#softcore porn

Promotional still for Electric Blue: The Movie (1982). The film, released only in the UK, was made u

Promotional still for Electric Blue: The Movie (1982). The film, released only in the UK, was made up of clips from previously released videos in the Electric Blue series. Marilyn appeared in two of the original British videos. The series was later released in the US. Read about it here.

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The Private Screenings films are, in a word, terrible. It’s a wonder Marilyn acquits herself sThe Private Screenings films are, in a word, terrible. It’s a wonder Marilyn acquits herself sThe Private Screenings films are, in a word, terrible. It’s a wonder Marilyn acquits herself sThe Private Screenings films are, in a word, terrible. It’s a wonder Marilyn acquits herself sThe Private Screenings films are, in a word, terrible. It’s a wonder Marilyn acquits herself sThe Private Screenings films are, in a word, terrible. It’s a wonder Marilyn acquits herself sThe Private Screenings films are, in a word, terrible. It’s a wonder Marilyn acquits herself sThe Private Screenings films are, in a word, terrible. It’s a wonder Marilyn acquits herself sThe Private Screenings films are, in a word, terrible. It’s a wonder Marilyn acquits herself sThe Private Screenings films are, in a word, terrible. It’s a wonder Marilyn acquits herself s

ThePrivate Screenings films are, in a word, terrible. It’s a wonder Marilyn acquits herself so well in these lurid, dull, softcore tits-and-ass flicks. In fact Marilyn adds the only touch of class to the low-cost productions which are long on nudity and short on laughs. Surprisingly, the R-rated Private Screenings found a wide audience on cable TV stations like Cinemax and Showtime in the early ‘90s and in the home video market in the mid-to-late '90s. When Marilyn didn’t have one of the starring roles she would often do the wraparounds, introducing and closing the film. “A lot of you were unhappy when I did the softcore stuff,” she said on her 1999 disc Still Insatiable. “But, hey, it paid the bills.” Read more here.

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Reposting this video since it was just a link last time. I saw this on TV when I was a teenager and have been obsessed with MFM sex/relationships ever since. The sex scene starts around the 8 min mark.

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