#so cool

lomographicsociety:Side Effects: A Roll of Dirty Dishes Looking to manipulate your film to get diflomographicsociety:Side Effects: A Roll of Dirty Dishes Looking to manipulate your film to get diflomographicsociety:Side Effects: A Roll of Dirty Dishes Looking to manipulate your film to get diflomographicsociety:Side Effects: A Roll of Dirty Dishes Looking to manipulate your film to get dif


Side Effects: A Roll of Dirty Dishes

Looking to manipulate your film to get different analogue effects? Check out this tipster to see another cool and easy way to do it! bit.ly/1AUFnJO

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Happy birthday, Stanley & Stanford Pines! I can’t draw (at least, not well), so I figured I’d channel my inner McGucket for the occasion. The Corduroy shirt was just a happy accident.

For anyone interested, I play a banjo style called clawhammer, or frailing. My headcannon is that Fiddleford also plays clawhammer because 1. He always plays open-back banjos which tend to go with clawhammer versus resonator (sound box that makes a closed back) banjos that are played more with the 3-finger/Scruggs style (the style you see with finger picking & picks on 3 fingers), 2. You can see him strumming in a manner similar to my playing in AToTS, and 3. It’s an Appalachian style, and he’s from Tennessee, so it would make sense for him to know this style. But also, he’s a genius, so I HC that he can play Scruggs style, he just prefers clawhammer because of his roots. https://youtu.be/MGt1FbzLf5M






So, the women’s speed climbing world record got smashed today by Aries Susanti Rahayu(@AriesClimber). 6.995 s. First posted sub 7 sec time (with a splinted middle finger!). Amazeballs!



#oh wow    #so cool    
lynati:mopeylopey1:queerkittyy: rainbow-unicorn-monkeyballs-pt2: motivatedslacker:ainawgsd: Owls alynati:mopeylopey1:queerkittyy: rainbow-unicorn-monkeyballs-pt2: motivatedslacker:ainawgsd: Owls alynati:mopeylopey1:queerkittyy: rainbow-unicorn-monkeyballs-pt2: motivatedslacker:ainawgsd: Owls alynati:mopeylopey1:queerkittyy: rainbow-unicorn-monkeyballs-pt2: motivatedslacker:ainawgsd: Owls alynati:mopeylopey1:queerkittyy: rainbow-unicorn-monkeyballs-pt2: motivatedslacker:ainawgsd: Owls alynati:mopeylopey1:queerkittyy: rainbow-unicorn-monkeyballs-pt2: motivatedslacker:ainawgsd: Owls alynati:mopeylopey1:queerkittyy: rainbow-unicorn-monkeyballs-pt2: motivatedslacker:ainawgsd: Owls alynati:mopeylopey1:queerkittyy: rainbow-unicorn-monkeyballs-pt2: motivatedslacker:ainawgsd: Owls alynati:mopeylopey1:queerkittyy: rainbow-unicorn-monkeyballs-pt2: motivatedslacker:ainawgsd: Owls alynati:mopeylopey1:queerkittyy: rainbow-unicorn-monkeyballs-pt2: motivatedslacker:ainawgsd: Owls a







Owls are masters of disguise, blending seamlessly into their surroundings. 

These trees appear to be judging me.

There’s no owl in that 6th pic


a process of events

and there’s two in the fourth image.

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mrvelocipede:I eventually used the drippy picot bindoff to make fishy socks. And then forgot all abomrvelocipede:I eventually used the drippy picot bindoff to make fishy socks. And then forgot all abo


I eventually used the drippy picot bindoff to make fishy socks. And then forgot all about posting pictures of them. But here they are.

Keep reading

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appsa: there’s a block in the river…appsa: there’s a block in the river…


there’s a block in the river…

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why am I so difficult

anartistwhowrites:I finally got around to designing some of the characters from The Illusion of Livianartistwhowrites:I finally got around to designing some of the characters from The Illusion of Livianartistwhowrites:I finally got around to designing some of the characters from The Illusion of Livianartistwhowrites:I finally got around to designing some of the characters from The Illusion of Livi


I finally got around to designing some of the characters from The Illusion of Living and The Lost Ones! 

