#sormik advent calendar

Sormik Advent 2019: Five Golden RingsHere it is  <3 my piece for @sormikadventcalendar this year!Sormik Advent 2019: Five Golden RingsHere it is  <3 my piece for @sormikadventcalendar this year!
  • Sormik Advent 2019: Five Golden Rings

Here it is  <3 my piece for @sormikadventcalendar this year! 

´ ▽ ` )ノ  ✨✨✨yesthey’retotallymarriedhaha

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12/23 Snow DriftMy contribution to @sormikadventcalendar ♥♥♥I was really excited to participate in t12/23 Snow DriftMy contribution to @sormikadventcalendar ♥♥♥I was really excited to participate in t
  • 12/23 Snow Drift

My contribution to @sormikadventcalendar♥♥♥

I was really excited to participate in this and it gave me the perfect excuse to finally draw them being happy with their christmas attires ;;77;; ♥♥♥

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“12 Days of Christmas"/“12 Pains of Christmas” prompt “11 pipers piping”.@sormikadventcalendar

“12 Days of Christmas"/“12 Pains of Christmas” prompt “11 pipers piping”.


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