#something short and simple


FADE IN to a grand ballroom. People dance across the marble floor in perfect sync. The elegant music speeds up along with the footsteps. Off to the side of the room, a shadow figure stands leaning against the window. The window’s reflection reveals MARINETTE DUPAIN-CHENG in a bright, sparkling red off-the-shoulder gown. 

Her hand glides against the doorknob. CLICK. The door squeaks open, and the music slows down. She sighs and looks over her shoulder. No one pays her any attention. 

CLICK. Marinette stands facing the night sky with her back to the door. The stars shine on her like a halo effect. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. 

“Why did you ditch the party?” A voice asks from behind. Marinette freezes. Her shoulders, tensing. A smile forms on her lips. She turns around, revealing BRUCE WAYNE to be the mysterious voice. 

“It’s boring. Quite lame, don’t you think?” She counters. 

Bruce shakes his head, though a smirk appears on his lips. He walks over to Marinette, pulling her into his arms. 

“Not when I have my date in my arms.” 

“Oh, and what other plans do you have in mind?” 

“Dance with me.” 

“There’s no music.” 

Bruce tilts his head towards the door. It’s cracked open. 

There’s a change in music. 

“My guests says otherwise.” Marinette laughs, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I shall dance with you, mon amour.” Together the two dance slowly to the music.
