#solidarity economics


We Interrupt Our Regular Programming 4 A V.I.P Message

By Daudi Adi|  April 26, 2021

What does love look like? What do justice and accountability look like? What does abolition look like? Love looks like pouring resources into community safety, community defense, and community housing. Justice and accountability look like community mutual aid, community farming, and community food security. Abolition looks like community dual power, community susu circles, and community education. 

Abolitionist love and justice look like survivors having access to natural and essential resources. Abolitionist love and justice look like ensuring survivors are housed, fed, clothed, and have access to high-quality healthcare. Abolitionist love and justice look like survivors having access to healers, safe and brave spaces, safe and brave sanctuaries, and other safety structures. 

In celebration of abolitionist love and justice, we are practicing (and urging readers to practice) solidarity with multiple Black survivors of capitalism, cisheteropatriarchy, racism, imperialism, colonialism, the medical industrial complex, and the prison industrial complex.  As Prof. Assata Shakur (PB2D) says, when we love and support each other [by practicing solidarity with one another], we have nothing to lose but our chains. 

Here are some fundraisers, programs, and structures to support. 

Although my heart is heavy, I continue to find joy and hope through practicing solidarity with community members and organizing towards a liberated society. I hope these personal and communal practices bring you joy too. 

Sending you love, good juju, mojo, and ase as you continue to make liberational moves in your community.  
