#someone pls





You know what’s fun? Mind controlled whumpers.

A whumper completely under the control of a bigger, badder whumper, forced to torture whumpee against their will. Until one day, something happens to the main whumper that causes mind controlled whumper to be freed.

They could snap back to reality mid way through torturing whumpee, slowly looking from the bloodied weapon in their hand, to the shaking person in front of them, before putting together the pieces and going into a confused panic.

Maybe the whole time they were aware of what was happening but unable to do anything to stop it, so as soon as they regain their free will they just throw themself at whumpee, pulling them into a hug and sobbing over and over that theyre sosorry.

How whumpee deals with it is just as fun.

Do they think whumper is trying to trick them? Maybe they believe them, and pity the sobbing confused whumper, seeing a bit of themself in them.

Or maybe they believe that whumper was mind controlled, but do not forgive them for how they hurt them. Perhaps they even think the disoriented whumper deserves a little taste of their own medicine (Whumpee turned whumper, oh what fun!)

Just- big scary whumper suddenly being rendered so vulnerable and broken, and whumpee with no clue how theyre meant to react.


Turning 18 soon and I never got to do the “leave me alone? I’m a minor”. Can someone pls give me an opportunity to do it
