#soa fx


Juice Ortiz Imagine




You heart was beating so fast as you followed Juice back to the dorms. You thought after Clay made that deal he’d let you go from the cuffs but guess not. Guess there a lot of bad blood with them and the Irish.

Now it was your turn to stand by the shower as Juice quickly undressed. You smirked not averting your eyes form the beefy biker.  Juice felt himself blushed when he noticed your eyes scanning over him. 

He slipped in the shower turning the water the coldest it would get. What’s wrong with him, thinking about you like that. Who knows who you really are. You could be lying about everything and this all could be a set up. He should be on high alert  but being around you made all his sense a fumbled mess. 

The water stop and Juice climbed out the shower with the towel wrapped lowly around his waist. Your (y/e/c) still watching his ever move. 

“You going to turn around?” Juice asked you unsure of what to do, and one hand short with you cuffed to him wasn’t helping. 

“No thank you.” You said biting your lip as you watched his arms flex as he tried his best to get dressed. He was very tempting to you. His arms where so thick. His hands so large. The rings on his knuckles. It was like everything about this man was turning you on in a new way you never knew of. 

Juice was prepared for anything. He was fine running guns, even drugs. He was fine dealing with the dirty work or the dirty clean ups. But this, being in his room hand cuffed to the most beautiful women he’s ever seen. This he wasn’t prepared for. Don’t get him wrong, he’s happy its him rather then Tig or another one of his brothers. But hand cuffed really?

“I’m not sure how to do this?” Juice asked as he started at the bed. 

“Just pretend I’m not even here Juice.” You said looking at him as you climbed into his bed. You needed some rest, you missed a bed for weeks now.  

“That’s a little hard to do.” Juice mumbled to himself as he followed you in the bed laying as far away form you as possible. He tried to control himself but you saying his name was echoing in his head with your sweet soft voice. 

“What is a little hard?” You teased turning to face him in the bed. You can see the effect you had over him and you loved it. 

“Y/N don’t.” Juice said his eyes where closed tightly. 

“How long have you been with the club?” You asked hoping to get a little more information about this man. 

“A while, maybe 6 years.” He said still not daring to look over at you. Him might lose all his self control if he did. You just laid on your side holding up your head looking over him.

“Why’d you join a MC?” You asked. Juice didn’t look like the typically biker to you. 

“Was running from shit from home, kind of ran right into the arms of samcro.” Juice said not sure how he even got involved this deep.

“How’d you get to be the head of the Russian mafia?” He asked finally having the courage to look over at you. 

“Born into it? My Uncle kind of built it from ground up, but didn’t want to deal with outsiders. I ended up stepping up once he got too old.” You said leaving out a few pieces of information. 

“Why are you really making a deal with the Sons?” Juice asked knowing you where still holding back from him. 

“I don’t trust the Irish anymore. I have no other choice, and I have to move the guns.” You said as your raised your hand making his hand fall forward to remind him that your where locked on his wrist. 

“Yeah, Right.” Juice said as he nodded his head. You just rolled your eyes laughing before turning over to the other side bring his arm with you. 

“Why are you so scared to touch me Juice? I’m not going to burn you.” You joked as his arms just rested over you, you cold feel all his muscle tense. 

Juice could barley breath so sleep was out the question. He knew you had fallen asleep pretty fast. He could hear your soft breathing from the side. He didn’t want to move and wake you as you held on to his arm. Hr was really fucked. 

The next week fell into a routine as you where still hand cuffed to Juice. You where literally stuck on his side all day every day. It was good in site as you watched and learned how the sons operated. 

“Have you ever been on a bike?” Juice asked as placed his helmet on you. 

“Absolutely not.” You grumbled as Juice helped you on his bike. Today you finally got to see your cousin and make the deal. You where desperate to get back home, desperate to get back your freedom. A part of you whined to stay with Juice. 

“Just hold on tight.” He said as he sat on the bike. You moved your self closer resting your whole body against him. Your arms where wrapped around him gripping tightly.

“This is more awful then I thought.” You whispered in his ear your face pressed into his back. Juice just chuckled knowing how dramatic you where at times.

 It was only a few hour ride before the Sons pulled up to a ship yard. You didn’t exactly know where the shipment was, you didn’t do the dirty work. There where a few black Merceds Benz SUV parked in the far loading docks.

“Juice watch her every move. You do anything stupid we’ll just shot you.” Jax said giving you a stern look that you only rolled your eyes to. 

“Y/N!” You heard a very comforting voice. 

“Sergey.” You stated as you where about to step forward Juice held on to your elbow keeping you back. 

“что это? (what is this)” He asked not likely how the bikers surrounded you. 

“ничего(nothing). Ирландцы взяли меня (The Irish took me)
Они меня вытащили (They got me out).”  You told your cousin watching carefully. There where a few snipers around watching every move made. 

“и что? (and what)?” Sergey said with a displeased looked. He was like a big brother to you, he raised and protected you.  

“Не делай ничего глупого. (don’t do anything stupid).” You said rolling your eyes.

“English please?” Jax said giving you a look. 

“Sergey these are the Sons of anarchy, The Irish sold to them. I made them a deal, they can have the direct cut to the guns to sell on the west coast.” you told him knowing you didn’t have to explain yourself. 

“But the Irish?” He asked confused why you where making deals with an MC. 

“We don’t deal with them anymore. Show them the guns.” You said as Sergey nodded. He lead the group over the a huge shipping container. You watched form the side as Clay and Jax checked all the guns and ammo. 

“What’s the split?” Clay asked nodding. There was no way they’d ever get their hands on these kinds of guns from the Irish. It would cost them more then they’d be able to flip on the streets. 

“50-50 split. Like I said on the 1st and 15th every month you pick up the guns and drop off my share of the money. You can take these with good faith, but I expect Juice here on the 1st with my half.” You stated. crossing your arms getting tried of being treated as if you weren’t the boss. 

“Sounds like a start of a beautiful friendship.” Clay said with a smiled as he held out his hands. You took it shaking it giving him a stern look. 

“I will only deal with Juice, if you send anyone else. They will be killed. Sergey get them a truck to take the guns back.” You said wanting to hurry this up. 

“Of course darlin.” Jax said smiling as he sent Juice a wink. 

“I will see you in 2 weeks. не скучай по мне (don’t miss me too much” You said as you patted Juice hard chest before walking away from him. 

“Okay whatever that means.” Juice called back watching you as you walked away. 

“Well man your fucked.” Tig said patting Juices shoulder. 

“What?” He asked still not being able to look away from you back side as you climbed into a private jet. 

“She’s gonna eat you up and spit you out. That’s what Russians do.” Tig said only making Juice roll his eyes. He was already fucked when all he wanted was you, all he thought about was you. And now he was watching you leave to god knows where. How the fuck did he end you catching feeling towards you. He knew better you where some hire to the Russian Mafia. 
