


CANNOT stop thinking about the Josh fight. Over 100 guys named josh got together to fight with pool noodles and they all decided that the winner was a five year-old so tiny the Burger King crown was too big for him. And they lifted him into the air and cheered like he was Simba. Earth is a good place to be after all

Sometimes… ~XOXO~ Selena Kitt


~XOXO~ Selena Kitt

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diet soda isn’t gross

i got told to go fuck myself so reblog this post and tell me your opinion on: diet soda, mayonnaise, mushrooms, glazed donuts, and egg salad

relatablepoetryandquotes: via @extramadness No not necessarily. I have an ex who abused me and somet



No not necessarily. I have an ex who abused me and sometimes I need to bring it up for helping others or something. But I mainly bring it up because I was very suicidal at that time in my life. I think talking about it makes me rethink every decision I had back then and I try to look at the goods that came out of all of that. I hate my ex, literally made my life a living hell. I talk about that time in my life and him as a growing experience

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The day that people stop romanticizing and sexualizing Gw*n’s sexual assault is the day I will know peace. Just because he was there, and killed the soldiers, does not make this a romantic gesture or proof of a romantic relationship. And it completely diminishes the trauma she experienced by trying to center it on a man and framing the aftermath as a romantic gesture or foreshadowing of some kind.

Mor was also there. In fact he gave her a cloak and then immediately handed her over to Mor who would have then been the one to primarily take care of Gw*n in the immediate aftermath of her trauma and yet…I don’t see anyone shipping them together because of this. You know why? Because it’s not indicative of anything and it would be weird. It’s one human being showing care and concern for another during a time of intense pain and trauma. Nobody thinks Mor taking care or Gw*n is a prelude to romance. Is it because she’s a woman? How does anyone even know Gw*n is interested in men? The whole thing is gross but I guess it is what it is.

It was not a tender moment. A beautiful moment. A romantic moment. I doubt it was something that Gw*n would want a reminder of by keeping the cloak that Azriel used to cover her naked and bleeding body. It was traumatic and violent, to the point where she had trouble leaving the library.

Seriously ship who you want to ship, but please don’t romanticize a brutal assault. It wasn’t romantic, it was the most traumatic and painful day of her life, and Azriel and Mor, who were total strangers to her, witnessed it.

Azriel showed the decent, most bare minimum level of compassion, and i really believe almost any other character in the book would have done exactly what he did.

It makes me sad that such a basic level of compassion, or even just human decency, is being singled out as romantically extraordinary. If that moment was romantic, then the bar for cis het men is even lower than I thought (which I actually didn’t believe was possible).

Sometimes I run my hands all up and down Master’s body, across his chest, fingernails sweeping his thighs, just worshipping every bit of the amazing, Dominant man who’s chosen to love me.


anyone else remember being 13 on tumblr and every morning youd scroll down until you got to posts from the night before like it was the morning paper 


I want #tenmyouji to stomp on me.


“Why do we want a liberal education? Because everyone in the modern university is living in th

“Why do we want a liberal education? Because everyone in the modern university is living in the opposite, and it sucks.

Universities are run like businesses whose primary product is certificate generation among people who already have the certificate. The goal is grant acquisition while generating certificates for people who might one day get more grants.

The people who buy the certificates pay fortunes because they need the certificate to get a job. Thus, the university is serving a very pragmatic role in certification and job qualification, whose virtues are very easy to explain without any appeal to philosophy or aesthetics or vague ideas about "well-roundedness”.

Most of the questions I answer for students are about how I grade and what information will be on the test. This is because they need good grades to get the certificate to get the job. I oblige because I know they need the certificate and so my bosses don’t get mad. And if a student wants office hours just to talk about interesting things, I am annoyed because I need to spend my time grading papers so the other students can pass the class, get certificates, and get jobs.

So you see we all know why we’re doing what we’re doing. No mystery, no fuzzy talk, no effete notions about the human spirit or whatever.

And it sucks.“

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