#soap suds

It’s about catharsis, a purging of the soul and the self, rather than any kind of breaking. Th

It’s about catharsis, a purging of the soul and the self, rather than any kind of breaking. That’s just a mutilated short hand, where something was lost in translation, the culture getting away with its own obsession with the wonderfully dark and negative. I say I’ll break you down, and you quiver at the thought. But you don’t want to be broken, even if you have masochistic tendencies. You want to stay in one piece, you want to continue functioning. 

It’s less of a breaking than a gathering. I pull away the parts of you that are frills, frayed ends that needed to be snipped anyway. I draw in the core of you, making it tighter, stronger, and altogether more impressive. I make you more of the individual that you want to be, and less of the stressed projection of who you think everyone wants to see. 

I strip away the bullshit, and leave you with the pure self. I break down the walls, and let the world in. Just the right kind of world. My world. It’s a cleansing, detoxifying your life, at the edge of my fingertips, plunged deep between your legs. It’s better living through sexuality, the kind of life affirming crap that they try to sell you on television and through pop up advertising, only this is genuine, and this is just me, and you, and the telemarketters are out there, on the other side of that bedroom door. Right now is just you and me and the whip, and we’ve got some issues to work out. 

Catharsis on the brink of an orgasm, cleanliness through obsessive scrubbing. I’ll scrub your mind clean, and then graffiti on the canvas. 

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soap suds