “Lady (y/n), if any goddess of a lesser rank holds eye contact with you! She is not only insulting you but challenging you!” So, was this what Proteus was talking about, was she testing you…? No, She couldn’t possibly be, you had to be wrong. No way, she would do that in front of an observant god like Poseidon.

You watch as the goddess turns her attention to Poseidon, a light blush adoring her cheeks as she looks at the sea god.

Nope, she was.

It seemed no matter if it was Amphirite or this strange goddess, you couldn’t escape from the jealous wrath of those who sought Poseidon’s attention. Honestly, if you weren’t doing this for Triton or to get back at Amphitrite, you would give Poseidon away to her. Yet, even though you think that, why do you feel so sour all of sudden? Like as if your own thoughts had pierced you.

“What’s wrong?”

Startled by Poseidon’s sudden question, you can only snap your head up and stare at the male; His icy blue eyes meeting your gaze. Seeming for some reason to think that if he stared into them long enough that you would finally answer what was wrong with you.

“N-noth—“ You turn your gaze away from the male, “Nothing.”

“…” You feel Poseidon’s gaze still on you but he doesn’t say anything. Instead calling out to the forgotten guests in front of you, “You have come a long way, Rán, Ægir. There are refreshments and food inside for you to enjoy.”

“Ah! Sounds perfect, I could use a drink.” Ægir chuckles out, giving Poseidon a pat on the back as he passes him by with his wife. However, the younger goddess doesn’t seem to follow them.

“Lord Poseidon,” The young goddess calls out, and you can’t help but find your nose scrunching up in distaste at the loving way she calls his name, “If you aren’t busy later, could I perhaps have an audience with you?”

“….,” You don’t miss the glance Poseidon sends in your direction before he responds, “…You can not. My fiancée is too busy with the festival to spare some time.”

You find your brows scrunch up in confusion at Poseidon’s answer before you can stop yourself. Since when did he start including you in on his personal meetings?

“Ah. Well…” You find yourself freezing at Kólga’s next words, “I actually just want a private meeting between you and I, Lord Poseido—”

Before you can even look at the goddess, You find your body moving on its own—as if your new demigod instincts given to you by Poseidon himself sensed the incoming wrath—and your arms wrapped tightly like a vice around Poseidon’s bicep, stopping his arm in its tracts in the nick of time. Especially as the blade of his trident was less than a centimeter from the blue eyes of the goddess in front of you.

“Insolent Wench—“ Poseidon spits out venomously, the water around you seeming to shake and grow cold with his anger. Kólga began to quiver, her face horrified, but she made no attempt to move; likely out of the pure icy fear running through her veins.

“Poseidon!” You find yourself screaming out, struggling to keep the stronger god at bay. You knew that she was likely insulting you with the hidden meaning behind her words, it was honestly quite obvious, but he didn’t need to attack her for it. It also didn’t help that you could see that more coaches and prominent gods have begun to arrive, “We have guests—“

“I will not tolerate—“

You courageously cut Poseidon off, “You will tolerate her behavior. Just like how I am currently.”

Poseidon’s icy cold eyes snap to your form and while he does put his weapon down, no longer threatening to pierce an organ, it does not mean he was done with arguing with you. “I will not allow her—“

“You will allow her!” You shout out, grabbing onto Poseidon’s hand that holds the trident just in case he decides to suddenly change his mind. Out of the corner of your eyes, you see Rán and Ægir return back outside. Leading the traumatized Kólga, who you overhear is their ‘daughter’, back to the carriage; scolding her the whole way.

“No I will not!” Poseidon finally shouts back, the water moving violently around you two like a strong hurricane winds from his rising temper. The other guests—who have made their way out of their carriages—stay a good feet away out of their own safety, but make no attempt to turn their gaze away from the situation in front of them. Instead choosing to watch and whisper amongst each other.

Now, that’s not good.


“You will not argue with me on this!” The furious sea god roars out, cutting you off. His blood practically boiling in anger and he finds himself unable to stop the words that then tumble out of his mouth, “I will not allow some insolent wench insult my Wife!”

‘Wha—“ You find yourself stumbling over your words, your body and mind feeling as if it was dumped into an ice bath. His Wife?! Wha—What has been with him lately? Why was he choosing to damage his reputation by defending you over a meek innuendo made by a goddess? “Poseidon, you do realize that I’m going to get insulted—“

“Then, they are asking for a death wish. I will not allow you to be insulted.” Poseidon venomously spits out. You wondered if he could even hear the whispers from the growing crowd of guests near you two. Ones about you; how stupid you were to challenge the sea god’s decision, how you were much too weak, how you were just some meek worthless human.

Shit. You feel a large lump settle its way in your throat.

“P-Poseidon… I’m a human so I— Don’t!” You say, accentuating the last part as he attempts to cut you off again. You were getting tired of arguing with the god in front of you. So tired, “Poseidon, I’m a human! I might now be a Demigod but I was a human and am still considered one by many of your kind! Hell, you have been calling me ‘human’ up till a couple weeks ago.”

Your eyes downcast a little and you feel your lips twitch slightly into a growing frown, “It doesn’t matter what status I am. I will be insulted for who I am. I’m sure the guests around us are whispering about me as we speak…”

At that, Poseidon’s gaze snaps to the crowd around you two, shutting all the guests up instantly.

“…And you… Poseidon…” For some reason you find yourself suddenly getting choked up, “…Poseidon, you can’t help me with that, I have to learn to deal with it.”

Even though you can no longer hear the guest talk about you, the silence once you finish is overwhelming and you can’t find it to look at Poseidon. Instead your gaze is downcasted onto his suit jacket and even that is too stressful. Damn, how embarrassing.

“(Y/n)—“ You suddenly can’t find it in you to listen to Poseidon’s response.

“I’m sorry. I-I.. I have to go.” Hurriedly, you grab a bit of your dress so it doesn’t get caught on your heels and begin to make your way inside. As you leave you can’t help but hear Hades and Zeus’ voice. They seem to be addressing Poseidon but you don’t bother to listen.

Damn it. Damn it.

“My Lady?” You hear one of the servants call as you pass by them, but you don’t stop and wait instead hurriedly fleeing away. After a while and eventually escaping the servants, you tuck yourself into the closest unoccupied room you could find and lock the door. Even though the room is old and filled to the brim with sea moss covered shelves and books, you collapse down onto the floor.

