#some of these people like each other



one of the things i really like about the wheel of time show that stands out from both past bigtime tv fantasy adaptations (okay, it’s game of thrones) and the WOT book series is just how clear it is that the characters are friends. in the books they always seem to be sniping at each other or behaving cordially but judging each other on the inside, but in the show as it currently exists there’s so much palpable affection, you can really feel that these people are comfortable with each other and have intimate histories beyond just happening to be involved in the same plot together, and it gives them more density as characters and shows how that intimacy matters when they are going through these intense, traumatic, world-changing events together. they’re not bonded by the trauma, they have had bonds before it and those bonds enable them to survive it better than they would alone. there’s a lot of visible, casual affection and closeness on display here, in a way that reminds me of lord of the rings somewhat, how the movies had that running undercurrent of earnest, unembarrassed friendship. it’s really refreshing
