

Sophie Devereaux is both the easiest and most difficult Leverage character for me to write.

Sophie the actress is easy to write. We see a lot of her in the show.  This is the Grifter, the actress, the face Sophie chooses to show. As long as I am writing from someone else’s perspective she is not difficult, I can write what people see, I can write what she lets them see. And even from her perspective is not so difficult if the spotlight is on someone else.

But writing her, the real her, is another story. I don’t know where to start with the real Sophie, because even her name is an act. And that is part of her charm, the mystery.

I think that may be why I have very few head canons about her life, compared to all the other characters. Because while for most characters it is what we know that is most intriguing, even when we know very little, with  Sophie it is the other way. It is what we don’t know that makes her so interesting. 