“What are you doing…” You can’t help but mutter to yourself, tucking your face into your knees, “You shouldn’t be doing this. You’re supposed to be a queen soon for crying out loud…”

No, no you weren’t…, you can’t help but think to yourself. You… you were supposed to be an Art student, taking a trip abroad in Greece. Trying… just trying something new.

Well… you got something new. Yeah, that’s for sure.


You just aren’t supposed to be here. You weren’t supposed to be queen. You weren’t meant to marry Poseidon. Nor were you to be a replacement for Amphitrite.

Yet, what were you…? If you aren’t what you were supposed to be in the human realm and now not in the realm of the gods either. Then what are you?

“…As a former Nymph, where my kind is often taken advantage of by gods just like humans, I beg of you. Do not. Follow. Zeus’. Plan. It will surely get you killed. To him, if you die, He will simply take another human or some other god to take your place. All he wants is Amphitrite off the throne.”

Scylla words resound in your mind. The tone and the look in her eyes now seemed much more real. Much more prevalent to you. Just… what were you thinking…? This wasn’t some fairytale. Why did you take this sort of gamble?

“Lost in thought?”

Startled by the new voice, you whip your head around. How and when did someone get in here? However, your eyes soon soften once you see who it is.

“Persephone…” You say out to Hades’ wife in front of you, “I’m… I’m sorry about what happened outside—“

“Don’t go apologizing,” Persephone sighs out, rubbing the back of her neck as she takes a seat next to you on the mossy tiles, “…and I’m not saying that out of that stupid premise that ‘gods shouldn’t apologize’.”

Persephone seemed lost in thought for a moment as she looked at you. Almost as if looking at you reminded her of something. Or, perhaps, someone.

“You…” Persephone seemed to take a pause. “You aren’t okay, Are you?”

“…Of…” For some reason you laugh and you can’t help but wonder if you have gone insane, “Of course not…I…”

“…I haven’t been okay for a while.”

“You haven’t been okay for a while.”

You stare at Persephone in confusion as she simultaneously says what you say. How did she know?

As if knowing what you were thinking Persephone answers, “Even though I was born as a Goddess, my mother had me live in the Human realm. I never knew why, but then again I never truly asked. I loved the human realm and everything about it. It was…”

Persephone pauses as she thinks, “…my home. Yet, also in a way not… I still couldn’t help but feel like I didn’t truly…trulybelong.”

“Then…” Persephone eyes gloss over. Not as if she was about to cry. No. It was more as if she had lost herself to her thoughts. As if she was going back to experience what she was saying, “Then that fateful day. I truly remembered it like it was yesterday. Hades showed up….and the next thing I knew…I was in—”

Snapping out of it, Persephone looks at you. “I…I’m sure you know the rest of my story.”

“Yeah…” You can’t help but turn your gaze away from Persephone’s. Instead look out to the mossy covered bookshelves. Some now covered in colorful sea plants that had grown in Persephone’s spring-like presence.

“(Y/n),” Persephone calls out, slowly you turn your head back to look at her, “Do you know why I only ate six pomegranate seeds instead of the full twelve?”

You furrow your brows in confusion, “I…I don’t know. Why?”

“Because I felt I would lose myself either way.” Persephone answers, her gaze piercing into yours to make sure you got her message, “I had grown to the point where I couldn’t live with Hades. Sure, I wasn’t sure if I ‘loved’ him yet but…”

Persephone gives you a knowing look, “…You know.”

Confused at what she was getting at, you give Persephone a look but she rolls her eyes. Muttering a small ‘you’ll figure yourself out soon’ before continuing, “Yet, even if I wanted to stay with Hades…in hell. I just…”

Persephone seemed to struggle over her words, “I was… losing myself, you know? I was to become the queen of the underworld and that’s…”

You can’t help but flinch as Persephone lightly grabs ahold of your hand, “…It was a lot for me. I had gone from a small valley goddess to queen. It was way too much… way too fast.”

Silence pierces the air as Persephone grows quiet and you allow her words to sink in. You… you had been losing yourself. Paperwork, finances, being lady of the household, playing the part of Poseidon’s wife…

Since when…

Since when did you let yourself be… yourself? Painting or sketching for hours on end, enjoying a nice drink inside on a rainy day, people watching… or even spending some quality time with Triton.

It…has been a while. Way too long.

“(Y/n),” You snap your head up as Persephone finally speaks again, “Now I ain’t telling you to go eat 6 pomegranate, or whatever fruit grows on the seafloor, seeds to only spend 6 months with your husband like I did. But… you have to be yourself. You owe it to yourself to do that much and if Poseidon doesn’t like that…”

“Ack!” You are startled as an unknown hand slaps you on the back and pulls you close.

“…Big brother Hades will take care of that idiot for you.”

“Since…” You look up at the underworld god in confusion, some strands of hair falling in your face as you do so, “Since… When did you get here Hades?”

“Just at the end.” Hades responds, letting you out of his grasp or at least you think so until he drapes his arm across your shoulder, “It took a while to get away from Poseidon andto not have him follow me.”

“Follow you?” You can’t help but question, confused on what Hades was talking about.

“Well, my younger brother sort of wanted to follow you after you walked away but Zeus and I had to force him to stop from doing so. He then somehow, being the cheeky shit he is, figured out that you were most likely with Persephone and the bastard tried to tail me.” Hades exclaimed, seeming to get more and more frustrated as he yapped on.

“Poseidon was…looking for me?” You mumble out, more so to yourself then the other two. Why was he doing that? Why was he looking for you? Well, it is likely that it’s because… you embarrassed him, “He’s going to give me a really big earful once he finds me.”

“An earful?” Persephone repeats, having heard you, “Like scold you? Why would Poseidon scold you?”

“Well, I did sort of embarrass him in front of all those gods and goddesses.”

“Wha—“ Persephone looked even more confused now, “(Y/n), Poseidon was defending you. You’re his wife after all and he loves—.”

“Poseidon doesn’t.” You couldn’t help yourself. Even though you have lied and faked it to everyone up until this point you couldn’t hide it from Persephone. Not to the goddess that had helped you in a way she didn’t have to, “A-A Contract. Poseidon and I had an agreement to get married. It wasn’t because we—”

“A contract?!” Hades butted in, his earring jingling as his head snapped toward you, “Like a physical contract?”

