#sonic chip



So I’ve decided to go back and replay sonic unleashed properly.Like, I’m talking to every NPC at every stage, doing every side mission, getting all the collectables, and following along with the all of the game’s extra content.

I’ve fallen in love all over again. This game has soooo much charm and little details and quirks that I’ve just completely forgotten about. I’m so excited to do this all over again and rediscover this game for real.

That said, I’ve been going through Professor Pickle’s hints, and this one caught my attention. Very interesting!

I cut off part of the final tag: “ANYWAYS can you tell I love this game”

1) yes, yes I can!

2) this is a really strong observation!! I read this as him being worried that he might actually not be cured and he’s trying to come to terms with that. This recontextualized the cutscene “No Reason” for me, too (which I discuss at length here), as Sonic grapples with his personal stake in this crazy story and what the truth means for him. Sonic is such a stoic, brooding character (similar but not quite the same as Shadow), and I think you’ve pointed out a really wonderful example of that!
