#soooooooooooooo much










“when you insult men, that includes your fathers!”


You’re also insulting POC men, trans men, gay men, bi men, disabled men, poor men, mentally ill men, and god knows who else.

Face it Tumblr, “men are trash” almost never targets “straight white rich NT baby boomer douchebag in Beverly Hills.” It almost always hurts men who are marginalised already.

If you said “rich white men are trash” at least people would respect you a lot more. But you’re clearly more concerned about hating men than you are about the impact your words may have on other oppressed groups.

this is hilarious sorry my mentally ill disabled working class father was still able to beat my mother to an inch of her life as if being black or gay or anything else stops men from being violent and misogynistic and vile i hate men regardless of whatever other uwu oppressed points they have

do you think women in the middle east being stoned for going outside alone only have reason to hate white western men??

do you think working class women who get murdered by their working class husbands only have reason to hate rich men??

do you think black women getting stalked and harrassed by black men only have reason to hate black men??

do you honestly think men are only sexist and violent when they tick every box of Privilege they can have?? you dont think bi men are sexist? you dont think asian men or blind men or homeless men are sexist? honey, you got a big storm coming.

A BIG big storm coming

Myworking-class small-business-owner Greek-immigrantAmerican-Dreamgrandfather was a violent alcoholic monster who cheated on his wife constantly and would brutally beat my mom and her four siblings nearly to death with whatever he could grab that was laying nearby in his fits of rage

Mydepressed adhd blue-collar working-class mountains-of-debt 2-hour-a-day-commute father is a friendly and charming man, but also happens to be a verbally abusive functional alcoholic who will turn on you on a dime once he’s had a few, and who cannot be convinced not to drive home drunk. He once slapped me so hard I fell to the floor, it’s the only time he ever hit me but it completely changed the way I look at him.

Even the men who are supposed to love and cherish us the most hurt us in so many unimaginably cruel and thoughtless ways. Of course we have good and justified reason to be wary of any man we cross paths with.

The above. I could add my own story with my disabled immigrant father but I think the point stands.

Imagine trying to weaponize intersectionality in behalf of men and having it go this poorly lmao

Like, people are never this pressed when a post says “white people…” or “the straights…” because even if you know those groups are more complex than that and even if you understand how intersectionality works, you still get that’s not what they’re talking about, it doesn’t matter cause that post is talking about race, and when discussing race, a white lesbian woman, a neurodivergent white man, a whatever white person, all of them, have privilege over poc. And as a white person, even if oppressed in other ways, you benefit from that oppression. And if the post is talking about sexuality it doesn’t matter if you’re a poc, if you’re straight, you know you have the privilege. So why. Pray tell. When discussing gender, do you make us jump through all these hoops in order to admit men, men in general, have the privilege. Is it because even with all your wokeness, you still resist the simple notion that women are oppressed?