“No, it—“ You take a pause as you think, “It was Zeus’ plan. Zeus wanted me in the manor to seduce Poseidon, I didn’t want to of course and was highly against it, but at the same time Zeus was pushing Poseidon to marry me to get Amphitrite out of the throne. Eventually, I guess Poseidon warmed up to the idea and tried to get me to sign a marriage document. I told him no and—“

You are startled as you hear a thundering crack and pause your explanation. “Those two bumbling idiots.”

“Hades.” Persephone warns, grabbing ahold of your arm just in case. After a minute and hushed whispers between the two, Persephone speaks again, “Please continue (y/n).”

“Well…” You take a nervous gulp before you continue. Honestly it felt like you were back being human again. Spilling your guts out to the two beings next of you. You told them everything. Even going back to the beginning. From first meeting Zeus and Triton. Taking care of Triton. Marissa and her demise. Poseidon saving you. You staying at the castle. The agreement. Poseidon giving you ambrosia and how he spontaneously took you to bed. How weird the sea god has been acting lately. Everything… you told them everything.

“Hades, I swear to god.” Persephone curses as Hades takes his arm off your shoulder and goes to stand up. However, before she could stop him, the underworld god was already gone. Sighing, Persephone sits back down and holds you close. “(Y/n), please don’t take Hades the wrong way. He’s not mad at you, he’s mad at his brothers right now.”

“It’s…” Your voice croaks a little from exhaustion and you find yourself sinking in Persephone’s hold, “It’s okay. I sort of figured.”

“(Y/n), I…” Persephone seems to stop all of sudden and you can hear her gnawing at her lip as she thinks. Even through your tiredness you can’t help but wonder what has her so anxious all of sudden. However, before you can even ask, she answers your thoughts for you. “…I’m not sure… No, I know you don’t want to hear this now but I feel like you should. No matter if this hurts you or changes you. You… should now.”

“Wha…” You blink for a moment and lift yourself off of Persephone. Newfound strength and energy bursting through you as your veins pump out a new shot of adrenaline. Nervously, you let out a small laugh, “Persephone… what… what are you talking about?”

However the goddess doesn’t respond. For the first time ever turning her gaze away from yours.

“You’ve been wondering why Poseidon’s been acting so weird recently,right? With the touching, the possessiveness, how he is acting…”

Hesitantly, you answer, “Yeah…? What about that?”

Once again the goddess of spring, The queen of the underworld, doesn’t meet your gaze. It made you… extremely nervous.

“Persephone… you’re scaring me.” You choke out, your voice shaking as you speak, “What’s wrong? What does Poseidon acting so strangely have to do with me?”

Finally Persephone meets your gaze. Except it doesn’t make you feel better, it makes you feel worse.

“(Y/n), I think Poseidon is acting that way because…” You can’t help but feel your breath shudder at Persephone’s next three words. As if your body just collapsed and fell limp on the inside. The only thing still working being your eyes that stay trained on Persephone’s expression. Her pitiful and worried eyes staring back at you.

“…he loves you.”

Who knew three simple words could break apart someone so easily.

Author Note: Hey everyone I’m back from college! I’m not sure how long I’ll be back but hopefully a while until spring semester . I’m so glad to update this series again and also thank you all for the check in messages you guys sent. Sorry I didn’t post anything, you see I’m a journalism/film major so I have to write a lottttt all the time and was too exhausted with college story writing to update. I also didn’t know when I would be back and I didn’t want to give false hope. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter it was so fun to write the characters again. I totally did not binge watch ROR and read my fanfics again just to write this correct haha. Also I don’t know what my posting schedule will be like now that I’m back since I want to visit friends and family but I’m at least planning to post like how I previous did on Tuesdays and Thursdays (at the very least on Tuesday).

Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq @sproutcorner @orophaea @anime-lover-forever-1127 @fortuna-stella @icy-spicy @sleepy-lad @cringey-otaku @tanspostsblog @diestheticu@holdyourwine



an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.


The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean


Vol. 3: Kiss the Girl// Ch. 17

Type: Poseidon x reader

Word Count: 3,000+



Icy blue eyes. That is all that seemed to be on your mind recently.

Whether it be about Poseidon, your ‘Fiancé’ that seemed to be acting stranger and stranger each and every day…


“Left…, Left…, Left… Right… and now spin.” Mrs. Pufferfish, your ballroom dance teacher, shouts out as you practice one of the dances in front of her.

“No, I said right, and then spin!” She yells out as you step on the shoe of your dance partner, a spare butler, as you made that mistake. Ballroom dance was definitely not your forte so far.

Though, then again, if you were going to be the new queen you had to learn. Many events you would need to be present had classical ball dances at it.

What a pain, you think with a sigh. You didn’t need to worry about things like this back in college. When everything was centered around the 21st century, not the Victorian era or medieval era like this place.

“Ok. Ok. From the top—“ Just as Mrs. Pufferfish is about to have you practice yet again, a knock at the door resounds. “Oh— Greetings to your Greatness, Lord Poseidon.”


You swivel your head to the door to see that the god of the seas was indeed here.

What in the world was he doing here? It may be his palace and he can go wherever he wants but doesn’t he have work or something? In all of your short time knowing the god, he would never, ever, waste his time on trivial things.

For example, watching you practice dancing.

“Did work finish up early, Poseidon?” You ask the god as he walks over to you. Flinching a little as he places a chaste kiss to your hairline. What was with him and doing that lately?

“Yes, There wasn’t much today.” Poseidon answers meekly as he pulls away, “Have your lessons been good?”

“Yes.” You answer swiftly, turning your attention somewhere else in the room. Seeming to end the conversation right there and then.

“I see…” is all the sea god let’s out as he stares down at you. He seems to be contemplating something as he suddenly turns to the butler, “Leave, you are excused for today.”

You whip your head around to give a confused glare at Poseidon, “But My Lord, I need him to practice.”

“Then I will step in.”

Your eyebrows furrow at Poseidon’s answer. He would step in? But he was usually too prideful to help with such trivial tasks.

“You do not have to, My—“

“Do you not trust my judgement?” Poseidon blandly states in an authoritative voice, interrupting you. Ah, you should have watched your words.

“Of course not.” You say with a sigh, not in the mood to argue with him today.

“Good.” The god murmurs as he grabs one of your hands, placing his other on your waist. At the sudden touch, your breath hitches causing you to catch a whiff of Poseidon’s cologne that he usually wore. It was a sharp scent yet also very masculine. One that reeked of authority and regalness, “Music.”

