#so sorry for the prolonged absence


Take My Hand, Hold Me Close


Eskel and his elven lover Aniela have been together for some years when an accident occurs…

In which Eskel forgets something important, and PTSD and self-confidence issues are a bitch.

Angst with a happy ending. Geraskier took over for a few pages, I have no control over them.

  • Completed, 5 chapters, 8,350 words
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4 
  5. Chapter 5

Tags: memory loss, mistreatment of elves, racism towards elves, misunderstanding, ptsd, flashbacks, found family, spell, thoughts on death, not quite suicidal thoughts but possibly adjacent, dungeon, kidnapping, missing, dreams, angst, angst with happy ending, hunt gone wrong, rescue mission, portals, caring Yennefer, caring Lambert, self esteem issues, low self esteem, doubting one’s worth, emotional hurt/whump, banter, c/o geraskier, honestly geraskier took over like a third of this

Thanks to @major-trouble​ for beta’ing (and the title), @lohrendrell&@contemplativepancakes​ for beta’ing/chatting about the story <3
