#sophia x bastien


Protect and Serve (revised) 2

Following on from Bastien’s confession of his feelings for Sophia - what will her reaction be?

In this AU, Bastien is loyal, efficient and decent, just as he should be.

Bastien’s Confession Part 2

Do you think I’ be so rude as to eat a guest’s dessert? There was an agonising pause which he had to break with another reply. Come down and find out.

On my way

He rose, swiftly putting on boxer briefs and dressing gown. After a while there was a soft knock on the door and he went and opened it to see her standing there, also wearing a dressing gown, holding a spoon, a winsome smile on her face.

‘Sophia…’ He drew her in and closed the door, wrapping his arms around her, inhaling the scent of her hair, her soft curves moulding into him. She was a little shorter than him and her head nestled into his shoulder comfortably. She relaxed into him, sighing softly and they stayed there for a few moments. When she pulled away and raised her face to his he couldn’t stop smiling as he pushed her hair back off her face and leaned down to kiss her full on the lips, cradling her face in his hands. She rose to meet him, the kiss soft and tender. His heart hammered and his head swam, leaving him as giddy as a teenager.

‘So – dessert?’ she prompted.

‘I’m afraid it’s in the ice box – in my bedroom.’ he said apologetically ‘I can bring it out to the lounge if you like.’

‘There’s no need for that. Just take me to it.’ Her tone was husky, her pupils large. He took her hand and led the way to his bedroom. It was significantly different to the lounge - oak panelled like his office, the bare boards of the floor dark and varnished, a rug beside the bed. There was a desk beside the window with a padded swivel chair. One wall was taken up by wardrobe and cupboard doors and a dressing table where he left his cufflinks, comb and clothes brush lying, neatly positioned. He fetched the dessert from the ice box next to the desk, and she boldly sat on the edge of the bed. She kicked off her shoes, letting her bare legs dangle enticingly. She arched an eyebrow.

‘Aren’t you having any?’

‘I most certainly am – may I have the spoon?’ Puzzled, she handed it to him, realisation dawning on her face as he sat on the swivel chair and wheeled it across so he sat in front of her. He dug into the rich dark mouse and held out the laden spoon for her to taste. Silently they shared the dessert, one after the other, eyes locked on every mouthful, on every look of surprise and pleasure, every lick of their lips until the dish was empty. He ran his finger round the inside to get the last trace and held it out for her with a challenging smile. Eagerly she took it into her mouth and sucked, her eyes never leaving his. He felt heat in his groin and saw her eyes darken.

He cupped her cheek in his hand and leaned forward to press his lips to hers, a taste of the dessert still lingering. Without breaking the kiss, carefully he got off the chair and moved toward her. Together they lay side by side on the bed, kissing softly, hands starting to explore each others’ contours. He relished the discovery of her soft breasts and the curve of her hip and soft belly. Respectfully he steered clear of sneaking a hand under her dressing gown, letting her set the pace. Their soft kisses deepened, lips opening and tongues exploring, and he felt himself harden.

Sophia ran her fingers through his hair and down to the back of his neck, circling to his collarbone and pressed her palm to his chest. He felt her start to search for bare flesh, smoothing down over his abs but not venturing any lower. He shifted, hoping to keep the secret of his size a little longer. He was large in every way – not unmanageable, but generous in length and girth.

Thankfully she stopped for breath, and rolled away from him a little. He reached out to feel the softness of her blonde hair, gazing into her eyes. She didn’t flinch, returning his scrutiny and smiling.

‘You took me by surprise. I didn’t think you were attracted to me. You’re a busy man, Bastien, and hard to read.’ He chuckled in reply.

‘To be fair, at first we were pretending to be attached, so that couldn’t have been easy to interpret. Tell me - what drew you to me?’

‘Everything.’ She said simply. ‘Just a little frisson at first, then you grew on me.’

‘Everything? I’m not perfect, Miss Turner.’

‘Nobody is, but I’ve not found anything against you so far.’ She ran her finger along his jaw. ‘Seeing you in the pool clinched it for me. You looked like Poseidon emerging.’

‘I do feel at home in the water. I lived by the sea as a child and learned to swim very young.’

‘Didn’t you feel anything before I bounced you in the training hall?’

‘I liked you the minute I set eyes on you, but I knew you were a lot younger than me and didn’t presume to think you’d be interested. Not only that, but if I knew, and didn’t have such a demanding job, we might have ended up here much sooner.’

‘I’ve not long come out of a relationship.’ She confessed. ‘I was glad to be somewhere different, get my teeth into a new job. I wasn’t really looking for anything, so I was genuinely irritated getting hit on so much.’