At Poseidon’s sudden order to your dance instructor, you break yourself from your thoughts. Damn it, you shouldn’t be focusing on his scent like that. What is wrong with you?

Actually,… that was the least of your worries.

You wince as you step on Poseidon’s foot for the second time since you started. What was up with him?

The Poseidon you know would have cursed out and threatened your whole bloodline by now but… there hasn’t been a peep from him. Even as you make mistake after mistake, he doesn’t say anything.

“Are you alright?”

You tense up as Poseidon finally speaks. He… He asked you a question? and not only that, he asked if you were alright?

This is strange…

You can hear your heart drumming nervously in your ears as you stare up at Poseidon in disbelief. The man had his usual blank gaze as he looked at you but… it seemed different somehow. You couldn’t put your finger on exactly why though.

…What is up with him…?


…Or, Triton. The adorable boy that you adopted that literally stole your heart. A son that you now realize was heir to the throne and had a much bigger role than you could have ever imagined…


“Mom! Mom!” Triton yells out, trying to get your attention. “Look. Look!”

“Very good, Honey!” You yell back from your spot on the shore. With the lack of paperwork today, you had decided to tag along with Triton and his instructor to a secluded area in the mortal realm to practice his powers.

“It’s so cool right?” Triton screeches out with glee as he jumps from 20 foot wave to 20 foot wave. All created and bended at will by him.

“Yes it is! You are doing great!” You yell back with a giggle before turning your attention back to the sky. How long has it been since you’ve seen clouds? You didn’t even know.

Does time pass differently in Atlantis compared to the human realm? You can’t help but think as you follow the clouds. Seeing how they moved slowly along, forming different objects and shapes as they went.

If so, how much has happened since you’ve been gone? With all that has been happening, you have forgotten about College in Greece, your art degree, your friends and classmates, your life back home…

You feel a twinge of pain hit your heart as you think more. Did Bryce and Yuri miss you? Were they worried? Scared? You had no way of contacting them to make sure.

Could they have perhaps finished up the exchange program while you were gone? Perhaps going back to their respective countries of Japan and Australia? Perhaps… forgetting about you and moving on?

You let out a big sigh as you close your eyes. Anxiety, guilt, sadness; just so many emotions flooding your system as you ponder.

“Mom?” Your eyes snap out at Triton’s sudden call, his voice practically on top of you compared to feet away like before. He seemed unaware of your previous distraught self as he had a wide smile on his face. Excited as well as he was practically teetering back and forth on the balls of his feet. “I’ve got something for you!”

“G-got something for me?” You croak out, lifting yourself up from the warm sand slightly.

“Mhm!” The boy hummed, “Close your eyes!”


As you shut them, you can hear the sound of rustling and feel Triton tying something around your neck. The object felt cold and hard against your skin. Likely some sort of metal based off its chain-like and familiar texture.

“Ok. You can open your eyes now, Mom.” Triton says cheerfully as he pulls his hands away. Your eyes squint slightly at the sudden onslaught of sun hitting your face as you open your eyes but eventually they adjust. And as they do, you find yourself gasping as you see what is on your neck.

“T-Triton…” You murmur out as you take the small piece of sea glass in your hand. It’s smooth texture carved into an intricate shape of a clam shell as it was held carefully by the thin silver chain.

“You mentioned once before when it was just the two of us that you liked to go shell collecting at beaches on the weekend. I thought you would like it, mom.”

“Oh, Triton.” You mumble out once more, seeming to be suddenly brought to tears, “I love it. Thank you.”

You realize then that it doesn’t matter what you lost. No matter if it was your dream of art or your past life with friends. No. You would do it all again if it meant meeting Triton. You would jump hundreds of times again into the roaring seas to save that boy.

No matter what.

“I love you, mom.”

“… I love you too, Triton. So much.”


…Or, finally, that teenage boy from the market. The strange one with sliver irises that seemed to peer into your soul. The fated meeting that you thought would only be a one-time thing that coincidentally was not.


“So, Where do you shop, Lady (y/n)?”

“Yeah, your clothes are so nice.”

“I love the colors. Is it somewhere here in town?”

“Indeed. I get them from the dress parlor over by Ochellia’s.” You answer out absentmindedly. Walking slightly behind the other Goddess as they walked throughout the streets.

“Oh that’s close by, we should go! I haven’t shopped in forever.”

“Same. All my dresses are out of fashion and—“

You really wanted to leave… but you had no other choice. The three water goddesses in front of you had tagged along with their husbands on their annual meeting with Poseidon and it was your job to entertain them as lady of the house. Even though Poseidon told you that you didn’t have to, he stated he would gladly berate them and their husbands if given the opportunity for not notifying you two beforehand, you refused.

You knew this meeting would make for good practice. All the Goddess and Demi-Goddess, as well as many other species, were curious about who Poseidon’s new wife was. You also knew that some would be blunt and nasty about meeting you. Many craved for power that Poseidon had while others had grudges against the sea god and you needed to learn how to deal with those social situations.

Especially, if you are to be respected.

“Ooo, would you look at that? Such a gorgeous diamond.” One of the goddesses, you believed a rain goddess, suddenly shouts out as something in the window of a shop catches her eye.

“Oh wow. So pretty.” The two others oohed and awed at the beautiful handcrafted rings that laid before them.

“They are quite nice.” You simply state as you join the women. You weren’t sure how Poseidon did it, being all bland and straight faced in front of people. It was a real struggle and all around tiring. Yet, you know it was what you had to do.

“Should I get one for you, Lady (y/n)?” The rain goddess suddenly pipes up, turning her gaze to you. You feel the edge of your lip twitch slightly as a dark gleam comes over her eyes, “I can’t help but notice your left hand is rather… empty.”

It seems this goddess is one of the some that disliked your rise in power.

“Oh, my, I didn’t even notice. Did Lord Poseidon not give you a ring?” One of the other goddess gasps out, eyes trained to your hand that did not hold such a ring. You could tell that this one that though did not dislike you was much a gossiper.

It seems you need to plant a lie to get out of this mess. You would have to also tell Poseidon later so he doesn’t mess up either if he gets asked the same question.

“Oh, I thank you for your concern but Pose—“ Before you can even get out your Fiancé’s name, a dosage of mud comes pouring down on the three goddesses in front of you. Nearly, just by a hair, missing you.

…What in the world…?

