#so i guess heres an intro post


Intro Post ♡

most of this is already covered in my desc tbh but w/e why not amirite

Uh. Hey. The name’s Crys, and I run this here blog. If you’ve been here for a while, you might notice that the aesthetic and stuff is different, and that’s because there’s a bunch of us named Crys and we swap out sometimes. Usually matching with the dude(s) running main @liang-nova, so if he swapped it’s probably safe to assume we did or will be doing so too.

This is my art blog, so obviously there’ll be art here. Mostly Homestuck, since that’s a longstanding interest of ours. Other things we’re interested in include JoJo and Genshin Impact, but you’ll see a significantly less amount of those (especially the latter). Might also post art of us, who knows; these are tagged with #the gang, IIRC.

I’m also on Instagram and Twitter under @cryss_heart, but I’m not as active there as I am here (even though I’m not all that active here anyways either). Don’t mind the PFP; that’s from the last guy and TBH I don’t really wanna change those (yet). Current PFP is made withnyurei’s avatar creator !! on Picrew by nyurei (@nyurei on Instagram and Twitter).

Breakdown of The Gang, if That Interests You

List of Homestuck AUs

Uh. I think that’s all the important stuff. Don’t be mean to me or else Nova’ll get your ass.