‘I could tell. Cordonian men don’t hold back – and neither do the women.’ Sophia’s expression changed.

‘Well that explains a few things. I think I had a few more propositions than I realised.’

‘I was pleased when you said you’re attracted to men.’ Bastien murmured, and kissed her again. He pulled gently at the belt to her silky dressing gown. ‘May I? She bit her lip mischievously.

‘Please do.’ Softly he pulled at the garment, revealing a silky slip and slid his hand under it, over her belly and up to let his palm glide over her breasts. ‘Mmmm, that’s nice.’ she breathed as he bent over her to kiss along her jawline and down to her collarbone. She rolled toward him, letting her knee rest on his thigh. He felt along her side, down to her thigh, feeling the side seam of her panties. Her hand went to his belly, sliding down…

‘Wait..’ he cautioned, but saw her eyes widen in shock as she found her target.

‘Bastien, you’re – you’re pretty big.’ He rolled over on his back in resignation.

‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have let you get so far. I usually give my partners a warning.’

‘It’s okay, it was just a surprise.’ She answered. He ran his fingers through his hair.

‘Sophia, I’m not going to make love to you tonight, but it’s not because I don’t want to. The truth is, it’s not easy for most to accommodate me.’

‘I would imagine so’ He turned over to meet her gaze.

‘Indeed. I have to plan the first time with a new partner. I’ve never hurt anyone, though there was one time I had to give up on full penetration. Every other time, it just took time and patience to allow my partner to stretch for me. Every woman I’ve slept with has come back for more – sex isn’t just penetration. I promise you I have a lot more to offer.’

‘I’m glad to hear it.’ They fell silent for a while, the mood broken. ‘Can I stay and sleep with you tonight?’

‘As long as we don’t sleep naked I think I can remain chaste – can you?’

‘I’m willing to give it a try.’ He sat up and took his dressing gown off, wearing only his boxer briefs and pulled back the covers, getting in and beckoning her. She took her gown off too and slipped into bed beside him. She lay on her side, putting her arm over his chest and nuzzling into his shoulder. He turned off the light and listened to her breathing.

After a while, Sophia realised he was muttering under his breath.

‘What’s that?’ she asked, and he sighed.

‘I’m reciting all the duchies of Cordonia and all the Dukes and Duchesses so that I don’t give in to temptation. It also bores me to tears and helps me to get to sleep.’ She laughed softly.

‘I’m sorry Bastien, I can go back to my room if you like.’

‘No, just turn your back to me please.’ She did as she was told, and he turned toward her to spoon her, throwing his arm over her side and resting his hand on her hip. She sniggered slightly

‘Now I know how much you’d like to go further.’

‘Shhh temptress, go to sleep. I’ve a busy day tomorrow.’ Sophia closed her eyes and smiled to herself. She liked the word ‘temptress’ and resolved to live up to it…


Bastien woke bright and early, opening his eyes to see Sophia fast asleep beside him, lying on her back with her arms thrown out, dusky blonde hair spread out on the pillow and her face serene. He wasn’t as young as he used to be, and it was less common for him to awake aroused – but this morning he had reason to be. He slipped out of bed carefully, going to the bathroom and closing the door quietly before taking a cold shower, which solved one problem. The other one was whether to wake her or leave her sleeping. It was a long time since he’d woken with a woman in his bed, and a rare occasion generally as he didn’t like sharing his living space.

The decision was made for him as she stirred and stretched. He went to kneel on the bed and lean over to kiss her forehead. He felt his heart skip as her green eyes locked onto his and a slow smile came to her lips, closely followed by his name. Her voice was husky and he couldn’t think of a better thing to greet him first thing in the morning. He had a sudden vision of them lying together, limbs tangled. She reached up to feel the scratch of his beard on her palm. It took a supreme effort of will not to slip under the covers with her, but he needed to go training and he didn’t want to hurry things between them.

‘Sophia.’ her name fell from his lips effortlessly and he realised that now he had admitted his attraction there was no limit to how deep he was falling. ‘I’m going to the training hall, how about you?’ She sat up and blinked sleepily ‘Do you want me to see you back to your room? Are you concerned about being seen?’ She smiled at him and stretched.

‘We started the ball rolling by making sure we’d be seen. We’ve no reason to hide. I’ll be fine.’

‘Now I have a real reason to call out anyone who ogles you or makes a pass. I realise that’s a little chauvinistic - would it offend you?’

‘No, that would be very gallant of you. I do like a little chivalry.’ she grinned. He got up, resolved to get dressed before temptation lured him any further.

‘I have to go. I expect you in the training hall in fifteen minutes, and I warn you that I show no favouritism there.’