You stand there, mind boggled, as the ladies in front of you begin to scream and cry. Embarrassed and distraught by the sudden occurrence they pick up the tails of their dresses and flee. Likely back to the carriage to make their way back to the palace.

“Higher beings get so distraught over nothing.” A voice suddenly calls out, causing you to jolt. Looking up you lock eyes with the culprit of this. The boy from the market.

“Do you hold contempt for those three?” You ask the boy, not breaking your gaze from his icy blue eyes as he leaps down in front of you.

“Contempt?” The boy questions, scrunching his nose up and furrowing his brows, “What’s that?”

“Are you angry at them? Hate or perhaps want revenge on them?” You explain to him with a sigh as you shake your head. First stealing, then harassment and assault. What could possibly be next? You honestly didn’t want to know especially since if you stayed you were bound to get wrapped up in it.

“Ohhh… Nope. Not at all.”

You watch as the boy begins to whistles lightly as he makes his way to walk down the street to your left. You choose not to follow and that causes the boy to stop and turn.

“I did it to scare them away. I want to hang out with you.”

You raise an eyebrow at the boy’s reason, “Hang out with me?”

“Yeah. Like just… walk. Perhaps do something? I don’t care. Just hang.” The boy explains as he twirls the spear in his hand; the same spear he stole that last time you met him. A blaring reminder of why you should stay away.

“I can’t. I have to—“

“But, I just gave you spare time.” The teenager argues back, “Even if it’s just an hour, walk around with me. Then afterwards you can go play house with your husband or whatever.”

“…you overheard our conversation?”

“Not really. Wasn’t listening. All I heard was something about a ring.” You let out a small sigh of relief, at least your secret identity is safe from the public for now, “Hey. Why don’t you play house with me?”

Oh god. Where was someone to save you when you needed it? Even Zeus or Aphrodite would be okay right now.


As you begin to walk away in the opposite direction, the boy runs after you. His cloak and white hair bobbing as he does so.

“Oh, come on! I don’t mean like husband or wife, our age difference is too gross for that. I’m talking… Hmm, Mother and son?” The boy says, as he walks backwards in front of you. Not caring if he bumps into any other beings or things as he does so. “Come on. It’s practice for when you actually have a son with that husband of yours.”

“I already do have one.” You argue back, crossing the road to get away from the boy. Sadly, it doesn’t work as he quickly follows.

“Great. You already know what to do then. Are you the loving type or the strict type?”

What in the world—

You spin your head around to give the boy a piece of your mind but stop. You thought he would look mischievous, or even nasty, as he teased you but instead he looked lost in thought. The words blurting out of his mouth as if he couldn’t stop it. Actually interested in what he was suggesting.


“Oh! How about do you spoil your children or do you—“

“Why are you interested in that stuff so much?” You bluntly state out as you suddenly stop. Watching as the boy freezes up, “Why are you so invested in this mother and son suddenly?”

“Oh… I—“ The boy suddenly laughs as he massages the back of his neck, “What are you talking about? I was just messing with you. Can’t take a joke.”

Yeah I can and that laugh is awfully forced, You think as you continue to stare at the boy. His icy blue eyes that are usually staring back at you are off to the side now.



“…I’m a loving parent.” You say with a sigh before turning and walking away. You better hope you don’t regret this.

“Wha— Hey. Wait up!” The boy shouts out as he chases after you. The pep in his step back as he estacilly begins to talk, “So, you like to spoil your son then. How much? And with what?”



The boy found you every time you went to the market after that. Even if it meant scaring away your servants or causing some sort of issue to grab your attention. He sure was a weird one.

“My Lady?”

You are startled by the sudden call and look up to the head maid currently styling your hair. A gleeful yet peaceful look on her face.

“Are you excited?” The maid asks, her voice slightly wavering due to some unknown excitement.


“The Cychríepochí Festival? Are you excited that it starts today?” The maid explains further, pulling her hands away from your hair as she finally finishes.

“Oh.” You had totally forgotten that today was the first day. You would be busy with Poseidon greeting guests that would be staying at the palace for the ball. “Yes…

…I do feel excited for some reason.”

Author Note: Ooooo End of Vol. 3. I plan for Chapter 18, First chapter of Vol. 4 to go up Thursday but I haven’t exactly planned out Vol. 4 yet so that might change. If not, I’ll let you guys know.

Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq @sproutcorner @orophaea @anime-lover-forever-1127 @fortuna-stella @icy-spicy @sleepy-lad @cringey-otaku @tanspostsblog



an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.


The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean


Vol. 3: Kiss the Girl// Ch. 16

Type: Poseidon x reader

Word Count: 1,000+



“Oh, Um…” You choke out, startled out how you were caught staring, “It’s…




It is silent for a moment as the boy gives you a strange look, seeming not to believe what you were saying, before eventually giving up and shaking his head. His messy long white hair bobbing back and forth as he does so.

“Alrighty then.” Is all he says to you before turning his attention back to the vendor. “Now back to what I was saying, I’ll take this spear for about… 150 Jewels give or take.”

“150 Jewels?! Are you crazy boy—“

You wince slightly at the vendor’s loud voice. The boy, looking about 15 in human age, sure had guts negotiating with a short tempered vendor like that. It honestly could get ugly pretty quickly. You should probably refrain from getting mixed up in the mess that was about to concur.

Yet, even though you think that, you can’t help but continue to spare small glances at the boy. You weren’t sure what it was but… you just couldn’t take your eyes off him. Especially those icy blue eyes of his…

Eyes that held quite unordinary vertical-like irises. An iris that reminded you of that of a cat or a snake.

…Something was strange about this boy… you can’t help but wonder why.

“300 Jewels and that’s final! If you don’t like it, then get out!” The vendor shouts one last time at the boy, his face beat red from anger.

“Tch. Geez, fine then.” The boy says with a sigh as he pulls back up his hood. The dark black fabric shielding his face from view, “You leave me no choice.”


You watched in startled surprise as the boy suddenly grabbed your hand.

“I sure hope you can run fast.” He whispers out teasingly, his blue eyes shimmering lightly in mischief underneath the shade of the hood, before stealing the spear from the vendor, tugging you along as he runs, “See Ya, Ya Geezer!”

“Hey! Oi! Get back here! Guards!”

“Wait! Wha—“ You can hardly function what is going on as this boy, this stranger, tugs you along the streets and into back alleyways. Around people, carts and sea animals; Some you almost or do bump into. It is only as he finally stops at an abandoned hidden plaza that everything comes crashing down on you.

