
Ievahn pavnis and just me in trickster in a sburb auI was talking with some friends thinking how triIevahn pavnis and just me in trickster in a sburb auI was talking with some friends thinking how triIevahn pavnis and just me in trickster in a sburb auI was talking with some friends thinking how tri

Ievahn pavnis and just me in trickster in a sburb au

I was talking with some friends thinking how trickster selves is just you magnifying your insecurities so its like

Ievahn lowkey feeling guilty for destroying the universe and blaming himself for the doom of his session being the prince of space

) one way or another im gonna screw things up so why plan ahead?! :D (

Pavnis is usually elegant and behaved. i think her trickster self would be more childlike and irresponsible

I Don’t like thi2 game anymore! :((( Let’2 play a Different game! :DD

Sburb self probably spent too much time trying to create equipment for my friends to be as efficient and effective as possible I just lose it and alchemize useless objects spending grists and materials in the process.

Afterwards flying towards my teammates at mach 5 showing them what i just made

“heyheyheyhey, pst, look what i made,… catslug :D”

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