#social spell



This spell will allow you to move around relatively unnoticed. Note: As with all invisibility spells, you will be noticed if you make abrupt movements or make noise. For this spell, you will need:

  • a small, smooth stone (one small enough for you to carry easily)
  • two candles (any colour you prefer; I recommend light blue or white, as they are calming colours and will keep you calm during the spell)

This spell must be worked in the dark. Place the two candles onto a flat surface and light them. Place the stone between the candles. Say the following:

“Stone cold, without light
Hold the shadow of the night
Carry it through light of day
Out of sight and out of way.”

Extinguish the candle on the left. When its flame is out, say:

“Stone of earth, stone of shade
Into thee this spell be made
That no eye may notice me
Whilst traveling to wander free.”

Extinguish the candle on your right. You should now be in total darkness. Pick up the stone and while holding it in both hands, say:

“Spirits of the night
Lords of the shadows
Guide my path
Envelope me in thine cloak of darkness
And let this spell be done.”

Carry the stone with you to promote invisibility and melding into the shadows.



This spell will help you blend into the background. Note: As with all invisibility spells, if you make noise or abrupt movement, the spell will break.

The first step to this spell is to practice stillness. For this spell to work, you must be quiet, still, and discreet. Try to stay still and silent for long periods of time. This is a great practice for all invisibility spells.

Next, you will need to find a raven feather. You must be freely given the feather, meaning you cannot trap a raven or take it by force. If this spell is to work, the feather is to be a “blessing” from the ravens. Charge the feather with your intent and desire (holding it in your hands, visualizing yourself being invisible, etc.).

Whenever you wish to be invisible, carry the feather in your hand.

(Credit: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells by Judika Illes)


This spell will help make you invisible while doing secret business in front of or near people you don’t want to notice you. Note: As with all invisibility spells, making noise or abrupt movement will break the spell. For this spell, you will need:

  • a small magic mirror (get a regular mirror – preferably a hand mirror – and charge it with your desire and intent)
  • a magick circle


Firstly, you must cast a magick circle. Make sure the circle isn’t too small. The circle’s circumference defines the area of invisibility around you. The wider the circle, the greater the coverage.

Hold the mirror so that it faces away from you, as if you’re holding it up for someone in front of you. Now rotate counter-clockwise, as if you’re showing the mirror to a circle of people standing around you. As you rotate, visualize that those who look in your direction see only the mirror, and hence themselves – not you. The coverage you have around you will act as a mirror, reflecting their gaze from you. It’s sort of like you’re on the seeing side of a two-way mirror.

Step out of the circle (close it when you come back). Go about your business quietly, with smooth and calm movements. Try to move as little as you can. Speaking or making abrupt movements will break the spell.

When you get back, close the circle. If you want to use the mirror for something else, cleanse it in moonlight (reflective side up).

(Image Credit)

(Credit: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells by Judika Illes)