The boy lets out a small chuckle as he lets go of your hand, “Damn. That was close. Thank goo—“


The teenage boy falls to the ground in a heap as you sucker punch him in the gut. “H-Hey! Lady! What the hell?!”

“Don’t ‘what the hell me’?! What were you thinking?!” You screeched at the boy, taking a step forward as he stood up. Poking at the young boy’s chest as you continued to chase him, “You don’t know me. I don’t know you. Why did you drag me along and get me into trouble?!”

“There…wasn’t really a reason, I—- Hey. Hey! Let me finish!” The boy fearfully shouts out as you lift your fist up once more. Quivering like a leaf in front of you as he hesitantly backs away.


“It’s like— I don’t know how to explain it— It’s— you—“ The boy stutters out, trying to figure out his own thoughts, “Shit. I don’t know. Something was just interesting about you.”

You raise an eyebrow at the boy’s explanation, “Interesting?”

“Not like that. You look way too old for me anyways…” The boy says, looking you up and down. Thanks, you can’t help but sarcastically think. It’s not like you are only a college student and this boy is likely hundreds of years older than you.

“You are…just…strange.” The boy meekly let’s out, rubbing the back of his neck.

You can’t help but scoff lightly, “I’m actually pretty normal from where I come from.”

“And where is that?”

You pause for a moment. Thinking.

“…Why do you want to know?” You let out, your words no longer harsh or accusatory towards the boy. Almost airy and sheepish in a way as you realize you shouldn’t judge either. You also thought he was strange as well when you first saw him.

“Just…do?” He whispers out. “Is there really a reason? You’re strange…. I’m definitely strange.”

The boy chuckles out the last part. As if there was some inside joke or hidden secret behind him that you didn’t quite understand.

“…And if being strange is normal from where you are. I wanna know.”

You gaze down at the boy in front of you. That’s right, a boy. Not the soon to be adult teenager that you know all too well from the human world. No. Just a boy. A lost boy at that.

He wasn’t trying to swindle you or drag you into trouble. He was just seeking out an adult. An adult that seemed like him. One that could possibly give him advice.

“You’re…You’re oddly open to a person you just met.”

“I know.” The boy counters back instantly.

It’s silent after that, the boy waiting patiently for your answer and you not ready to give it to him. It was hard to know who would break first but, of course, somehow you did. He reminded you of someone…

“I’m from the human… or, whatever you call it, realm” You explain with an anxiously laugh, leaning against the cold brick of the wall. Your eyes darting away from the boy to the many jellyfish that floated high above the city.

You expected the boy to laugh, to sneer, to anything in disgust that you expect from higher beings but it never comes. The boy with the unusual blue eyes does none of that. Only letting out a small, “I see…” as he joins you in looking at the jellyfish.

You think perhaps you should make another comment or ask a question of your own—Perhaps his name, what creature he was, or just more about him—but… you refrain. Knowing even if it did, it wouldn’t matter.

That lost boy next to you was….strange…


….It oddly comforted you in a way.

Author Note: another chapter done! Hehe. I know this one is a little short and anti-climatic but I promise. It’s supposed to be like that. You’ll find out why in later chapters.

Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq @sproutcorner @orophaea @anime-lover-forever-1127 @fortuna-stella @icy-spicy @sleepy-lad @cringey-otaku @tanspostsblog



an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.


The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean


Vol. 3: Kiss the Girl// Ch. 15

Type: Poseidon x reader

Word Count: 3,000+



“Mine all Mine…”

“My Lady?”

“No one… No one is allowed to have you. Only me…”

How odd. Unconsciously, you find your fingers ghosting themselves over your lips. As if you could feel the tingling feeling of Poseidon’s lips against yours right then.

“My Lady?” The voice murmurs again, slowly getting louder. “My Lady?!”


Finally the voice breaks into your thoughts, making you come crashing down to reality. How silly. You weren’t with Poseidon, you were in a carriage. A carriage with Marine, Pierre and Triton on your way to the city portion of Atlantis.

“Sorry-y. W-what were you saying, Marine?”

Marine and Pierre look at each other, worried. As if locked in a silent conversation, they share a nod before turning their attention back to you.

“My Lady, are you sure you are alright to go out today?” Marine questions cautiously, “We could always go another day for dress shopping.”

“I’m fine. Please. Don’t worry. We need to get this over with—“

Pierre instantly cuts you off, “We have plenty of time before the Cychríepochí Festival, My Lady. If you wish to rest today, you always can.”

Right, The Cychríepochí Festival. The week-long festival that is hosted every year in Atlantis to mark the start of the cold season. It comes with all sorts of vendors and eccentric festivities, with the final day being specifically important as a Royal Ball is hosted for high Gods and Goddesses.

…It would also be the day you would be formally announced as the new queen of the ocean.

“I’m fine, don’t worry. Just… Nervous…” You tell Pierre. It wasn’t technically a lie, you were nervous just not about that. Instantly thoughts of Poseidon flash back into your mind. Stupid. Why are you thinking about this? It’s so stupid.

Poseidon’s words to you the other day have been playing in your mind like a broken record. You just couldn’t escape from it.

“Mine… Mine, (y/n)…”

What could he possibly mean by that…?

“Marine.” You suddenly speak up catching the fish’s attention. You needed to get Poseidon out of your head or you were going to go crazy. “If you don’t mind, could you tell me about the citizens of Atlantis?”

“Citizens?” Marine questions out, confused.

“Like….” How does one exactly put it into words? “…Who lives here? Like their species and what to expect?”

Thankfully this time Marine seems to understand as his eyes visibly light up, “Of course, My Lady! Sir Pierre could you make a diagram to help explain it to the Lady more clearly?”


Taking his hand out of his pocket, Pierre outstretches his arm and in a swirl of glowing water, a pyramid diagram appears.

“Ahem. So essentially in Atlantis we have a Hierarchy. At the very top is the “Royal Family”. This consists of only Lord Poseidon, Master Triton and now you, Lady (y/n). You are, by all means, the ruling body of all the water and sea based citizens. Lady Amphitrite, due to divorce, is not a part of this Royal Family any more and, Lord Zeus and Lord Hades, though Lord Poseidon’s brothers, are not counted either as they rule their realms respectively.” Marine explains before suddenly pointing at Triton, “However, this section of the hierarchy will change when Master Triton comes to age. Lord Poseidon is King of the seas but is only King of Atlantis per an agreement of the other gods.”

