#sombra mlp


A two page pov comic commission for Cuteamena!

Here’s a story Starsage wrote for this:

The magic of the red light surrounded you, the pressure as it took you into its grip almost sensual in a way, as it held you all over. Those red eyes, streaming their dark magic from the edges, stared at you, the expression on the face, a warmer smile than would have been expected of the King of Shadows, as he licked his lips, revealing his sharp fanged teeth.

His mouth opened wide, his hot, humid breath blowing onto you, the wind causing a shiver to run down your spine, as he chuckled, a sound that was deep and base, a sound that left you limp in his grip, as he held you right before his maw, his tongue snaking out, and then slowly lowering itself, revealing the totality of his muzzle to you, from the sharp teeth, to the soft lips, to the dark abyss behind it all.

The tongue reached forward, the tip of it licking at you, pushing against your body, leaving you slightly damp, as his saliva worked itself into your fur, allowed to pass his magical aura, even as the slick member pressed hard into you. The moment you were secured, you felt the magic fade, your weight returning, only to be drawn forward, into the maw of the King.

Sombra chuckled again, as his tongue came to rest in the center of his mouth, the thing uncurling, allowing you to flop down into the middle of it, feeling his body all around you, listening to his breathing, his heartbeat, the sound of his power. It was overwhelming, and you couldn’t find the will to fight it, as he gently rolled his head back, and you slid down the center of his tongue, and into the darkness of his throat, becoming nothing but a bulge in his neck, and then vanishing into his chest, all with a single *Gulp*

The tongue beneath you gave way to the folded, velvet like flesh of the throat, a view down into it showing the opening to the lungs closing up, the air stopping its motion, as you slide down into it, the motion of the muscles, a sharp counterpoint to the soft flesh around you, forcing you down, pulling from the front, pushing from behind, as he takes you into him.

You feel it now, the power of his body. The beating of his heart translated through the surrounding flesh, shaking you with its every beat, as the sound of the swallow gives it a strange tune like quality, like a living musical instrument, one that is soon accompanied by roaring bellows, as you pass the point where his lungs are, and he breaths in again, pressing you tightly from both sides.

And then farther down, the blood, the heartbeat, the swallow, and the breathing, all you now, all you sense, before you come closer to another noise, one with a baser sound, a deeper meaning. The gurgle of an empty stomach. You soon find yourself pressed into the sphincter, a closed valve of flesh, one that does not yield, even as the pressure from behind you increases, squeezing you between them.

All at once, the valve finally bursts, and you are tossed into the stomach, landing with a splat along the floor of it, the skin and muscle here, so much different than tongue or throat, softer, and covered in a slime that feels warm to the touch, as you roll along it, getting your body covered in it, before coming to rest at the far wall. Laying there, feeling…oddly safe as nothing burns or tingles on your skin, you are suddenly shaken about by a rumble, as air is blasted from the stomach outside, as Sombra’s maw opens, and he lets loose a *Belch*, showing his satsifaction with his meal.
