#social distance or else


Covid test I’ve been waiting on came back negative

Here’s the thing tho.

I still ended up with viral bronchitis, caught from some rando pious “I’m too good for this mask bullshit” breathing on everyone mother fucker.

My mask protects you from me.

YOUR mask protects ME from YOU.

And y'all too good for that.

Fuck you. I’m sick AF but still the only one who can leave the house. Dad’s old af, mom’s sick AF, and my son is 7 and can’t drive. So it’s me.

“It’s uncomfortable”.

I can’t wear that mask for more than 15 minutes before I’m wheezing and hitting the inhaler like a 2004 makeshift bong. I have to wear a super filtered mask in the house to hug my son good night. Can’t be near either of my parents or make any meals. And I can’t fucking breath for a week and a half now and I been coughing up blood.

Masks are available at Walgreens for 8.99$ and 2 for 12$ at Fred Meyer.

It’s not hard.

Keep ya nasty ass viral anti-vax backwoods redneck cousin-fucking lifted truck Don’t Tread On Me germs to yourself.

Masks are useless and uncomfortable?

Fine, I’ll take mine off too. Where y'all live? I’ve got some deep breathing exercises to do.