“An agreement?” You question out loud. This was much more complicated than what you first thought.

“Yes. Atlantis is a neutral ground city for all mythological gods, just like sections of Valhalla. The agreement puts Lord Poseidon in charge of Atlantis until his eldest heir is able to take over. That heir being Master Triton who will become King and God of Atlantis.”

Really? You glance over at Triton to see that the boy had a bashful look on his face. Seeming embarrassed by the attention suddenly being solely pointed on himself.

“Surprise?…” Triton mumbles anxiously under his breath before turning his gaze away from you. Cute.

Leaning down you place a light kiss on the young boy’s head. His blonde silky locks slightly tickle against your face as you do so.

“Amazing, Triton.” You quickly reassure the boy before turning your attention back to Marine.

“The rest should be similar from here. Next in the Hierarchy is Water Gods/Goddesses and after them is Water Demi-Gods/Goddesses. The reason it is specifically those of water is because all gods have ‘citizenship’ to one of generally three places: Valhalla, Helheim and Atlantis. This is because Gods who visit from other realms have to pay respect to all citizens who reside there, no matter their class, but that isn’t usually enforced.”

Of course, it isn’t…, you think as you roll your eyes. If anything you learned while being human was that Gods and Goddesses were the most stuck up and prideful beings you have ever met. Even the nice ones. It was as if it was built into their nature.

“After that we have the Nymphs & Giants. This is generally self explanatory as Nymphs & Giants are powerful and strong compared to other beings that serve the gods but are still lesser beings than those they serve. Next, very simple, are sea creatures, they are the original beings of the sea and therefore counted as those who shall be respected. I count as those of the ‘sea creatures class’ being a Beta Fish myself and Sir Pierre is a Nymph and Demi-God Hybrid making him that of the ‘Nymph Class’.”

What? You looked confused at what Marine explains in the last part, “But,… Why would Sir Pierre be considered as part of the ‘Nymph class’ if he has the blood of a god flowing through him?”

Pierre takes the job of explaining it this time, “Beings who are of mixed blood or classes take on the lower class of the two parents, My Lady. There are no direct rules but that is just how it works. For example, if you and Lord Poseidon had a child. Even though said child is 3 quarters Full blood god, it would still be rounded down as a Demi-God.”

“Oh…” You mumble out under your breath. This Hierarchy thing seemed extremely serious and very… bashing towards others in many ways. Keeping those confined in their place from which they were born out of.

The feeling of Triton’s cold hand wrapping intertwined with yours breaks you from your thoughts. The young boy gives you a concerned look as he stares up at you. Triton… You give a small reassuring smile to your son before turning your attention back to Marine. How sad… No wonder you ran away from all this…

“Finally, the most populated and at the bottom of the Hierarchy is ‘Other Spirits & Mythological creatures’.” Marine states, seeming to finally put a close to his explanation. Though, you can’t help but wonder why he didn’t elaborate as much on the last section as he did with the others.

Triton, as if sensing your curiosity, leans over to sneakily whisper in your ear, “Like Sea monsters and Human Spirits mama.”

You open your mouth slightly in a silent ‘ohh’. So that’s why Marine didn’t want to elaborate. He likely was being cautious of mentioning that human’s, even though in spirit form, we’re at the bottom of the Hierarchy for your sake.

Though,… you can’t help but wonder what started this discriminatory and hatred towards humans in the first place.

It must go very far back. Perhaps even the gods forgot why they do it in the first place…

Letting out a small sigh, you shake your head before looking out the shell carriage window. Taking in the vast sea horizon around you, you attempt to lighten your mood knowing you had much time to go before you would finally arrive in…



Did the shade of blue really matter?

Of course it did. Well, at least to Pierre and Marine it did.

Pierre believed a Royal Blue would look elegant on you. It’s dark, royal, colors would make you look sophisticated, mature and all around stunning. The perfect color to make your appearance as the new queen.

However, Marine begged to differ. Marine believed periwinkle should be the color for you. The pastel blue, almost purple, color would bring out your soft and sweet personality. It would show the start of a era of a new queen as, apparently, Amphitrite wore dark colors so you should debut in something lighter.

It was… stressful to say the least. You had been trying on dresses for at least 4 hours now and still hadn’t moved on to accessories or jewelry yet. Plus, Triton still needed to shop for his formal outfit after you were done. Oh dear…

“That one is pretty as well, mom.” Triton comments as you walk out in yet another dress. The young boy didn’t seem to be paying attention to the chaos of Marine and Pierre’s argument around him, instead his eyes peeled to you or the magazine in his hands.

“Thank you, Triton…” You thank the boy graciously, trying not to show your utter exhaustion. You seriously needed a break…

Wait, a minute. A thought pops into your head. How did you not think of it before?

“Pierre, Marine. I’m going to go to the store down the road if that’s alright.”

At your sudden request, Marine and Pierre freeze up.

“My Lady you can’t just leave! We aren’t done yet!” Marine shouts out with a whine as he stops you in your tracks from escaping out the front door of the shop.

Pierre nods his head in agreement, “We still have to pick out the finest pearls for you.”

“Pearls? That’s too old fashioned. Moonstone is the new thing!”

As Marine and Pierre get into another argument, you shake your head. Oh boy, today is going to be a longday.

“Pierre, Marine.” You say in an authoritative tone, putting an end to the argument, “Remember I still have to buy the ‘gifts’for the festival, right? And if I wait until we are done dress shopping, all the other stores will be closed by then.”

“Oh, you mean those gifts for Lor—“ You cut Marine off with a shush as you point to Triton behind you. The young boy, too entertained by some of the soft fabrics one of the workers has brought over, to be even listening to your conversation.

“Have Triton try on his outfits while I’m out… And, yes, I’ll be fine going alone.” You tell the two in front of you, waiting until they affirm your decision before finally escaping from the store. Sweet god, you missed the fresh air— err, ocean water…? You were stuck in that place for too long.

What you told Marine and Pierre in order to escape wasn’t technically a lie. You learned on your way here that it was apparently a tradition for females to give males gifts on the first day of the Cychríepochí Festival and for males to give gifts to females on the last day. So, you at the very least planned to get a gift for Triton and… likely Poseidon as well.

It would probably look too weird to others if you don’t give Poseidon a gift on the first day. After all, you two were supposed to be playing the ‘Very-in-Love’ couple.

