#so thank you for reminding us of the important things rawr



Feeling bad about things going on in the fandom space at the moment? C’mere… 

Keep reading

Highlighting a couple important points, because I feel like we all need the reminder sometimes:

it’s okay to not feel comfortable around certain content and create spaces for you. People can choose to engage, or not. That doesn’t make you the purity police. That makes you human. All humans have “edges”. There’s a line between actively searching people out to shame them, and going “well, actually, I’d like to create content without these elements for a bit”. The first is not okay, the second is.

Remember that boundaries are good. They’re healthy and keep us safe. Whether is is to do with places, people, characters, content or the many mediums it comes in, it is good to have boundaries. Know your limits and respect them.

Always keep in mind:

it’s okay to reserve fandom - Tumblr, Discord - as purely fun. You don’t have to engage in any activism or discourse. You have real life to deal with, and sometimes that’s hard enough. Block or unfollow people (including me, friend, I really won’t take it personally), permanently, temporarily, if you’re not in the correct headspace to deal with what they’re peddling at the moment.

Fandom is supposed to be fun. If you’re not enjoying something anymore, it is more than okay to put it down.

Take care of yourself. You deserve it. <3
