#so im translating from bed and at half-power


Good evening.

Today there was En-sute singing practice.

Recently, for singing, I’ve been working my hardest at putting the meaning of the lyrics into the words while singing, little by little I think as I perform, I’m becoming Leo singing songs. *

At the same time, the dance choreography too.

In dancing, I’m working my hardest at getting the moves down and doing them as if I were Leo, thinking about how I can move and become more like him, so from now on, every day, I cannot let up on the song and dance practice.

Despite that, for me, dancing and singing *
It feels twice as fun ^ ^

I hope I can show those feelings on the stage too.

After practice was over, I went to the office to do some work.

I was chatting with people in the office while working so I think it was about a 4 or 5 hour visit.

I love the cozy-feeling Cast Corporation.

And then this was delivered to the office in the mail.

It’s here !

A sample of the photobook ! ! *

I got to see it first, before anyone else ^ ^ *

I can’t help but feel happy that I get to have a whole book like this.

I’m truly happy.

Once again, to everyone involved in Hashimoto Shohei’s first photobook, thank you very much ! 1

First I want to bring it to my grandma’s house and let her look at it (^^)

Sales begin starting on the 25th, so please check it out ! !

After that, I went to a meeting and dinner get-together for the renewed version of Radio HEY!HEY!TALK! With B.
We talked about what kind of plan we’d put together for the next one, what kind of program we’d try to do, getting really excited just talking about it.

While eating meat, too.

Ah ~

Don’t stretch your dreams ! ! ! *

I look forward to the next HEY!HEY!TALK! With B (^^)