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Just a warning for all of my fellow GO fan-artists out there on Etsy; BBC is on a reporting spree today and targeting GO fanart listings.

Just got 4 of my items removed and now I’ll have to deal with a reserve on my shop’s payment account for 90 days. cool. Thanks BBC. Us small artists are keeping the fandom for your show engaged at no cost to you while you make billions and strike our work…

Really cool.



This is beautiful ❤️

Cr: checkoutafrica : IG

So much love for this.


Just a lil guy


Sign ups close on May 31, so you have one week left to sign up before we start matching!

Open to all segments of mcytblr.

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Cause sometimes you need a reminder of how far you’ve come.Excuse the weird-ass face, and I know it Cause sometimes you need a reminder of how far you’ve come.Excuse the weird-ass face, and I know it Cause sometimes you need a reminder of how far you’ve come.Excuse the weird-ass face, and I know it

Cause sometimes you need a reminder of how far you’ve come.

Excuse the weird-ass face, and I know it was a bad picture, and I’m not just like, TRYING to emphasize “I was so sad and feeling so terrible then because I was smoking and drinking and eating poorly!!!” because I wasn’t, I felt great… this was one of the only pictures I could find where you could really see how bad my acne had gotten.

When this picture on the left was taken, I was smoking like, a pack a day, sometimes more. I was going out drinking nearly every night. I think at the point this exact picture was taken, I was already ¾ of the way through a bottle of tequila (that I had drank all by myself). That year there was a period where I went through an entire bottle of tequila a week. I was eating out for every meal, and eating delivery on the nights I wasn’t eating out. To be fair, I was in my in-between phase living part-time with my parents (whose kitchen was being renovated) and part-time with my then-gf, full-time out of my car. I was not exercising, save maybe a walk through the woods once every other week. I was sharing a twin-size bed with my then-gf so wasn’t sleeping so well. I smelled from all the smoke and the lack of washing my clothes and self. 

But I have to say, I was happy. I had met someone I fell totally in love with, I was out partying with friends constantly and I loved it!!! I still miss that. I was eating foods I loved and not feeling any sort of guilt about it. I was going to a freaking all you can eat pizza buffet twice a week with my best friend, like, how could I not have been stoked??? BURGER KING HAD RELEASED CHEETO FRIED MAC AND CHEESE BITES, IT WAS SO GREAT! Right after that picture was taken, I went and drunk passed out on the lawn and just took a nap right there. (The neighbors actually came over to ask if I was okay….)

But on the right, I’m also happy. I’m just focusing on the things that make me happy that also make me healthy. I can still go get food with my friends twice a week, just maybe the pizza buffet a little less frequently. I can still go out partying with my friends, I’m just drinking diet coke instead of nearly an entire bottle of tequila. I am going bike riding instead of sitting at a bar day-drinking… both activities I love, but one that makes me healthier. I am going to pole during the week instead of getting drunk at a bar…. again, both activities I love, one I think I now enjoy more than the other. I am in three separate plays, and go to rehearsal 2 days a week, soon to be 3, instead of sitting at home on the couch watching Netflix eating a box of pizza rolls after, you guessed it, being at the bar. I am going bouldering with my friends instead of sitting at a restaurant drinking. I just put that exact pullover I’m wearing on the left in a give-away bag. I haven’t called off sick from work for being hungover in two years.

I have quit smoking (IT IS NOT EASY PLEASE DON’T EVER START IT SUCKS SO BAD AND THE WEIRDEST THING IS TO JUST KNOW “OK I’VE GOT THIS NOW I JUST HAVE TO NEVER DO IT AGAIN FOR EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE”), and I have quit drinking, as of two weeks ago. I may bring the drinking back eventually, but I know it’s a problem for me and I know it does nothing but hurt me, so for now, goodbye booze. I am happy, just like I was before, but now I am also healthy. And that’s pretty neat.

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chunlo: 50% off everything in my store for Black Friday.Shopchunlo: 50% off everything in my store for Black Friday.Shopchunlo: 50% off everything in my store for Black Friday.Shop


50% off everything in my store for Black Friday.

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