Note - this is an extract from a series which I am revising. You can read it from the start here


Protect and Serve (revised)

Captain of the King’s Guard Bastien Lykel admits his attraction to Sophia Turner, newly employed by King Constantine and Queen Regina as the social season to find a Queen for Crown Prince Liam kicks off.

In this AU, Bastien is all he should be - loyal, efficient and devilishly attractive.

This is an extract from my TRR AU fic featuring Bastien Lykel and introducing his love interest. Part Two to be posted very soon. Nothing too adult in this chapter, but it gets smuffy so NO UNDER 18s

Introduction. Sophia has had some trouble with nobles and royalty making passes at her. She asks the head of security for help, and he suggests that they pretend to be an item to deter them, which she agrees to. One evening he invites her for dinner in his apartment in the servant’s wing where she also lives.

Sophia didn’t have long to get ready to go to Bastien’s quarters for dinner so she swiftly showered and put on a dress that she’d thought might be useful for socialising. It was nothing special, she thought, but it made a change from her usual slim legged jeans or slacks, blouse and jacket. She didn’t really have much else that was different.

She knocked on his door punctually at seven as he had asked, and he opened the door into a small hallway with two doors leading off it which she presumed to be the lounge and the bedroom. He was casually dressed in suit trousers, an open necked shirt with a thin woollen sweater and looked very much at ease.

‘Sophia, how was your day – not too taxing I hope?’ He took her jacket and ushered her into the neatly furnished living area. It was light and airy with a view over the courtyard, whereas her own room on the floor above looked the opposite way toward the stables. An easy chair and couch faced the fireplace and TV screen, and there was room for a small dining table under the window. A shelving system groaned with books and trophies and a sideboard sported a selection of spirits and a compact but modern music system. The décor was simple and fresh, the floor boards bare save for a couple of rugs in a concession to comfort. Ther was a small kitchenette are with a breakfast bar off to one side of the room

‘It was busy but it was good to keep working. I helped housekeeping to tidy up and serve dinner.’ Bastien went to the breakfast bar, where two glasses were set out.

‘Will you have a drink? I can offer red or white wine – the white will complement the main course if you just want to stick to one thing.’

‘Yes please,  white will be fine. I expect your day was busy too.’ He went to the fridge for the wine.

‘On and off. I was on point for a lot of the time so it wasn’t too taxing.’

‘On point?’ she asked as he handed her a glass and started to pour.

‘Oh I’m sorry – basically just staying close to the King and observing.’ She took a sip of the wine, finding it cool and crisp. ‘The food is ready, cook sent a trolley so we won’t be disturbed.’ He pulled a chair out for her. ‘Please sit.’ He turned his gaze to her attire, his grey eyes scanning over her, making her feel a little hot.

‘I don’t think I’ve seen you in a dress before.’

‘It’s not very practical when I’m working, and it seemed fitting to wear it tonight.’

‘I’m flattered that you wore it. Cook sent melon with parma ham, I hope that’s acceptable.’ They settled down to eat and talked about their day. The main course was pasta with a creamy sauce with flaked fish, and Sophia tucked in with relish. She declined dessert, saying she’d rather let her dinner settle for a while before she had anything sweet. They settled down with their drinks – Bastien in his recliner, Sophia sitting comfortably on the couch.

‘Sophia, I thought it expedient to discuss our arrangement. I respect that you want to I quote ‘find your feet’ in your job before you consider any emotional entanglements, and I feel that may be something to do with your cultural norms. You are English, and from what I have seen with others from your country, you are reserved and don’t express your emotions easily.’ He toyed with his glass, looking at the amber liquid ‘I know affairs are not uncommon amongst the English, but I gather that such matters can cause a lot of upset and emotional turmoil.’ He looked at her with his piercing grey eyes ‘Here in Cordonia we have a more Mediterranean outlook on affairs of the heart. This may be difficult for you to accept, but I’d like to explain a little more – are you comfortable with that?’

‘I’m in a foreign country, I appreciate that your customs are different. Anything you can tell me is welcome if it helps me adjust and fit in with my work mates.’ Bastien widened his legs and leaned forward, his elbows on his knees.

‘First of all, allow me to explain about marriages in Cordonia, and other matters will follow.’ Again he paid attention to his glass, tracing the cut glass patterns at the base ‘It’s not unknown – in fact its very common for married couples to have lovers or partners outside the marriage – of either sex. As long as their spouse is aware and there are no secrets, it’s considered quite normal. Marriage is seen as a safe harbour for children to grow up supported and safe.’ Sophia took a sip of her drink, her stomach tightening a little. He looked up at her, his gaze solemn but with a trace of warmth.

