#so comforting



damien cuddle hcs

characters: damien x reader (freelancer)

cw: none

  • warm <333
  • seriously tho anytime you come close to him he immediately heats up
  • lowkey tries to push you away bc he thinks you might be uncomfy but instead you just hug him and nuzzle your face into his shirt/hoodie
  • mans is close to tears
  • he doesn’t want to admit it but he’s hella touch starved so if you give him any physical affection at all he does not know what to do with himself
  • if you really want to fluster him
  • like brain short circuiting, face is the color of a tomato level flustered
  • wear his clothes while you cuddle him
  • he probably has to physically stop himself from overheating too much and setting something on fire
  • he thinks you look a m a z i n g
  • what a simp
  • n e wayz
  • when he gets more comfortable with you and your relationship he also gets more comfortable with physical contact and affection
  • this boy might be grumpy but he will initiate the cuddles if one of you has had a bad day
  • he especially loves when you just cling onto each other like koalas while falling asleep
  • it makes him feel safe and loved while making you feel safe and loved at the same time
  • it’s a win win
  • def prefers to be the big spoon, he likes being able to hold you and know that you’re there and you’re not leaving, and that you trust him
  • also
  • winter time cuddles are a MUST
  • as i said before, warm <333
  • definitely nags you about turning the heat off or not having enough blankets or something when he knows you did it on purpose just so he’d cuddle you
  • he’s not complaining, he just wishes you would. like. just ask him to cuddle instead of freezing yourself to death
  • p much works as a human space heater and you take advantage of it any chance you get
  • ALSO ALSO not necessarily a cuddling thing but still
  • if you’re afab and you get period cramps there is no need for a heating pad literally just use damien

(@1small-frogs psppspspspspspspsp i got ur damien cuddles)
