#so many letters

CONNIE: Sasha look! Another one! JEAN: Oh no oh no oh no… CONNIE: We’re famous, Sasha!

CONNIE: Sasha look! Another one!
JEAN: Oh no oh no oh no…
CONNIE: We’re famous, Sasha! Isn’t it great?
SASHA: Umh… I don’t know, Connie, isn’t it kind of scary?…
BERTHOLDT: … Reiner… Please help me…

ARMIN: Oh, it looks we have to close our mailbox for now. So many letters to answer!

{TM: Welcome, new followers! We are very happy that our young little askblog received such attention! It’s all thanks to Ymir, who promoted us on her blog first, as well as AnnieandReiner and all other awesome tumblrs out there. Thank you!

104th-at-your-service now has more followers and messages than both our personal blogs combined. We better start sorting through all these asks…}

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