#soa fan


Juice Ortiz Imagine

pt1 pt3



The pounding in your head woke you up. You still couldn’t open your eyes but you could tell you weren’t in the warehouse anymore. You slowly peaked through your eye lashes taking in your surroundings. It was an empty white room. You where handcuffed to the stool your arms under you. Great from the Irish freaks to the Bikers.

You still where stripped in your panties and bra but you had a warm flannel on and buttoned up giving you a little bit of warmth, but goosebumps still covered your skin. You slipped off the stool but it didn’t bulge. Dead locked on to the floor.

What the fuck is this place. Your though as you slipped down trying to get to the door. You reached out your foot easily reaching the door handle. Locked.

“Shit.” You grumbled as you knocked over a water bottle. You quickly got back to your stool stomping over like you never moved.

“Is she awake?” Tig asked as he heard noise from the empty studio room.

“Let’s go check on our little Russian friend.” Clay said as they walked in the room finding you in the same position they left you.

“Shouldn’t she be awake by now? The fuck you do to her Tig?” Jax asked as the 4 men walked in the door.

“Check her pulse.” Clay ordered Tig. He slowly made his way to you. Your skin felt cold as he pressed his fingers to your neck, but he could feel your pulse under his fingers. 

“She’s fi-” Tig got cut off as you swung your body up your legs interlocked against his neck dropping him to his knees. Your tightened your hold making sure his air way was stopped. He fell to the floor with a thud as you pushes all your weight against him. 

“Shit!“Jax yelled as him and Juice hurried over. Juice hands went to your thighs trying to pulled them apart even a little to let Tig slip out. He felt bad as he felt you flinch under his grip. He was never one to put his hands on a women, especially a really pretty one. 

“That Russian bitch!” Tig yelled as Jax pulled him away. All Tig could see was red.

“Does she speak English?” Clay asked studying you but not getting too close to you. Your where an unknown threat to them for now. And from the looks of it, pretty dangerous. 

“No I don’t think so.” Tig mumbled giving your a threatening look.

“Who are you?” Clay asked looking down at you trying to see if you would say anything. But you knew better not to speak english, not just yet. You still didn’t know who they where and what they wanted. 

“Juice you stay watch. Anything she does let me know. I need to make some calls.” Clay said as everyone made their way out.

“Always has me babysitting.” The Puerto Rican mumbled to himself before getting comfortable on the floor leaning against the wall farther from you. He brought his laptop out, looking up at you every few minutes. He has a weary feeling under your gaze. Juice could feel your eyes watching his ever move, studying him. 

You smirked as you watch the tattooed man. He was quit cute you thought as you where checking him out. Juice was younger then the rest of them but you can tell he was part of the club. He had this spark to him you couldn’t figure out. 

“Sure I’m not busy, I got nothing else to do but what the Russian spy. Not like I have a million other things to catch up on.” Juice mumbled to himself as he browsed the data base. Clay tasked him to found your your name since you won’t talk.But it’s not like he had much to go off of to find you. Maybe your face.

“Hmm what’s your name?” Juice asked driving himself mad being all by himself as you didn’t move or say a word.

“Russian hmmm Natasha?” Juice asked looking for some kind of response from you.

“Olga?” He guessed again but still got nothing. This went on for hours as he thought of any Russian sounding names. But nothing from you but a few eyes rolls. Juice felt like maybe you understand him. 

“Maybe you don’t have a name. Like the Russian spy movies.” Juice said rubbing his chin.

“Like black widow?” He said smirking as he looked over you. He wouldn’t mind seeing you in a all black suit.  

“How much can you talk Jesus Christ.” You mumbled slumping back. Your Russian accent was very noticeable but not as heavy as Juice imaged. This guy went on and on for hours. Who knew just talking your ear off we get you to break.

“You know English!” He said standing up and slowly coming closer to you. And all this time you just let him talk, god Juice thought you wouldn’t understand anything he was saying. He was slightly embarrassed from over sharing now. 

“How about I give you 2 million cash and you just let me go no questions asked.” You offered giving him a sly smile.

“Let you go where?” Juice asked crossing his large arms across his body. You couldn’t let him distract you, though you craved a male touch. It’s been too long in that box. 

“What did you not get about no questions.” You sassed rolling your eyes. Juice just took out his phone to call Clay.

“No don’t.” You said but Juice already texted them.

“Who are you?” Juice asked as he stood a foot away from you. His brown eyes scanned over you. 

“Russian mafia who else sweeite.” You said rolling your eyes at the innocent man in front of you. Something about him looked rugged and dangerous but you saw through him.

“So she speaks.” Clay said walking in the room. You didn’t say anything your eyes just stayed glued at Juice.

“I suppose.” You said your Russian accent very thick.

“What are you doing in California?” Clay asked knowing he needed more information from you. He didn’t like how bleak you where being.

“I guess I am very far from home. “ You mumbled angry that the Irish dragged you across the goddam country.

“From Russia?” Juice asked with a raised eyebrow. He seemed to do that without realizing it. He was so easy to read. 

“No, well yes. I live in New York, some of the time.” You stated still not ready to let them know much.

“Why did the Irish have you in a cage?” Tig asked getting to the point.

“Oh I am not to sure, maybe you should ask them?” You said with a half smile.

“Don’t play dumb.” Tig said snapping before smacking you across the face.

“You hit like a bitch.” You said back not evening flinching. You’ve been hit harder, this was nothing. These bikers didn’t scare you, not even the slightest. They are very mistaken on who you where. Juice felt bad looking at you with those puppy eyes.

“Tig get out of here.” Clay said threatened not wanting you to go back to the silence treatment.

“What ties do you have with the Russian mafia?” Jax asked but you didn’t respond.

