#socks and underwear

The boys had begged and pleased their other halves into being allowed to attend the convention, but

The boys had begged and pleased their other halves into being allowed to attend the convention, but both of them were denied. “Those things are just an excuse for you dumbasses to wander around perving at those poor scantily clad models wearing next to nothing!” was the unanimous response they’d got.

“No way! “ the boys protested, “They enjoy showing off their bodies - they LOVE the attention!”

And so a dubious deal was struck - phone calls were made and outfits were sourced, and for the entireweekend, morning noon at night on the convention floor, in the bars or anywhere outside their hotel room thiswas the only costume they’d been packed… 

Soon, these embarrassed buddies are going to learn the hard way just what kind of attention a convention crowd brings with it…

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