#sobbing screaming crying



the way ive been having a terrible day, get on tumblr and find out there’s two updates to @jeonvely ‘s fic that im in love with but never got a notification for like ive been impatiently waiting for this and tumblr said no—

update: i have read the updates and i am so full of joy and it’s made my day a gazillion times better,,,thank you

stoppp this actually made me sososo happy you have no odea how much this means to me i’m sorry you had a terrible day (and btw i’m always here if you need to vent) but i’m glad my tiny lil au made it a bot better

also !! i know tumblr can be a b!tch about notifications sometimes so if you want i can just send you a message next time i update

angelsdean: love is an echo across time.— I forgive you. I love you. — You changed me. I love youangelsdean: love is an echo across time.— I forgive you. I love you. — You changed me. I love youangelsdean: love is an echo across time.— I forgive you. I love you. — You changed me. I love youangelsdean: love is an echo across time.— I forgive you. I love you. — You changed me. I love you


love is an echo across time.

— I forgive you. I love you. 
— You changed me. I love you

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foxdoodles: so apparently freddy thinks kaz would have grown up to be an annoying younger brother iffoxdoodles: so apparently freddy thinks kaz would have grown up to be an annoying younger brother if


so apparently freddy thinks kaz would have grown up to be an annoying younger brother if jordie had lived … my hand may have slipped

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