‘All this means that in general, Cordonians are very free in expressing their desires – as you witnessed at the hands of several of the men, and I’m sorry if that distressed you. However, I hope you can adjust and realise it’s not meant to be threatening – the men that approached you simply found you attractive and hoped you would return their affections.’ Sophia interrupted him.

‘Thankyou for that Bastien. I said I could handle it, it was just – distracting, that’s all, and I’m grateful for your help. I’m not a damsel in distress, as I explained I didn’t want to jeopardise my position here. I’m learning fast.’ she swallowed, thinking that perhaps he had tired of  their arrangement, and she realised she didn’t want that. She dropped her gaze to her glass, watching the bubbles form and rise and pop. Vaguely she heard Bastien saying her name.

‘Sophia, look at me please.’ She slowly did as she was told, meeting his gaze. His expression was soft and friendly.

‘Sophia, I’ve asked you here to find out if we need to redefine our arrangement. There is quite an age difference - I’m ten years older than you – but you’ve told me that you find that attractive. You strike me as very self reliant, and that is important. My job means I often keep irregular hours and am sometimes away for days or weeks. That is partly why I found you a position within the court while it travels, to keep you close, because I find that…’ He twisted his glass in his grasp ‘I find that I like your company, and bluntly put, I’m attracted to you.’

Sophia caught her breath as he held her gaze, grey eyes piercing green. She felt her blood surging in her veins, her head growing light. She stood up, uncertain of what to do, but that made her even more light headed so she sat down again. He put his glass on the coffee table.

‘Forgive me, I’ve shocked you. I should have chosen neutral ground to speak to you, been more gentle. Please forgive me.’ She wanted to answer but her mouth was dry so she took a swig of her drink, her hand shaking. She found herself choking and Bastien swiftly came to her side to take her glass and pat her on the back. After a while she regained her breath and he rested his hand on her back, making smooth circles with his palm until she spoke

‘I – Bastien, that was the last thing I expected.’ she admitted. ‘I thought you’d gotten tired of babysitting me, or you were too busy to carry on. I need some time to think about this.’ He sat away from her.

‘I understand. Whatever you decide, I will respect. The job offer is open, or you can remain here when the court moves out – it’s entirely your decision. Your answer won’t affect your position here. I won’t take advantage of you.’ She turned toward him, trying to stay calm.

‘Thankyou Bastien, you’re very considerate. I – I do have feelings for you but I have to work out what they are and if it’s realistic to go any further. Our work situation…’

‘Is not a problem as far as I’m concerned, as long as you realise that I’m not always available, and there are things I can’t discuss. You seem as if you’re happy with your own company and don’t expect to be cossetted. I’ve had work affairs before and it has never stood in my way. You must understand that for me, work comes first.’ Sophia drew a deep breath.

‘I think perhaps I should go back to my room.’

‘Of course, will you allow me to take you there?’ he asked. She reached for her bag and jacket, and the guard went to open the door to the vestibule. He kept his distance and let her out into the hall, following and closing the door behind him. They walked in silence up the stairs as her thoughts whirled in her head – it felt odd for him to be following her as it was usually the reverse. She turned to him when they reached her door and he leaned on the door frame, pausing as though he was going to move closer, then pulling away.

‘Thankyou for dinner, Bastien. I’ll think about what you said – and I’ll try not to keep you waiting. I appreciate I need to make a decision about the job as soon as possible.’ She barely dared to say anything about the attraction between them, his confession had been so sudden. He raised his eyebrows.

‘Please Sophia, don’t be afraid of hurting my feelings. I won’t take any decision you make personally. It’s a huge part of my job to remain impartial and objective.’ She smiled awkwardly, thinking that every word he spoke made her fall for him more – beyond the physical attraction she felt, he was respectful, honourable and patient. She could tell him that right now, but she needed breathing space.

‘I hope it won’t come to that. I’ll let you know soon, I promise.’ When the door was closed she leaned her back against it. She realised that the attraction between them had grown into something undeniable. Knowing that he felt somewhat the same – what should she do? Her head called for caution, but her body reminded her how long it had been since she had been in a physical relationship.




Heads up for TRR Bastien fans - I’ve been reworking my TRR AU Protect and Serve series and have more or less rewritten the scene where he admits his feelings for his LI Sophia Turner. I’ll post it on Valentine’s day (it’s smuffy) so keep your eyes peeled!

If you haven’t read this AU, my Bastien is the Captain of the Royal Guard that Cordonia deserves - upright, loyal, efficient and ruthless, not the travesty TRH turned him into. No under 18s please.