“I want a shower, and dinner maybe some dark red wine.” You stated your demands, tried of this stupid game.

“You are in no place to make demands darlin.” Jax said as he raised his arm exposing’s the gun tucked away in his pants.

“Shower and dinner, or I will not say another word. You can beat me or kill me but I guess you will not know about the Irish or the gun pipeline.” You said rolling your eyes. Jax looked at Clay not sure what to do with you.

“We can make that happen.” Clay said grabbing something from his pocket.

“What are you doing? She’s just going to make a move to escape.” Jax said question Clay choices with the girl.

“Juice come here.” Clay said motioning to un do the zip ties off your wrists. Within a second he grabbed our wrist cuffing you tightly. Then he grabbed Juice arms cuffing you to him.

“Go let her shower and I will have the prophet get dinner for her.” Clay ordered Juice.

“What the hell?” Juice said pulling at the metal on his wrist. 

“So she doesn’t try and escape. Juice is heavy even if she knocks him out or kills him she wont be able to go no where, he’s heavy.” Clay said leaving the room.

“I could cut off his hand.” You stated looking at his wrist. If you had to be cuffed at least it was with him. 

“I really need this hand man.” Juice grumbled making a few of the other guys snicker behind him. 

“Don’t you dare try anything.” Jax threatened before giving Juice a looked and making his way out as well. Juice looked down at you as you stood right behind him, a little too close as he felt your body heat invade his space.

“Uh let’s go.” He mumbled not sure what to do. Why is he always thrown into this shit.

“Y/n” You stated giving him a small smile. You needed at least one person on your side. Juice nodded before turning away form you leading you back to the club house dorms. You must have tripped a few times trying to keep up with his longer strides.

“Sorry about this.” He mumbled as he pulled you into his dorm. He grabbed a few things from his closet before leading you into the bathroom.

“How am I suppose to undress?” You asked bringing your arm up that was links to his. Juice brought out his knife cut the sleeve all the way off.

“Hurry up.” He stated turning around. You simply took off the rest not really shy being naked in front of him. You watched his back as he leaned against the wall away from you. You slipped in the shower bringing his hand in with you. This must not be comfortable for him.

Juice just stood there his eyes closed. He was fighting every fiber in his body not to turn and look at you. Or to look up and see you naked in the mirror. He wasn’t blind, you where beyond beautiful. He’s never been so captivated by someone before. It was like you where fake, a fairy tale almost. Nothing about you seemed real to him.

His heart was hammering in his chest when he heard the shower turn off. He felt you climbing out the shower his arms a little numb from just holding it out. He was tryin got be a gentleman, give you some space. He felt like he couldn’t breath the whole time you dried yourself. He felt his hand brush against your soft skin when you got dressed in the hoodie and sweat pants.

“Thank you.” You said as you watched him closely. Juice felt nervous under your gaze. He nodded before leading you back. Juice brought you into the Chapel sitting next to you. Clay, Jax and Tig where already there waiting. 

“Enjoy.” Clay said motioning to the food. It was a slice of pizza and a beer. You tried not to use your right hands not to move Juice too much. 

“So why did the Irish have you looked up in that petty little glass box?” Tig asked as he lite up a smoke.

“They where mad at me.” You stated taking another sip of the beer. You eyes watched the very carefully. 

“And why where they mad at you?” Clay asked finally playing along with your game. There was no other way he would get any information from you. 

“I cut them off their gun supply.” You stated deciding they don’t seem like much of a treat to you. Non of the sons where expecting that. 

“Sons of Anarchy, Samcrow.” You stated knowing more about them then they would know about you. 

“The Irish bought my guns, They sold them to you for double the cost, maybe triple I don’t know. They sold across the west coast for me. But they got a little too greedy, so we cut them off the gun supply. I was in New York dealing with the Italians. They are my distributors for the east coast.” You said letting them know how much power you really held. 

“Who are you to the Romanoves mafia?” Clay asked realizing that you knew more then you let out. 

“I am Romanove.” You said finishing the beer before crossing your arms. Juice hand rested on your other wrist trying to find a comfortable position. 

“Surgery Romanove is in charge of all the Russian guns.” Clay stated only making you laugh. 

“Surgery is my sweet stupid cousin. He is only the face of the mafia. I make all decisions, it is my enterprise, it is all my gun factories and connections. He is not smart to run a business.” You said as you grabbed another beer.

“He is, how do you say? Playing a part? It is to keep me safe. If no one know who’s really in charge, no one knows my name or my face. I stay out of danger while I using Surgery to make all my deals.” You said truthfully. 

“So you run the whole show behind the curtains.” Clay mumbled still trying to figure out if he should trust you or not. 

“Then how did the Irish get you?” Jax asked still not believing everything you where saying. 

“ caught them, I cut them off. I suppose they where following Surgery and thought they could use me to blackmail Sergey. They ambushed me during the Fashion show in New York.” You said rolling your eyes still pissed that you missed out certain things. 

“And how are we suppose to believe anything you say?” Tig asked glaring at you. 

“I can make you a deal. You get all my guns for the west coast, Sell them to who ever you want, 50-50 split No more struggling to get guns you can get them right off the boat.” You said leaning over the table looking at Clay. 

“How are we to trust you on this?” Clay asked. This would be a very big move for the sons. 

“You do not need to trust me. I have a shipment coming in from Alaska on the 1st and the 15 every month. I need protection from the Irish, until my Cousin and my mafia come and get me.” You stated knowing you would rather deal with he sons then the Irish. Plus you still needed to move all your inventory for the west coast. 

“Deal but you staying under eyes till the first, until we get the guns.” Clay said holding out his hand. You nodded shaking his hand.  
