#sometimes its real tempting to give up



  • because it’s a puzzle no one else will ever arrange the same way as you.
  • because there are ideas that simply won’t come to you until you write down the wrong words.
  • because all the bad scenes are the bones of the wonderful scenes.
  • because someone will love it: someone will read it once, and twice, and thrice; someone will ramble to you about the complexity of it; someone will doodle your characters out of love; someone will find it in exactly what they were looking for with or without knowing it.
  • because they have things to say, your characters. they’ve told you all those secrets and they have more to tell you, if you will listen.
  • because you love it even when you don’t; even when it drives you mad or when it accidentally turns into apathy; even when you think you’re doing it all wrong; you love it, and it loves you back.
  • because you can get a treasure even from things that go wrong; because if a story crumbles down you can build a shinier one on the same spot; because you won’t know where it will take you until it takes you there.