#so starstruck



                    ━━━━━━━━━━━         @rkchungha  ◞  

she doesn’t know what it is about kt, it was like any other building, built of four walls, concrete and elevated by millions of dollars that jiwon would never really amount for. it was nothing to be scared of – yet, here she is: stricken with fright in her worn converse, tripping over exaggerated shoelaces. she’s glancing at the watch on her right wrist, noting the way the second hand ticks on ever so slowly, taunting her – reminding her that hyunjin had more than a handful of hours left before he was to report for work. the thought itself draws a long sigh, a rugged hand over her face as she walks down one unmarked hall after another. 

she’s lost, probably but like the anxious little bird trapped within the confines of a heavy heart, she finds herself too scared and confused to really ask anyone. 

who could she even ask – everyone looked so important and high profile, would they be offended if she asked them for mere directions? it was her first day and jiwon was no where ready to be scolded for something as harmless as do you know where the restroom is?

it dawns her as she turns another corner, faced with a dozen faces of pretty people and picturesque profiles that stun her. oh, were they famous? were there actual famous people walking the halls right now – could it be? she whips around, ready to turn the hell around and bolt. maybe she wasn’t cut out for this trainee shindig – thirty minutes in and she was sure she was on a one-way ticket for a heart attack with the way her pulse was quickening. 

she makes it past another turn before her shoulder is bumping into someone else’s and a sharp gasp leaves her, and her body automatically bends at the appropriate angle – 90 degrees, perfectly bent, head falling down the minute her apology leaves her lips. it’s a quick one, two before she’s standing straight again – another apology on her lips when she sees just who she had run into. her eyes widen, and she feels her heart beat jump, “aren’t y-you .. chungha?”

chungha had gotten a decent tour from jinwoo when she first arrived. although the minute he was gone she felt completely lost. it was almost as if his tour did absolutely nothing to familiarise herself. she was going to get lost, she was sure of it. it wasn’t like there was a blueprint of kt’s hallways lying around anywhere.

vocal training vocal training. now where could that room be? everything looked the freaking same. it was driving her nuts. maybe turn down this hall she would see something that’s finally familiar looking —

she wasn’t expecting to get her shoulder bumped. it wasn’t hard enough to hurt. just enough to have her stumble back a bit and blink in surprise. she bows her head quickly and mumbles a polite and formal “i’m so sorry” until she realises the other person is already bent at the waist. chungha is understandably astounded (and mildly embarrassed).

“okay, okay, people are staring,” she says, chuckling nervously and motioning the other to straightening herself. the girl looks intimidated(?) maybe mostly shocked. chungha blinks, confused for the reaction she received. “uh, yeah? i am?” did they know each other? was there a reason for the other to be this surprised? “are you okay? do i have a pimple somewhere?” she asked, smoothing her finger across her face in search of the hypothetical blemish. “what’s wrong?”
