#socks hand knitted by me


Being a Maker means when words won’t come, make something else.

So, I finished these socks that have been in my basket for months. They were a 2nd pair of the same colourway yarn because I had that much yarn left that I wasn’t doing anything with. I’m not wearing a scarf this bright. Colours this bright are for peeking out from under things as socks or camisoles or bralettes. (Yes. I’ve knitted those and they’re a blessing in the Winter. Might post pictures-not of me in them-of my favourites next time I’m stuck for words.)

Shown: right sock in front. It has dragonflies up the ankle. The left sock (in back) has the same thing going on over the ankle, but you’re looking at the inside of the ankle.

That’s all.

Now back to our regularly scheduled nonsense.

BTW: Socks designed by Summer Lee, and the thing that made me need to make these things, other than the technique to knit the butterflies, was the Latvian Braid at the top, because it’s magical to do.