Then again…

You find your feet halting suddenly against the stone sidewalk. If it was all pretend then what is with all of ‘that’? The possessiveness…, the sexual parts…, the god damn teasing for crying out loud when you two were alone. No one is around so there’s no way it’s for show, so… what’s with that?

Could he actually… likeyou?

No, don’t look too much into it, you think to yourself before resuming your walk. There’s no way Poseidon likes you like that. And even if he did, it was at most sexual attraction.

Just let it go…

“Good day Madam.” The storekeeper’s voice rings out from behind the counter as you enter one of the stores. “May I help you today?”

“Ummm.” You look around the store for a second. It was a jewelry store, a prestigious one at that. “Do you have anything for men?”

“Of course, Madam. We have a vast selection.” The storekeeper tells you as he brings you to a glass casing on the other side of the store. “We have cuff links, pendants, crests. All of the sort. Does anything catch your eye?”

Hmm… You gaze down at the jewelry below. None of this looks like something Triton would wear. The pieces looked more appropriate for someone older, a businessman perhaps.

Poseidon perhaps?

You remember faintly the male god wearing a different, more business attire, suit when he had to meet another important god. He already had his usual choker wrapped around his neck so a pendant or crest would be out of the question. But…

…what about cufflinks?

“Could I see some of the cufflinks you have? Any of blue and gold would be perfect.”

“Of course, Madam.” Swiftly the shopkeep unlocks the case and delicately pulls out every blue and gold cufflink he had. All of them looked gorgeous, but you just didn’t know what to choose. You’ve never picked a special gift out for a male before, nevertheless one that is supposed to be your ‘husband’. “Pardon me, Madam but you seem to be struggling. Is it fine if I help a little?”

You visibly lighten up at the shopkeeper’s offer, that would be excellent, “Yes. That would be wonderful actually. I’m picking a gift out for my…soon to be husband.”

“I see, such a memorable gift.” The shopkeeper says with a chuckle as he ponders, “I take it that he likes gold and blue as well.”


The shopkeeper rubs his mustache as he thinks, “If I may, could I ask what status he is? Or his family name”

Crap…You slowly start panicking. You haven’t made your debut as the new queen yet, could you even reveal yourself right now?

“I-Um.” Think fast (y/n), “M-My husband’s status is a god.”

“Oh really?” The shopkeeper says with wonder. It seemed that he bought it so you wouldn’t have to explain any further, “Well, thank goodness Gods frequently visit my shop. I know almost everyone’s preferences. Who is it that you are pertaining to?”

…or maybe not. Seems like you really couldn’t get out of this one.

“My Fiancé is-s…” You stutter out nervously. Take a deep breath (y/n). Remembering this is only a jewelry store. If one person just happens to find out who you are it’s not the end of the world, “…Lord Poseidon.”



“S-sir?” You choke out as you look at the shopkeeper’s frozen face. It seemed like all color had drained from him. Almost as if his soul had left his body.

“Sir?” You call out once more, this time breaking the shopkeeper from his comatose-like state.

“O-oh my. Please forgive me for my rudeness, Mada—My Lady. I was just caught off guard-d.” The shopkeeper stutters out, quite jittery and fearful now that he knows who you are, “I-I apologize. I haven’t had a visit from Lord Poseidon in quite a while. So I will have to think.”

“It is quite alright. I’m in no rush.” You say, trying to soothe the shopkeeper. Poor guy, having to deal with perfectionist Poseidon criticizing and ordering him around… you felt for the poor shopkeeper.

It was then as you shift your head off to the side that something catches your eye.

“Sir, are those for sale?” You ask, pointing to a singular separate case.

“Y-yes they are. It’s our only pair.” The shopkeeper explains as he moves over to grab them from the case, “These circular golden cufflinks were designed for simplicity. With its sleek design, it brings out the Royal blue, light blue and white evil eye that is in the center. It’s perfect for Greek clients and those who don’t like too much attention.”

Heh, it’s weirdly perfect for Poseidon. For a God that hardly bothers looking others in the eyes.

“I’ll take it.”


“Thank you for graciously shopping here, My Lady.” The shopkeeper shouts out as you leave, a small gift box wrapped extravagantly in your hands. You told the shopkeeper he didn’t have to wrap it so nicely and perfectly but he insisted.

Oh well, it’s not like you could do anything about it now.

“Swords! Spears! Any tool you could imagine!”

“Want a reading from the gods? Stop by at—“

“Pork Chops here! Fresh, cooked and juicy!”

As you walk down the street, closer to the outdoor vendors, you look around. This was harder than you thought, what would you get for Triton?

If it was up to you, you would likely get a new board game or fluffy stuffed animal for the boy, but… those are advanced human things. Those things aren’t sold here in Atlantis.

The only board games around were chess and shogi, and the closest things to stuffed animals were straw dolls or carved wooden animals. Nothing new or close to what you were looking for.

What would you do….

“Hey! Kid!” A loud male vendor shouts out suddenly, catching your attention. It was the vendor right next to yours, the weapon seller, and it seemed he was yelling at the customer in front of him. “I said it was for 300 Jewels and that’s final! I don’t do ‘bargaining!’”

“Oh, Come on, old geezer.” The boy says as he pulls down the hood of his cloak, shaking his head back and forth in disagreement as he does so. “That’s a little too pricey for my taste, just lower it down a bit.”

Woah…You can’t help but gasp as you finally get a glance at the teenage boy.


“Hmm?” It seemed your gasp had gained the boy’s attention as he shifted his gaze to you. Those icy blue eyes of his scanning your form in confusion. “You okay there, Lady?”

“Oh, Um…” You choke out, startled out how you were caught staring, “It’s…


Little did you know at the time, how important of a meeting it was.

Author note: Hey Guys! Sorry so many things fell through from my initial plans. Moving into my dorm room took a lot longer than usually and it was also my birthday yesterday so I got busy. I was so busy and didn’t want to rush so I just decided to move post today (Wednesday) and move the other one to Friday. Also sorry for not responding to the asks, asking about what was going on with this chapter. I was just so busy that I decided to ignore tumblr and try to finish the editing and writing.

Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq @sproutcorner @orophaea @anime-lover-forever-1127 @fortuna-stella @icy-spicy @sleepy-lad @cringey-otaku @tanspostsblog

wayyy too many of you guys look at this specimen

and for some reason think he is in any way emotionally available


I leave this here

Shamelessly me who just jump into this series cause of Poseidon
