#sometimes they work



Speaking of time travel powers, here’s a few things that rabbits are commonly associated with to draw power from, instead of doing an alice in wonderland rip off.

Good luck. Lucky rabbit’s foot anyone? The Rabbit could activate a power where the recipient has unbelievable good luck for a short period.

Fertility/rebirth/spring time. Rebirth could easily work to give the Rabbit a healing power or some kind of restoration. Healing people from Akuma influence perhaps?

Being really, really fast. Kinda self-explanatory.

Alertness/watchfulness. Possibly a foil to the Fox, an ability to see through tricks and illusions.

This is literally like. From maybe 10 minutes of research and thought. And already I’ve got 4 powers and none of them are time travel. Time travel is the number one thing you want to avoid if you don’t want plot holes in your story. But yeah, sure, let’s just make the Rabbit have a power off of the white rabbit’s obsession with being late, sure. Soooooo clever.
