#sometimes people are terrible


Been on and off the phone all day with a 15 yr old in a potentially dangerous home situation talking them out of running away and instead waiting for CPS to visit tomorrow. And now they’re trying to decide if, when CPS comes, they should actually tell the truth about what’s been happening or if they should “lie again” because “it’s not always like this” and “CPS might send [them and their siblings] to foster care if I tell the truth” [insert lots of fears about foster care here that it sounds like come from the abusive individual]. Significant “the devil you know is better than the one you don’t” vibes. And it is so hard for me to not just…go get them and sort out the rest later but I know long term that’s not going to help them. I don’t know where I’m going with this I’m just tired and worried and struggling to sleep and I guess it’s good that I can’t fathom how guardians can hurt the kids they’re supposed to be keeping safe but. Holy shit. How. Why.
